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Unbank Yourself.

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there is no conspiracy, but a lot of big corp and central banks all made some kind of claims about adopting BTC and BLT as part of their daily process, when prices were high 5 years ago and it was all buzzing about cryptos, and then nothing


and now back to the same silly circus,


PR department are desperate for attention, so riding any kind of tech wave to have their corporation name appears on the main stream radar, and they will take it ????


I know, very cynical but that's reality ????

Edited by GrandPapillon
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22 hours ago, simon43 said:

I get 8% pa interest on my savings account with a French-Lao bank in Laos.  Contrary to old wife's tales, no Lao bank has gone bust in the past 20 years...

may i ask? .... do you have to be a resident to have an account there?


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