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I spent quite a few years in the forces where it was part of the culture to drink...I took it on with full tilt, I drank till i couldn't stand...till i puked...till I passed out.

I am lucky because i was always quite fit and played rugby up until a few years ago (rugby:yet another activity which leads to massive drinking situations).

I am now 44 and now get to wondering about some drink related subjects:

What effect will this have on my health in later years?

Will I need to wear daipers in later life because my bladder was stretched to overflow so many times?

Is there a god? If so, does he(or she) supply cold beer when one passes?

My life has been bloody good thus far. Success, family, sporting achievment...all these things have come from hard work and comittment.

But when I think about the negative things that occured in my life, I reckon that 90% of them have been alcohol induced.....bad things....drink driving....punching my best friend because he was chatting with my wife....going back to a girls place after a pub session and then, on return home, lying to the wife....the list goes on and on ..unfortunately.

My life is still great, my marrage of 25 years still intact and...I still like a drink...I' think I've been lucky.

So here's my question(s):

Do I pack in drinking and say been there done that, noting to prove.

Do i continue to drink? (I don't drink anywhere near like I did in the early days, but every now and then a three day session will occur!..that can't be good)

Is it just me or are Thai beers strong? I been drinking in thailand for 24 years, but can't remember getting smashed on 10 bottles before,,,,,,I do now! Geez, one time me and a pal drank a carton in the taxi from malaysia to hatyai and then went out and had 13 bottles of maekong....I was in my twenties then and we were invincible.....

Anyhow...tell me your story or tell me to go on the wagon or tell me to have another beer(on my 4th tallie now by the way)or tell me whatever........

The Bloodied Tiger,


Ive never drunk just dont like the taste but the big pressure to avoid is "peer pressure", guess i can just think for myself.

All things in moderation if you enjoy it why stop as long as its not excessive.

Sounds like you drink toooooooooooooo much to me though?


I played 1st division Scottish rugby when I was 17. I was the wonderkid inside centre with dyed red spiky hair! The drinking was unbelievable and I over-indulged, having to hang my boots up at the old age of 19, due to alcoholism and drug addiction. Things went from bad to worse of the following 16 years. I drank 2 bottles of "Saeng Som" plus a few Changs per day when I'd finally had enough. All I can say is that it get progressively WORSE, never better. Drinking was my life but unbelievably, when I sought help, I managed to stop. Years later, I never miss it and feel wonderful. Everything is better!


My old man has been off the piss for 25 years now and is a far better person for it. If your drinking affects others then it's a problem. If it doesn't then just ask yourself are you happy doing what you are doing..Then do something about it, time waits for no man.


Ive never drunk just dont like the taste but the big pressure to avoid is "peer pressure", guess i can just think for myself.

All things in moderation if you enjoy it why stop as long as its not excessive.

Sounds like you drink toooooooooooooo much to me though?

You are right, I drink too much, I know this. But does this mean I need to quit? Maybe yes.

My kids love me and I absolutely love and adore each and every one of them.

My wife loves me and I love her with all my heart (made some mistakes when we were starting out though).

Really i don't think I'm an alcho...because at times i go for weeks without a drink

But maybe I am because when I start i generally finish the job??? Don't know.

Its not peer pressure though..this is a fallacy, it 1s only ourselves who put this pressure on.

You are lucky sukanya, u have no desire to drink, u never had to experience this so you can't possible KOWJAI

but txs


Sorry for the misunderstanding I didnt mean you drank beacsue of peer pressure but many people did at an age ie 16-17-18 when this pressure is extremely high. Maybe not so mush these days but when I was a kid at this age it was there.


Just being able to ask yourself the question indicates that if you do have a problem it isn't terribly severe.

Indications of serious drinking problems are fights, DUIs employment problems and assorted health issues.

One early sign of a liver problem is either finding yourself smashed on just a couple of beers or being unable to get smashed even though you've consumed a large volume of alcohol.

