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Anyone know if its a problem having a 6 day over stay.

think its 500 baht a day, i will be leaving via the new airport, i have used up all my 90 days in 180 period. i have lots of tourist stamps in my passport plus

one single entry tourist visa from feb this year.

Would that overstay effect me getting a single entry tourist visa a few weeks latter in KL.


Anyone know if its a problem having a 6 day over stay.

think its 500 baht a day, i will be leaving via the new airport, i have used up all my 90 days in 180 period. i have lots of tourist stamps in my passport plus

one single entry tourist visa from feb this year.

Would that overstay effect me getting a single entry tourist visa a few weeks latter in KL.


Going on what I've read about overstay and getting tourist visas (on this forum), I don't think the overstay will be a problem for you in KL.

Anyone know if its a problem having a 6 day over stay.

think its 500 baht a day, i will be leaving via the new airport, i have used up all my 90 days in 180 period. i have lots of tourist stamps in my passport plus

one single entry tourist visa from feb this year.

Would that overstay effect me getting a single entry tourist visa a few weeks latter in KL.


Do not overstay get a 7 days extension at immigration for 1.900 baht showing your departure ticket

I you get caught on overstay before getting to the immigration booth at the airport you are liable to go to the immigration detention center which we are told is not a nice place at all to wait for your next flight out


I cant get an extention , as i said i have run out of days aready i am over the 90 in 180. when i came in i only had 20 days left before it got to 90, the immigration guy gave me 30 days, (he was being nice).

I cant get an extention , as i said i have run out of days aready i am over the 90 in 180. when i came in i only had 20 days left before it got to 90, the immigration guy gave me 30 days, (he was being nice).


I cant get an extention , as i said i have run out of days aready i am over the 90 in 180. when i came in i only had 20 days left before it got to 90, the immigration guy gave me 30 days, (he was being nice).

The DO NOT OVERSTAY advice still stands


sohn, you really still might be able to get a 7-day extention. i know the rule states 90 days in a 6 month period but you see they already bent it once in giving you 30 days when you admit you should have received 20. i knew people that had 3-30 day stamps and still got a 7 day extention to put them over the 6 month hurdle. anything's possible in the kingdom of make believe. :o


yes it is 500 baht a day ,

but like everyone has said go try and get a 7-day extention

1, its cheaper

2 you wont have to keep looking over your shoulder for local police

3 if you do get caught there is no doubt you will end up in the detetion centre facing deportation ,will little chance of returning to los in the near future


Hmmm...yours is an interesting post sohn. Personally, I don't see why a mere 6-day overstay would cause you problems while standing in-line to depart LOS duly clutching your air ticket - because I see half-a-dozen (over-stayers) turn-up at the Arayaprathet/Poipet land crossing every time I go; some with over a week's overstay and nothing untoward seems to happen to them. They pay their fine and then hop straight back on the bus!

As for there being ramifications at Kuala Lumpur some time later 'down the trail'...again, IMHO I don't think your overstay will be an issue with Malaysian immigration; not one iota!

Btw...please let us know if you do decide to go to Thai immigration and what the result is with that; and finally "chok dee" to you! :o


PS i have overstayed a week before now never had a problem ,just paid my fine at the airport ,but after reading some horror storys about local police (ksr pattaya )and meeting a few peeps being deported,i chose to get the right visa for my stay in los ,its best in the long run for peace of mind

I cant get an extention , as i said i have run out of days aready i am over the 90 in 180.

The way I understand it your current permission to stay is based on your entry on a tourist and a subsequent 30-day extension of stay.

1. The 30-extension does not count as part of the maximum 90 days visa-exempt stay within 6 months. These 30 days are part of your stay based on your tourist visa.

2. If you bring an airline ticket to Immigration for a flight out of Thailand within 7 days of your current permission to stay, chances are good that you will be given a further extension of 7 days or at least until your flight date.



The single biggest problem in communication is the illusion that it has taken place. — George Bernard Shaw



You are right, but the single entry tourist visa I had was only used for a short time

(3 weeks.) had to leave Thailand for work things.

So there was no 30 day extension of that, All my days are on 30 day stamps.

I have removed the days I was in Thailand on a single entry tourist visa from

my equation

Hope that makes sense.

See what happens next week.

When I return some time in July I will be well ok to start the 30 stamps again.

But might just go get a multi O in the uk if I get the chance.

Hmmm...yours is an interesting post sohn. Personally, I don't see why a mere 6-day overstay would cause you problems while standing in-line to depart LOS duly clutching your air ticket - because I see half-a-dozen (over-stayers) turn-up at the Arayaprathet/Poipet land crossing every time I go; some with over a week's overstay and nothing untoward seems to happen to them. They pay their fine and then hop straight back on the bus!

As for there being ramifications at Kuala Lumpur some time later 'down the trail'...again, IMHO I don't think your overstay will be an issue with Malaysian immigration; not one iota!

