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What Can I Get For Sleep ?


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i am having problems sleeping,

noisy neighbours , body clock is <deleted>@#$d...!

lately its gettin out of hand , dont sleep til day break then wake up 4 or 5 pm !

any one know of a brand name ?

and yes i know...beer and sang som , but i dont drink

chock dee


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The doc. in chiang mai gave me some 5mg. valium,take one at bedtime,but I am afraid of it,but I guess that 5s wouldn't hurt you as long as you didn't take them to long a time. don't want to get hooked on that shit.

And the doc. gave me some 25mg.AMITRIPTYLINE when I had frozen shoulder,take 1 at bedtime,but I only took one of them as I am scared of drugs,but he said they would work.

Good luck. :o

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Melotonin always works for me. Especially for jet-lag etc. It's not a drug but a natural substance the body secretes from the adrienal gland that Health Food stores sell. Don't know if you can get it in CM or not...

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Melotonin always works for me. Especially for jet-lag etc. It's not a drug but a natural substance the body secretes from the adrienal gland that Health Food stores sell. Don't know if you can get it in CM or not...

You are absolutely correct, It does work for most folks and is not habit forming, Please excuse me for failing to mention it,,shit happens when you get older,,CRS[can't remember shit] is a terrible disease :o

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Ambien and valium are very short term remedies. Long term side effects are quite nasty. Cramps, insomnia, depression.

Some melatonin and a copy of Bill Clinton new book should put you right to sleep.

Also try ear plugs and an eye cover if you are getting awakened during the night.

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Ambien and valium are very short term remedies. Long term side effects are quite nasty. Cramps, insomnia, depression.

Some melatonin and a copy of Bill Clinton new book should put you right to sleep.

Also try ear plugs and an eye cover if you are getting awakened during the night.

OH ######, why don't you just have your ol lady squeeze her legs tight over your ears,,ear plugs will tend to infect your ears with continued use, cides that it might make her happy. :o

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Sounds familiar, but as another insomniac I advise against taking any prescription medicines, they will help initially, but will make things worse in the long run.


No medicine will help on the long run.

So it is up to you.

Do you want to sleep?

Make yourself tired.

Very tired.

And do not think about tomorrow.

It is not worth it.

Learn to relax.

Get somebody to help you.

A girl preferably, I mean if you are into girls,... :o

And take one step at a time.

You will not go from a sleepless guy to a good sleeper in one night.

Be patient,...

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I have been having difficulties falling asleep for more than 20 years, bluecat, so it is not about worrying about life in general or tomorrow. :o

And you rightly point out, my gf dragging me away from the computer to the bedroom usually gives me enough exercise to be tired after. :D

But she has spent a lot of time with her sick mother recently (no, no pua noi involved, hasn't asked me for money, neither). So you won't see so many posts from me when she gets better. Nothing to do with me recently getting my hands slapped... :D

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Or just a 5 mg Valium for a couple of nights before bedtime, in order to get the body clock alright again. But never eat Valim (Diazepam substance) for more than 3-4 weeks. You will be addictive to them!

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Valium is good but I prefer Ambien if you can get your hands on it. If you dont like taking drugs then having all-natural Valerian Root (sp?) is supposed to be good.

I went to the hospital to get Ambien, but the doctor told me they don't have it in Thailand, it wasn't in his book. But the pharmacist knew what it was. It is called Stilnox here. Valium works for me sometimes. But if I am flying or on a train, it has to be Ambien/Stilnox or I won't sleep. Unlike other controlled substances, they seem to be fairly serious about this one as it has been used as a date rape drug, so you will probably have to get a prescription.

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Available in Krungthep without any problems! Where for example? Asok (pharmacy near Soi Cowboy) or pharmacy near Sukhumvit Soi 19, (walk from ROBINSON ca 30 m). Also Thai generic for XANAX available. 10 tablets 100 Baht.


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My trusty sleeping medicine is Halcyon (sometimes spelled Halcion). It is readily available in Thailand and works better for me than any other. Of course I haven't tried Soma or Ambien yet. I suppose they all have some side effects and Halcyon makes you forgetful - more and more forgetful the longer you use it. It think that's good because it motivates you to use it as seldom as possible. Doctors will prescribe 10 pills at a time for you at Bumrungrad. Pleasant dreams! :o

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I wish I hadn't mentioning any brand names, as I said elsewhere, these prescription meds are heavy duty and should only be taken as a last resort on a temporary basis.

To sell, buy and have them without prescription is illegal in most countries, including Thailand.

Isn't Halcion what Marc Almond used to get high on?

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