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Motorcycle Accident


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I was on my way to a friend's house when I figured in an accident. I was on the back of one of those motorcyles for hire that you see in every soi when the accident happened. I unknowingly hop into one of those motorcycles driven by a very drunk driver. At first, I couldn't quiet tell that he was drunk to be honest because he was wearing his helmet. It was only after he rammed the bike against a wall and I flew-off the bike and landed on my hands, chest and legs - at least, still in one piece, and when he spoke to me after the incident.... that I noticed he was drunk. I can't believe he tried to over-charge me for the fare when I got to my destinition. The nerve! I was in a state of shock, so I did end up paying him more than what I should have. Now, that thought really pisses me off. It's not about the money, but the principle and the situation behind it!

Has this happened to you in LOS?

Edited by GracelessFawn
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So sorry to hear that. Take care of those abrasions so they don't get infected.

Same thing happened to my friend last week in BKK, but the motorsi guy wasn't even drunk, just a reckless jerk. She's OK but will have plenty of scars forever.

Two decades of motorcycle riding, and the closest accident I ever had was on the back of one of those motorsi. Yep, doubt I'd ever get on another one again.

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So sorry to hear that. Take care of those abrasions so they don't get infected.

Same thing happened to my friend last week in BKK, but the motorsi guy wasn't even drunk, just a reckless jerk. She's OK but will have plenty of scars forever.

Two decades of motorcycle riding, and the closest accident I ever had was on the back of one of those motorsi. Yep, doubt I'd ever get on another one again.

I'm OK Macx. I mostly have bruises. I have some abrasions on my left hand and it's taking some time to heal. The bruises are starting to fade......thank goodness.

Yeah, I used to lurv motorcycles, but after getting 8 stitches under my right eyebrows, I stopped roaming around town with them and I only side/back saddle on those motorsi guys when I have to. (Luckily, the surgeon did a good job. The scar is almost invisible unless one is only an inch away from my face.)

Edited by GracelessFawn
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I was on my way to a friend's house when I figured in an accident. I was on the back of one of those motorcyles for hire that you see in every soi when the accident happened. I unknowingly hop into one of those motorcycles driven by a very drunk driver. At first, I couldn't quiet tell that he was drunk to be honest because he was wearing his helmet. It was only after he rammed the bike against a wall and I flew-off the bike and landed on my hands, chest and legs - at least, still in one piece, and when he spoke to me after the incident.... that I noticed he was drunk. I can't believe he tried to over-charge me for the fare when I got to my destinition. The nerve! I was in a state of shock, so I did end up paying him more than what I should have. Now, that thought really pisses me off. It's not about the money, but the principle and the situation behind it!

Has this happened to you in LOS?

rammed the bike against a wall? flew of the bike? shhheeesh.

i've had a similar experience upcountry. night time, needed to get to a phone booth, went into a shop, stumbled across a local who assured me he can take me to a phone, drove around back and forth for about 10 minutes (it was then I realised he was drunk), he couldnt find the phone booth, then wants some ridiculous amount of baht, ended up paying him more than I should of just to get rid of the creep. :o

learned my lesson.

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So sorry to hear that. Take care of those abrasions so they don't get infected.

Same thing happened to my friend last week in BKK, but the motorsi guy wasn't even drunk, just a reckless jerk. She's OK but will have plenty of scars forever.

Two decades of motorcycle riding, and the closest accident I ever had was on the back of one of those motorsi. Yep, doubt I'd ever get on another one again.

I'm OK Macx. I mostly have bruises. I have some abrasions on my left hand and it's taking some time to heal. The bruises are starting to fade......thank goodness.

Yeah, I used to lurv motorcycles, but after getting 8 stitches under my right eyebrows, I stopped roaming around town with them and I only side/back saddle on those motorsi guys when I have to. (Luckily, the surgeon did a good job. The scar is almost invisible unless one is only an inch away from my face.)

hope you get better soon,iwouldnt get on a tuk tuk let alone a motorbike taxi,those guys are the worst drivers on the roads ,and there prices are sky high .better getting a taxi meter if they turn there meter on its not so expensive,now theres another story :o

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rammed the bike against a wall? flew of the bike? shhheeesh.

i've had a similar experience upcountry. night time, needed to get to a phone booth, went into a shop, stumbled across a local who assured me he can take me to a phone, drove around back and forth for about 10 minutes (it was then I realised he was drunk), he couldnt find the phone booth, then wants some ridiculous amount of baht, ended up paying him more than I should of just to get rid of the creep. :o

learned my lesson.

Look on the bright side Grover. At least, you didn't flew off the motorcycle and then got overcharged.

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hope you get better soon,iwouldnt get on a tuk tuk let alone a motorbike taxi,those guys are the worst drivers on the roads ,and there prices are sky high .better getting a taxi meter if they turn there meter on its not so expensive,now theres another story :o

I'm OK lazeeboy expect for minor cuts and bruises really. (The 8-stitches was another accident. Long story......... but it was my fault.) I had another accident last Saturday night with the drunk driver. I'm mostly shaken and pissed because he tried to over-charge me after he jeopardized my life. Tsk. Tsk. Tsk.

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The scar is almost invisible unless one is only an inch away from my face.

We can only hope and dream Ms Fawn.

Maybe, you meant 'nightmares.' :o

Stop being coy bkkmadness. Get to work and tell us your story. I'm sure you have one!

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true, although in the end I did get overcharged. but its nothing compared to flying off the bike.

anyway good to hear nothing broken :o:D

Naw, nothing is broken and everything seems to be in their proper places. It did hurt to sleep on my right side for awhile, though. I'm just glad that I'm OK. It could have bee worse!

