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Is chicken manure safe?

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These days chickens are fed grain from fields that have a high concentration of herbicides, pesticides, and chemical fertilizers applied. Some amount of these poisons and chemicals end up fed to chickens and end up in the manure making it so toxic that some lose their organic certification because they innocently applied some chicken manure. How much of a concern is this in Thailand? Is there anything safer to use?


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If you hot compost the manure it will be safe. The composting process locks in the chemicals. Growth hormones and antibiotics are probably used also in the big chicken farms where manure in bags come from.


Explanation here: https://deepgreenpermaculture.com/diy-instructions/hot-compost-composting-in-18-days/


I'm doing it, it works great if you get it mixed right.


Cow manure is regarded better by the fruit farmers here but almost twice the price per bag.


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3 minutes ago, kickstart said:

I think the op is is going over the top ,a high percentage of chicken feed in Thailand is imported ,even the maize ,we have a big buyer of maize in my area ,he s

Try again.     I think the op is going over the top ,a high percentage of the raw ingredients for chicken feed in Thailand is imported ,I can remember reading in the English farming press a few years ago ,the UK was sending 75000 ton of feed  wheat to Thailand ,all bound for the livestock feed ,mainly pigs and poultry .

Europe and the USA and probably Australia have very high standers about chemicals and fertilizer residue in their raw ingredients ,and they will not be allowed ,the odds of the manure  being toxic from imported ingredients is very slim ,to non at all .

Again the odds of someone losing they organic status though using poultry manure would be very small .

Here in Thailand poultry manure is used ,but it is not cheap a 10 wheel truck load ,depending on distance can cost up 10000 baht ,and Thai farmers would only use a very small amount compared to a English farmer, just because of the cost., I have thought many times Thai farmers do not use enough poultry manure to do any good . 

Again the odds of their  being any toxicity due to poultry manure in Thailand would be very small indeed 

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It seems I am way ahead of the curve here. Some of you may not be aware that new for our generation is that beer contains things like paraquat and glyphosate at levels so high that they are a concern to human health. I have seen no information presented here to indicate chicken manure in Thailand is safe whatsoever. And some information is wrong like saying hot composting makes the poisons disappear--studies I have seen shown it does not. The advice I have seen is to discard anything with farm poisons at a landfill and never attempt to compost it. I for one will be using bat manure in the hopes of lessening our modern fascination of drizzling everything with poisons. This align well with this discussion of ORGANIC farming.


And to khwaibah (fitting name) please put another squiggly face and no reply because it announces to others that you agree with the post even though you find the truth uncomfortable. Or feel free to join the discussion.


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There have been many "reports" of food and feed containing pesticide residues. However I haven't seen any that show flow on effects to manure. Interesting. 

I disagree that composting doesn't help. There is much information showing that the microbiology involved does breakdown toxins, even heavy metals.

Off topic perhaps but I would suggest however that bat manure would not be on my list. It has been shown to contain coronaviruses similar to the current problem. In fact 8 years ago Chinese miners who handled the bat manure died on similar symptoms. With manure and virus being studied by the Wuhan Virology Clinic.

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10 hours ago, canopy said:

It seems I am way ahead of the curve here. Some of you may not be aware that new for our generation is that beer contains things like paraquat and glyphosate at levels so high that they are a concern to human health. I have seen no information presented here to indicate chicken manure in Thailand is safe whatsoever. And some information is wrong like saying hot composting makes the poisons disappear--studies I have seen shown it does not. The advice I have seen is to discard anything with farm poisons at a landfill and never attempt to compost it. I for one will be using bat manure in the hopes of lessening our modern fascination of drizzling everything with poisons. This align well with this discussion of ORGANIC farming.


And to khwaibah (fitting name) please put another squiggly face and no reply because it announces to others that you agree with the post even though you find the truth uncomfortable. Or feel free to join the discussion.


