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Billboard in Bangkok calling for liberation of Palestine removed


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It certainly would harm relations between Thailand and the brethren in arms to the West; that would be Myanmar and the latters ongoing genocide with their Rohingya issue! 


Leaving the religious and political note aside; wondering if the relevant taxes have been paid.

I - for one - was fined years ago for not having paid relevant taxes for a sign, installed 100% on my own property, reading the name of my restaurant.

It read the restaurant's name in both bold English and tiny Thai letters which was the law then. Irrespective of that, they wanted taxes and a fine; only once I told them to take me to court they settled for the tax only. Pathetic - the entire discussion. 

In closing, it remains a fact that religious and political affairs belong into their arenas; religion into churches, temples, mosques and synagogues as it remains a discussion over who has the bigger imaginary friend! 
Politics should remain off the boards as well; political parties should convince with party programmes, proven achievements and measurable promises to get (not) elected - me thinks! 

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I lived in Chicago for a couple of years in the 00s. The neighborhood had a quite a number of groups from the Middle East, including a significant population of U.S.-born Orthodox and Hasidic Jews. There were a few billboards along major streets with the Israeli flag and U.S. flag together, encouraging Jews to donate 10% of their will when they die. 


I never heard of anyone attempting to remove those signs, but I imagine such attempts would have been met with accusations of anti-Semitism. I just cruised down the street on Google Maps Street View, and noticed that those signs are no longer up. No idea why

It was an interesting neighborhood in that, whatever different political views may have existed, everyone went to the same Mediterranean food restaurant (Muslim owned and operated). That place was always packed. 


Here's a similar billboard in Detroit that made quite a stir. No idea what happened with it:


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