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British pension announcement.

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From the Guardian-----'Among measures Sunak is considering using to rein in spending is a one-year moratorium on the link between pensions and wages, which would result in a near 6% rise in pension contributions costing workers £4bn more.' ---Will their contributions count for nothing if they decide to live in Thailand in their twilight years and receive a frozen pension for the rest of their lives? ????

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11 minutes ago, Gandtee said:

Will their contributions count for nothing if they decide to live in Thailand in their twilight years and receive a frozen pension for the rest of their lives? 

Up to them.

I was lucky and planned to retire early and have a comfortable life in Thailand when my frozen pension came.


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Half the UK's debt is held by the BOE, it can be written off and does not need tax rises to cover it. Normally excess electronic printing of money would wreck Sterling (as per Gordon Brown when the pound went from 60 to 40 baht almost overnight) but they got away with it because other large countries did the same thing. They do need to move to a balanced budget ASAP and stop QE so that UK does not end up as a third world country with a worthless currency  (pertinent to UK pensions). There is huge bloat in councils and government so no need for new taxes, just get things more efficient but that means - the major problem - getting politicians to accept less power over the populace.

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