It's a sign you're getting older.

I'd say listen to your body. If it's saying taper off a bit do it. Just stop drinking for 3-6 months.

That will give you're liver a chance to rest and you will see whether or not you like looking a the world stone cold sober.


I drank for most of my military career. Then I came to Thailand and drank for 2 and a half years. Then while drinking and driving in Chiang Mai, I had a head on collision with a truck. I was on my Honda Wave.

The accident was in September 2006 and I haven't drank since. I consider myself very lucky to be alive. I did break my hip in 4 places and 2 ribs and often have pain when I walk.

The accident kinda put my drinking in check (mate). It ended that day. It was a bit strange having a life without alcohol but now I am more use to it.

I still sometimes have the craving for a beer but when I do, I think about the pain I felt in the hospital and the craving goes away.

I'm happy with my decision not to drink. I hope whatever decision you make that you can be happy as well and your decision is not influenced by an accident such as the one I had.

Unless, your using my accident as a a factor in deciding not to drink. Then by all means, learn from me.


I was complete drunk almost every evening, than I really started to hate Thailands beer for its bad taste and have now sometimes 3 weeks without any alcohol, than some evenings just a few maybe 8 can heineken or so....

Today I would really like a drink but at the thought of the ugly thai beers I better drink some water......

(hope they will offer wine at a normal price somewhen in future)

Is there a god? If so, does he(or she) supply cold beer when one passes?

The Bloodied Tiger,

I am not sure about the other answers to the other questions but

if you believe in god, when you die you will go to a place where you can play all the rugby you want and there is an endless supply of running cold beer.

I think the place is called Heaven!

As for stopping drinking, its really up to you but looking at the problems you listed maybe its not a bad idea.

I think its hard to stop but if you could I don't think you would lose much and you would probably never have any alcohol related problems again.

Just my opinon and its really up to you.

Good luck with your choice.



Don't quit drinking man! As you say, you have a good life. Why throw it away? Drink in moderation though!

Perhaps opening his heart up like that could be seen as a cry for help? For some people the words moderation don't apply to drinking. After 1 for some it is a slippery slope. Sounds like you need to take a step back from the booze and reassess with a clear head. Perhaps take up golf or swimming as something else to focus on. Could be a good time to give up the smokes as well (if indeed you do!)

Giving up drinking is hardly throwing away a good life, ask his kids.

Don't quit drinking man! As you say, you have a good life. Why throw it away? Drink in moderation though!

Perhaps opening his heart up like that could be seen as a cry for help? For some people the words moderation don't apply to drinking. After 1 for some it is a slippery slope. Sounds like you need to take a step back from the booze and reassess with a clear head. Perhaps take up golf or swimming as something else to focus on. Could be a good time to give up the smokes as well (if indeed you do!)

Giving up drinking is hardly throwing away a good life, ask his kids.

Agreed. What sort of advice is "don't quit drinking" to a guy who could need help ?? Not very responsible ..

I do drink, don't get me wrong, i am no preacher. But having a father thats an alcoholic i can tell you it's no laughing matter. The first sign is DENIAL.. I know lots of AA members and they have not "thrown their lives away", on the contrary, they have their lives back..

Don't quit drinking man! As you say, you have a good life. Why throw it away? Drink in moderation though!

Perhaps opening his heart up like that could be seen as a cry for help? For some people the words moderation don't apply to drinking. After 1 for some it is a slippery slope. Sounds like you need to take a step back from the booze and reassess with a clear head. Perhaps take up golf or swimming as something else to focus on. Could be a good time to give up the smokes as well (if indeed you do!)

Giving up drinking is hardly throwing away a good life, ask his kids.

Agreed. What sort of advice is "don't quit drinking" to a guy who could need help ?? Not very responsible ..

I do drink, don't get me wrong, i am no preacher. But having a father thats an alcoholic i can tell you it's no laughing matter. The first sign is DENIAL.. I know lots of AA members and they have not "thrown their lives away", on the contrary, they have their lives back..