Btw...please let us know if you do decide to go to Thai immigration and what the result is with that; and finally "chok dee" to you! :D

it tempting but dont want to get in the Do Do. chock dee to you as well :o


try not to overstay. i had 4 days overstay on a type O non immigrant, payed the fine, left, came back and payed 1800THB for a 60 day TRANSIT VISA. Worked at Maisai. Dunno about elsewhere. I know of heaps of people getting 3 or 4 60 day transit visas on top of eachother after their O types have expired and theyve used up the 3 visas on arrivals. 1 guy i know in Chiang mai has stayed 10 months on Transits. As ive said before, so long as your paying its usually ok.

Anyone know if its a problem having a 6 day over stay.

think its 500 baht a day, i will be leaving via the new airport, i have used up all my 90 days in 180 period. i have lots of tourist stamps in my passport plus

one single entry tourist visa from feb this year.

Would that overstay effect me getting a single entry tourist visa a few weeks latter in KL.


When I use to work in Thailand back in 1994, there were a couple of guys who worked on the same project, without having a work permit. Their company forgot to arrange it. They over stay by six months. The Thai rep for Tapline, suggested they bought lots of whisky and pay the fine. Suggest a bottle of whisky may help matters. :o

...in 1994...over stay by six months...rep...suggested they bought lots of whisky and pay the fine. Suggest a bottle of whisky may help matters. :o

I wonder if I am the only one thinking that Jabiru’s suggestion – his second post as a new ThaiVisa member – is rather silly, aside from the fact that he talks about something 12 years ago and not even about an actual event, only about a hearsay suggestion at that time.

Just the same, welcome to ThaiVisa, Jabiru, and I look forward to seeing more meaningful posts of yours in future.



The single biggest problem in communication is the illusion that it has taken place. — George Bernard Shaw



Thanks for the advice guys, I just got a 7 day extension this morning.

It was worth the try after all, some times things just work out ok.

Great stuff. :o

Thanks for the advice guys, I just got a 7 day extension this morning.

It was worth the try after all, some times things just work out ok.

Great stuff. :o

Very good

Enjoy the peace of mind


I'm happy for your Xtension: did you have to explain a lot, or was the extension EZ to obtain ?

Also if anyone has paid a fine at the airport, I'd like to know:

Esp. did you pay cash or credit at the airport ?

Was anything related to your overstay mentionned in your passport ?

How long was the processing i.e. did you get to the airport many hours in advance ?

Thanks for your feedback !

I have a similar problem, but decided not to go to immigration, because my reasoning was:

1- Have NEVER seen local police & no reason why I should esp. since I don't drive

2- Seen MANY overstay 1 to 2 weeks, with no problem on visa run (even usually having their fine reduced some).

3- My experience has been that Thai hospitality is great, but also that ``The rules are the rules and are enforced" i.e. in your case a fine, no matter how good a reason you may have for overstaying & how sympathetic the imm. officer may be.

4- If you're unlikely to encounter the police, going to Immigration may actually create more trouble than it solves (e.g. Officers don't know what to do.. but can't ignore you now, so you may risk detention or immediate deportation...)

5- Common sense also suggests to leave mid-week (not week-end, where competent office may be close & you may end-up in detention), and if possible with several types of payment incl extra cash, if only to prove you can afford being here...

You don't say where you stay (hotel, rental etc.), so one thing worth knowing is that your host is expected to `register' your name with the local police. If hotel, friend etc. I STRONGLY suggest you explain your situation to them so that they don't `hurry' to update their guest-list: even more so if you're in a rural area.

That said, I wouldn't worry too much: you broke a rule, which has an explicit consequence `fine of 500 bahts/day': It's easy to see why getting 3000 baths benefits the authorities. But I can't imagine whose interest would be served by locking you up: not you, not the immigration officers, nor the Thai taxpayers etc....

Yes, I'm sure there are horror stories, but do you really know the EXACT circumstances leading to detention ?

E.g. if you're arrested by the police, then the reason for your arrest would seem WAY MORE worrysome than your 6 days overstay, no ?

And for your next visit, you don't have to goto UK to get a 2 months renewable vise:

- You don't have to be in your country of origin nor residence to ask for such a visa: so you can apply in KL, S'pore etc.

- If the Thai Embassy in the UK is known to be more `lenient', keep in mind you don't need to apply in Person ! E.g. those who don't live in London most likely apply by mail: you or a friend in the UK can send in your passt + pix+ fee, and receive it back with a valid visa !

No need for non-O: a Tourist visa obtained abroad (i.e. not a waiver) gives you 2 months renewable + 1 i.e. you enter, go on visa run after 60 days, then goto local immigration after 120 days for a 30 days extension. Total: 180 days (5 month !).

And the 90/180 rule is only for visa waivers, it DOES NOT apply to any other case, incl proper tourist visas !

I've met many foreigners who just `didn't know/didn't bother', while it is trivial to obtain (contrary to non-O) and gives you way more freedom than the visa-waiver + might actually be cheaper ...

Cheers !

Anyone know if its a problem having a 6 day over stay.

think its 500 baht a day, i will be leaving via the new airport, i have used up all my 90 days in 180 period. i have lots of tourist stamps in my passport plus

one single entry tourist visa from feb this year.

Would that overstay effect me getting a single entry tourist visa a few weeks latter in KL.


