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Koncept Furniture

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Over the years we've bought a fair bit of furniture from Koncept, found it to be low-cost and reasonable quality (for flat pack). The only caveat is NEVER let their delivery chaps put it together.

Anyone know if they have an on-line catalog so we can choose what we need and present a list to our local outlet so they can order if necessary?

Edited by Crossy
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The only caveat is NEVER let their delivery chaps put it together.

Why is that? I've only had one experience with them -- a bed and armoire -- and the fellows worked quickly and efficiently, MUCH faster than I could have done myself. The final result appeared to be flawless, and now two years later, the stuff has held together nicely. Was I just lucky?

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LOL if you search for "koncept thailand" on google this post in the #1 listing.

I guess some companies have just not caught on to the internet yet? :o

I also wonder why you don't have them put it together? We ordered our kitchen from koncept and i thought the speed at which the delivery guys put it together was amazing!

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Maybe I had a bad assembly chap. Inadequate tools, the cabinet he 'assembled' whilst it didn't fall apart just doesn't look right, I'd rather do it myself, it also means that I can incorporate any modifications before putting it together :o Maybe I'm weird, but I actually enjoy putting flat-pack together :D

EDIT If I was going to use them for a full kitchen, things may be different as it's a much bigger job.

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Maybe I'm weird, but I actually enjoy putting flat-pack together :D

OK, yeah, maybe you're weird. :o I'm weird, too, because I like putting them together, also.

But, when I bought the bedroom set, I was also orchestrating a remodeling project and decided to just let them do it. I kept half an eye on them while they were assembling the stuff, and was fascinated how they worked as a team (two of them) in almost total silence. I'm counting my lucky stars it went well.

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I found the Koncept site. http://www.sb-furniture.com/ It asks you to register as a member to view more detailed information on the products.

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TEL. # : (662) 962-8030, 962-8024 EXT. 334, 336

FAX. # : (662) 962-8025

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