I've found that people who tell those who drink a lot to stop, usually have a problem themselves.

Don't quit drinking man! As you say, you have a good life. Why throw it away? Drink in moderation though!

Perhaps opening his heart up like that could be seen as a cry for help? For some people the words moderation don't apply to drinking. After 1 for some it is a slippery slope. Sounds like you need to take a step back from the booze and reassess with a clear head. Perhaps take up golf or swimming as something else to focus on. Could be a good time to give up the smokes as well (if indeed you do!)

Giving up drinking is hardly throwing away a good life, ask his kids.

Agreed. What sort of advice is "don't quit drinking" to a guy who could need help ?? Not very responsible ..

I do drink, don't get me wrong, i am no preacher. But having a father thats an alcoholic i can tell you it's no laughing matter. The first sign is DENIAL.. I know lots of AA members and they have not "thrown their lives away", on the contrary, they have their lives back..

I've found that people who tell those who drink a lot to stop, usually have a problem themselves.

I don't see anyone "telling" anyone to stop, merely giving someone an option.

Are you insinuating that i have a problem ? I am giving advice to someone who may need it and all you can do is slag us off. Very constructive. Keep it on topic mate. :o


Tiger, it seems that you are a binge drinker...and that can be a serious problem for you. I was in two major league drinking professions...a soldier and a cop...and I held my own. But one thing that helped me out is that I couldn't stand being in control of a situation. So I can count the number of times I was drunk on one hand and have one or two left over. My suggestion would be to stop completely, unless you can walk away after one beer (and have a little left in the glass for the beer gods).


thx for the replies, some way off and some right on the nail, some sound advice I feel. I sought of wrote this not just for myself but for a few others who may be in the same boat. Anyways, thank you


The best thing my father did for me and my siblings was to prove what a slob you become as an alcoholic.

He ruined his health and died young, leaving us poverty stricken.

I'm glad alcoholism is not hereditary.

To anyone in doubt, trust me, stop now.

I spent quite a few years in the forces where it was part of the culture to drink...I took it on with full tilt, I drank till i couldn't stand...till i puked...till I passed out.

I am lucky because i was always quite fit and played rugby up until a few years ago (rugby:yet another activity which leads to massive drinking situations).

I am now 44 and now get to wondering about some drink related subjects:

What effect will this have on my health in later years?

Will I need to wear daipers in later life because my bladder was stretched to overflow so many times?

Is there a god? If so, does he(or she) supply cold beer when one passes?

My life has been bloody good thus far. Success, family, sporting achievment...all these things have come from hard work and comittment.

But when I think about the negative things that occured in my life, I reckon that 90% of them have been alcohol induced.....bad things....drink driving....punching my best friend because he was chatting with my wife....going back to a girls place after a pub session and then, on return home, lying to the wife....the list goes on and on ..unfortunately.

My life is still great, my marrage of 25 years still intact and...I still like a drink...I' think I've been lucky.

So here's my question(s):

Do I pack in drinking and say been there done that, noting to prove.

Do i continue to drink? (I don't drink anywhere near like I did in the early days, but every now and then a three day session will occur!..that can't be good)

Is it just me or are Thai beers strong? I been drinking in thailand for 24 years, but can't remember getting smashed on 10 bottles before,,,,,,I do now! Geez, one time me and a pal drank a carton in the taxi from malaysia to hatyai and then went out and had 13 bottles of maekong....I was in my twenties then and we were invincible.....

Anyhow...tell me your story or tell me to go on the wagon or tell me to have another beer(on my 4th tallie now by the way)or tell me whatever........

The Bloodied Tiger,

13 bottles of Maekhong? Sure you did! :o

Don't quit drinking man! As you say, you have a good life. Why throw it away? Drink in moderation though!

