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Anyone Banned From Xbox Live Yet ?


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Yeah, mine was modded before it even got to the shop (never wanted a modded box in the first place).

Stealth or not - the bans are being handed out manually. If you feel like reflashing, dont use the 360 as the drive power source (generates an error that MS can determine what you are doing). Dont use Stealthed or non stealthed Backups online (the drive read times are different with pressed/burned media).

My machine has had the same firmware since before the fall update - some were saying that that update was logging flash changes - and the spring update was reporting them.

I'm think i've avoided the banhammer for now - xlink anyone ? :o

Disclaimer: This is not a thread about piracy.

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We will never really know if we have been flagged or not.. Also as live is not supported in Thailand theres also the question of being banned for region infractions, some people have been banned as IP / credit cards dont add up with chosen location.. Not sure hwo they would look at me with a UK GBP credit card, to a Holland address, with singapore live, and a Thai IP ?!?!?

Secondly I can understand DVD-R's being out of spec in speed testing but how about pressed discs ?? Surely a pressed disc is going to have the same speed reading as a normal pressing ?? Also disc book type etc.. I tend to think the scene will now have to really start looking at its disc images in a much closer manner.

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I don't know if I'm banned yet as I got the bastard 3 red lights of death las week, it has been getting repaired since then :o

I've heard a few reports of this too - straight after the spring update ??

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mostly for DVD flashing and copy game use yes.. But sporadic reports also of bannings due to region issues eg you claim to be in the USA and pay with a GBP credit card and use a Thai IP..

The MS reason is your trying to 'cheat' to get access to USA (or Japan or whatever) content.. Tho how that works if your in a country that isnt officially live supported and you lie to access live I cannot guess..

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I don't know if I'm banned yet as I got the bastard 3 red lights of death las week, it has been getting repaired since then :o

I've heard a few reports of this too - straight after the spring update ??

Yep, right after the spring update and the Crackdown download ..... I also saw quite a fewq people claiming the same thing after doing the Spring update, do you think Microsoft decided to kill a few consoles that had been modified with the update ?? Cos I can't think of any other reason why a lot of peoples machines died with the update !??!

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 5 weeks later...

I'm a little confused, please help me out.

I bought a modded 360 at Emporium about 4 months ago... and then I heard that Xbox is banning people who have modded xbox's. I haven't gone online with my Xbox since I heard about the banning, so I am almost positive my Xbox isn't 'banned' yet.

Here are my questions:

1. Is there any sort of fix that makes it so I can continue to use my modded Xbox on Xbox Live? (and if there is a fix, is it something easy to do? or is there a place that I can take my Xbox to, to get fixed?)

2. Also, if there is a fix, can I continue to use backups (ie. not originals) on Xbox Live once I have the fix?

3. If there is no fix, how can I convert my Xbox into an unmodded Xbox so I can continue to use it on Xbox Live?


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There is no fix that I know of to use modded 360's online.

If there was (and I seriously doubt that) it stands to reason that you would not be able to use those backups anymore.In the old xbox some mods had a chip with a switch that allowed you to play online or use backups offline but not anymore as 360 modding is done by flashing the DVD firmware. So far I have not heard of anyone being able to reverse the process and still play online, but am curious to hear if anyone has tried.

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