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Jomtien Beach Snake ID...


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sad that people kill wildlife if they are doing no harm and that the individual bashing the snake ( probably until dead ) had no knowledge if the snake was dangerous . Could simply have left it alone or reported it .Wildlife has a right to live on the planet just as we do !!   Luckily we have seen an increase in birds and butterflies around out Condo garden since the onset of Covid .


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The snake is from the elapid family all of Thailand’s sea snakes are these meaning front fanged and venomous, roughly 50% of them can be deadly especially the sea kraits of which 5 of them come into the shore to lay their eggs in rocks etc they will not attack you in water or on land. The belchers sea snake ( which this is not) is the most poisonous snake in the world they have blue and sometimes black bands a metre in length when they are stood on they rarely bit but give you a dry bite instead one drop of its venom can kill 1800 people, at least 100 times more potent than the king cobra ???? all sea snakes have paddle like tails if you get a slight hit off a sea snake nausea shortness of breath diarrhoea are the early symptoms 

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