Perhaps opening his heart up like that could be seen as a cry for help? For some people the words moderation don't apply to drinking. After 1 for some it is a slippery slope. Sounds like you need to take a step back from the booze and reassess with a clear head. Perhaps take up golf or swimming as something else to focus on. Could be a good time to give up the smokes as well (if indeed you do!)

Giving up drinking is hardly throwing away a good life, ask his kids.

Agreed. What sort of advice is "don't quit drinking" to a guy who could need help ?? Not very responsible ..

I do drink, don't get me wrong, i am no preacher. But having a father thats an alcoholic i can tell you it's no laughing matter. The first sign is DENIAL.. I know lots of AA members and they have not "thrown their lives away", on the contrary, they have their lives back..

I've found that people who tell those who drink a lot to stop, usually have a problem themselves.

I don't drink at all so no problem there, in fact the only problem I seem to have now is stupid flippant replies like this!

You are right, I drink too much, I know this. But does this mean I need to quit? Maybe yes.

My kids love me and I absolutely love and adore each and every one of them.

My wife loves me and I love her with all my heart (made some mistakes when we were starting out though).

Really i don't think I'm an alcho...because at times i go for weeks without a drink

But maybe I am because when I start i generally finish the job??? Don't know.

Its not peer pressure though..this is a fallacy, it 1s only ourselves who put this pressure on.

You are lucky sukanya, u have no desire to drink, u never had to experience this so you can't possible KOWJAI

but txs

Mate it's called binge drinking. I understand what you say about getting work done mate. I write better when I've had a couple spirits/shots to drink. Yes, it is a problem, but how I fight my battles is purely up to me. To stop, I have to commit myself to stopping. I have to choose to stop!!!

Don't quit drinking man! As you say, you have a good life. Why throw it away? Drink in moderation though!

That's silly and immature advice if I've ever heard it. If it wasn't already a concern I doubt he would have posted about it. There are plenty of people who have great lives without drinking. Also plenty of good writers who don't need to hit the bottle to get their words out.

Don't quit drinking man! As you say, you have a good life. Why throw it away? Drink in moderation though!

Perhaps opening his heart up like that could be seen as a cry for help? For some people the words moderation don't apply to drinking. After 1 for some it is a slippery slope. Sounds like you need to take a step back from the booze and reassess with a clear head. Perhaps take up golf or swimming as something else to focus on. Could be a good time to give up the smokes as well (if indeed you do!)

Giving up drinking is hardly throwing away a good life, ask his kids.

Agreed. What sort of advice is "don't quit drinking" to a guy who could need help ?? Not very responsible ..

I do drink, don't get me wrong, i am no preacher. But having a father thats an alcoholic i can tell you it's no laughing matter. The first sign is DENIAL.. I know lots of AA members and they have not "thrown their lives away", on the contrary, they have their lives back..

I've found that people who tell those who drink a lot to stop, usually have a problem themselves.

I don't drink at all so no problem there, in fact the only problem I seem to have now is stupid flippant replies like this!

'Savage' and 'Austhaied', read what I said again and you'll see I wasn't referring to you.


I've found that people who tell those who drink a lot to stop, usually have a problem themselves.

'Savage' and 'Austhaied', read what I said again and you'll see I wasn't referring to you.

I read whats in front of me, unless there is some secret message hidden deep within..

I've found that people who tell those who drink a lot to stop, usually have a problem themselves.

Soory, my bad.

That should have read

I've found that people who tell those who drink a lot NOT to stop, usually have a problem themselves.

I wondered why the strange response :o

I was complete drunk almost every evening, than I really started to hate Thailands beer for its bad taste and have now sometimes 3 weeks without any alcohol, than some evenings just a few maybe 8 can heineken or so....

Today I would really like a drink but at the thought of the ugly thai beers I better drink some water......

(hope they will offer wine at a normal price somewhen in future)

I'm going to give up the beer. After 30 years of 1000 varieties in the USA and having the same 6 crappy stuff here, I must give up my former love of beer drinking. I cant take it anymore

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