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The scar is almost invisible unless one is only an inch away from my face.

We can only hope and dream Ms Fawn.

you feeling ok maddy ? :D

off you go for a cold shower and no touching yourself when your in the <deleted> shower. :o:D :D :D

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My wife (Thai) had a nasty accident a while back when the pissed up rider dropped the bike on gravel, she got a realy bad infection from the gravel, taking a motorbike taxi is a dangerous game because part of their job requires drinking large amounts of alcohol while waiting for a fare.

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ok miss fawn,

i'll give you the good oil regards getting on the back of a <deleted> motorcycle in los or anywhere as a matter of fact.


cricky's mate, the last time i did that i ended up in the intensive care department at fremantle hospital. :D

i was on the back of my mates bike hooning around in the bush and we collided with a huge limestone rock.

<deleted>, near on cut my foot off and i ended up with a compound fracture and 40 <deleted> stitches.

i was only sixteen years old, ( that was about 10 years ago) :o .


i made a vow never to get on the back of a bike again, i have 2 bikes and love to ride.

just to keep on topic, if you want to commit suicide, riding side saddle in bangkok is a sure way to do it.

do yourself a huge favour and catch a bleeding taxi will you.

thank you very much, :D


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A strong second to terry57. I'm a lifelong motorcyclist, ride here in Thailand daily, and have toured all over the world.

I would no sooner sit (sidesaddle or whatever) on a motorcycle taxi in BKK or anywhere else than kiss a 3 meter long King Cobra.....

Walk, skytrain, subway, bus, meter cab...it's not like there aren't other options.

Hope you feel better soon!



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Sorry you were injured Fawn, glad you are okay.

I am a motorcyclist myself. And the reason I will hop onto a motorcycle taxi, is only, because I dont know the way.

But a drunken rider. Thats another story. Am glad that you guys brings it up.

Next time, I insist on speaking to the rider pretending to tell him about my destination with a map. And if he smells drunk, to dump him.

(BTW, is it okay to dump the rider? Or do I have to pretend that I need to go back in the shopping mall to buy more stuffs and quietly exit another way to find other riders?)

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You're a smart cookie viciouskitty74. Yeah, I think that talking to the motorcycle driver first before hiring him is a good idea. That way you can assess his state of mind and/or state of consciousness.

I think that a quiet and low-profile exit strategy will work as long as you come up with an excuse other than 'the driver being drunk.'

Sorry you were injured Fawn, glad you are okay.

I am a motorcyclist myself. And the reason I will hop onto a motorcycle taxi, is only, because I dont know the way.

But a drunken rider. Thats another story. Am glad that you guys brings it up.

Next time, I insist on speaking to the rider pretending to tell him about my destination with a map. And if he smells drunk, to dump him.

(BTW, is it okay to dump the rider? Or do I have to pretend that I need to go back in the shopping mall to buy more stuffs and quietly exit another way to find other riders?)

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The driver was wearing a helmet when I hired him. It was only after the accident when he was swearing and swearing some more that he took his helmet. I then noticed his blood-shut eyes and the smell.


Yeah, I too am surprise that he didn't make me pay for hiring him to take me to my destinition. **winks. The driver might be a drunk, but he is a decent chap, I suppose! (kidding!)


From now on, I will try to use other forms of transports that are less dangerous than motorbikes. I cannot say that it will be my last though. There will always be times when I am running late for work or stuck in the traffic, etc, that will make me consider hopping at the back of a motorcycle again.

Terry, your accident sounds horrifying. I'm glad that the doctors managed to save your foot. 40 stitches? ######!

Undercover, I'm sorry to hear about your wife's motorbike accident. I hope she's over the trauma now. (I think, I need to get on one just to make sure that the accident didn't scare me off motorcycles.)

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I too almost got slammed into a wall while on a motorbike taxi. It was late and he was drunk.

On a completely unrelated note, their job can be hazardous. When I lived in Saraburi, a motorbike taxi driver refused to take a drunk partier to a far-off destination at around 2 or 3 in the morning. The man was upset and did what any sane man should do when refused a ride home (not really though), he shot and killed the taxi driver.

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On a completely unrelated note, their job can be hazardous. When I lived in Saraburi, a motorbike taxi driver refused to take a drunk partier to a far-off destination at around 2 or 3 in the morning. The man was upset and did what any sane man should do when refused a ride home (not really though), he shot and killed the taxi driver.

Had no other option really seeing as the motorbike taxi guy had caused him to lose face.

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I was on my way to a friend's house when I figured in an accident. I was on the back of one of those motorcyles for hire that you see in every soi when the accident happened. I unknowingly hop into one of those motorcycles driven by a very drunk driver. At first, I couldn't quiet tell that he was drunk to be honest because he was wearing his helmet. It was only after he rammed the bike against a wall and I flew-off the bike and landed on my hands, chest and legs - at least, still in one piece, and when he spoke to me after the incident.... that I noticed he was drunk. I can't believe he tried to over-charge me for the fare when I got to my destinition. The nerve! I was in a state of shock, so I did end up paying him more than what I should have. Now, that thought really pisses me off. It's not about the money, but the principle and the situation behind it!

Has this happened to you in LOS?

I can see how you might get on a motorcycle with a drunk. But I can't imagine how you would end up paying him after he crashes. You must wear a sign around your neck that lets people know how gulliable you are. It almost sounds like you get taken advantage of often.

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Maybe I misunderstood what you wrote?

Maybe you failed to consider the possibility that the whole story is made up. I don’t say it is, but the possibility cannot be excluded.



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