I'm happy for your Xtension: did you have to explain a lot, or was the extension EZ to obtain ?

Also if anyone has paid a fine at the airport, I'd like to know:

Esp. did you pay cash or credit at the airport ?

Was anything related to your overstay mentionned in your passport ?

How long was the processing i.e. did you get to the airport many hours in advance ?

Thanks for your feedback !

I have a similar problem, but decided not to go to immigration, because my reasoning was:

1- Have NEVER seen local police & no reason why I should esp. since I don't drive

2- Seen MANY overstay 1 to 2 weeks, with no problem on visa run (even usually having their fine reduced some).

3- My experience has been that Thai hospitality is great, but also that ``The rules are the rules and are enforced" i.e. in your case a fine, no matter how good a reason you may have for overstaying & how sympathetic the imm. officer may be.

4- If you're unlikely to encounter the police, going to Immigration may actually create more trouble than it solves (e.g. Officers don't know what to do.. but can't ignore you now, so you may risk detention or immediate deportation...)

5- Common sense also suggests to leave mid-week (not week-end, where competent office may be close & you may end-up in detention), and if possible with several types of payment incl extra cash, if only to prove you can afford being here...

You don't say where you stay (hotel, rental etc.), so one thing worth knowing is that your host is expected to `register' your name with the local police. If hotel, friend etc. I STRONGLY suggest you explain your situation to them so that they don't `hurry' to update their guest-list: even more so if you're in a rural area.

That said, I wouldn't worry too much: you broke a rule, which has an explicit consequence `fine of 500 bahts/day': It's easy to see why getting 3000 baths benefits the authorities. But I can't imagine whose interest would be served by locking you up: not you, not the immigration officers, nor the Thai taxpayers etc....

Yes, I'm sure there are horror stories, but do you really know the EXACT circumstances leading to detention ?

E.g. if you're arrested by the police, then the reason for your arrest would seem WAY MORE worrysome than your 6 days overstay, no ?

And for your next visit, you don't have to goto UK to get a 2 months renewable vise:

- You don't have to be in your country of origin nor residence to ask for such a visa: so you can apply in KL, S'pore etc.

- If the Thai Embassy in the UK is known to be more `lenient', keep in mind you don't need to apply in Person ! E.g. those who don't live in London most likely apply by mail: you or a friend in the UK can send in your passt + pix+ fee, and receive it back with a valid visa !

No need for non-O: a Tourist visa obtained abroad (i.e. not a waiver) gives you 2 months renewable + 1 i.e. you enter, go on visa run after 60 days, then goto local immigration after 120 days for a 30 days extension. Total: 180 days (5 month !).

And the 90/180 rule is only for visa waivers, it DOES NOT apply to any other case, incl proper tourist visas !

I've met many foreigners who just `didn't know/didn't bother', while it is trivial to obtain (contrary to non-O) and gives you way more freedom than the visa-waiver + might actually be cheaper ...

Cheers !

Anyone know if its a problem having a 6 day over stay.

think its 500 baht a day, i will be leaving via the new airport, i have used up all my 90 days in 180 period. i have lots of tourist stamps in my passport plus

one single entry tourist visa from feb this year.

Would that overstay effect me getting a single entry tourist visa a few weeks latter in KL.


It was Ez as pie.

Anyone know if its a problem having a 6 day over stay.

think its 500 baht a day, i will be leaving via the new airport, i have used up all my 90 days in 180 period. i have lots of tourist stamps in my passport plus

one single entry tourist visa from feb this year.

Would that overstay effect me getting a single entry tourist visa a few weeks latter in KL.


:o I don't think you will have any problem with the overstay thing. Usually it is simply a matter of paying the fine and that doesn't affect your status on return.

But what I'm wondering is , since you have used up your 90 days in the 180 day period, will you be allowed to return or have to spend 90 days outside Thailand in order to return.

They may let you get a tourist visa. Or they may say no, come back in 90 days, when you qualify again.

Depends on how they feel about it, since you obviously have been pushing the system to the limit. If they don't feel happy about that, they have the power to tell you to take a walk, and come back in 90 days.

Good luck.



Well to be honest if I was refused entry back to Thailand that could be my time to leave my life here and go else ware.

(had enough of it all, female problems again and all that)

The real reason for this is .

Im not fifty , so no retirement visa.

I'm not married , so no married visa stuff

I'm not employed in Thailand No work visa stuff.

Can get a multi o visa but how many will they issue, one for the next 10 years!!!!!! on the basis of visiting friends and family!!!!!!

Can do a few runs to Malaysia. ( cant be bothered)

I spend a small fortune in Thailand every year im here. 1 million baht aprox.

Family, Family dog, Family reborn, Long lost family, Sick family. Medical bills and my beer bill ( very big) and so on. and no thanks for that from Thailand.

All my income is generated out side Thailand. ( not to many can say that)

So its quid's in for Thailand and sod off to me.

So all in all I have a few probs with this new regulation.

Trying to do the right thing is very hard here.

Also in my honest opion all the naughty boys that were here are all still here.

Nothing has changed on that front.

All a bit pointless in my opinion.

Hope that answers a few of your questions


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