I would like to see the papers that say that beer has high levels of  Paraquat that is BS ,Paraquat has been banded in the west for a long while ,and do not say Thai beer has Paraquat and Glyphosate, because  all the Thai malting barley is imported from the west in to Thailand .

You have seen no information saying chicken manure in Thailand is safe ,find me a paper saying that it is not safe in our country's ,like I said the amount Thai farmers use is a lot less than farmers in the west use .       Do not give up your day job ,and remember we all want to see the papers that state your case .

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9 hours ago, kickstart said:

I would like to see the papers that say that beer has high levels of  Paraquat that is BS

Strange reply. Studies dating back almost 50 years started finding paraquat in beer. Do you need help finding them?


9 hours ago, kickstart said:

find me a paper saying that it is not safe in our country's

I'm glad you asked since this puts us back on topic. According to Dr. Arden Andersen, much of the chicken manure used today has been tested and found to be contaminated with glyphosate and genetically engineered proteins"




Organic Gardening: The Problem of Contaminated Manure




10 hours ago, kickstart said:

Do not give up your day job ,and remember we all want to see the papers that state your case .

Hope the humble pie tasted good buddy. And I've got plenty more ammunition. You seem to be brainwashed by the chemical companies or maybe you work for them. I see code words in your reply's like "high levels" and "safe". Sounds a lot like the tune of the tobacco companies some time ago.  ANY amount of paraquat in my beer and any amount of glyphosates in my manure are unwanted. If this disturbs you then I can't help you.


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14 hours ago, IsaanAussie said:

I disagree that composting doesn't help


Some things yes, other things no:




"...an herbicide manufactured by Dow AgroSciences that has contaminated vast amounts of commercial compost in the early 21st century. It is commonly sold under the brand names Transline™, Stinger™, and Confront™. This chemical has the unusual effect of passing through the composting process and leaving residues that are still chemically active. The result is contaminated compost that can kill some of the plants grown in it."


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On 4/19/2021 at 7:47 PM, farmerjo said:

Next thing the bat <deleted> will be full of insecticides.

You may be more right than you know. The bald eagle which is the symbol of America nearly went extinct due to DDT and only swift action saved it. I see no reason why bats are not suffering a similar peril as they swoop and feed over areas where insecticides are used and thus consume a diet of sick, poisoned insects that are easy pickings.


On 4/19/2021 at 9:32 PM, kickstart said:

        I have now  given up, like pushing water uphill.

This topic is about organic farming. If organic farming does not interest you, please feel free to not read or comment in it. Complaining that some people have higher standards than yourself is not compelling. Enjoy your chemicals.


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None of us will influence the major agro-chemical giants marketing but we can all simply stop using their products. Same thing goes for paying for organic certification rather than employing natural farming methods and materials to produce healthy produce without the need for a piece of paper. 

Time to stop reading the packets and pushing the .......


bullshit button.jpg

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On 4/21/2021 at 2:22 PM, canopy said:

You may be more right than you know. The bald eagle which is the symbol of America nearly went extinct due to DDT and only swift action saved it. I see no reason why bats are not suffering a similar peril as they swoop and feed over areas where insecticides are used and thus consume a diet of sick, poisoned insects that are easy pickings.


This topic is about organic farming. If organic farming does not interest you, please feel free to not read or comment in it. Complaining that some people have higher standards than yourself is not compelling. Enjoy your chemicals.


FYI Organic farming does interest my ,and since when did I say my slandered's  are higher than anyone else,  I just posted what I know and what I have seen ,you just shot me down .

In fact my field is cattle and has been for a lot of years, I just happen to take a big interest arable operations .

One thing organic is like GM seed ,the world population is growing in 50 years it will have gone up by about 40% ??, we can not hope to feed all those people without chemicals and GM seed ,no way it can be done by organic farming nice as it might sound ,just can not be done ,that is not working out how much agriculture land will have been lost though building or desert encroachment. 

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