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Pattaya Tourist Police...


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Jinjok I think you are the real 'Jok' here.

Here you slagging off the Police (slobs, taking money from the poor) and another thread today you trash PPnews and PCN news(and there Managers), plus the TAT. Who or what next.

You are obviously not of the right mind to be in Pattaya or post on this forum (ie: not an avg foreigner) as you so elegantly put it.

Be grown up if you going to live here.

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Thanks for that. Sure to try. Sometimes I threaten to call in the Spanish Inquisition but that just makes things worse.

OH, NO, no one expects the Spanish Inquisition :D

This posting has been a real bit of fun,

HOW many people here can honestly say they haver NEVER been late ? despite their promises to arrive on time or do something (can they please form an orderly line in the phone box :o )

Anyway, if you want something doing properly and on time, do it yourself, there are plenty of 'How to' books out there and there is always the mighty God GOOGLE

Can this thread keep going, its great reading someone make a prat of themselves :D ?

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thainet - you sure have a loud opinion for someone w/ four posts.

grown up? this is a town of 10,000 farang babies. why should i have to 'grow up'? wah - wah i want my footie...aircon...fish/chips...toilet paper

yeah, i trashed pcn/ppn - those are the biggest joke 'news' programs i have ever seen. NOTHING controversial, NOTHING to rock the boat re: tourism. nothing even informative. sad and pathetic... kinda like fox news.

pepsi666: im never late. not to actually say never - but in reality, never. peopel that show up late either feel their time more valuable than yours or they are just slouches.

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pepsi666: im never late. not to actually say never - but in reality, never. peopel that show up late either feel their time more valuable than yours or they are just slouches.

So which is it, never late or actually never ?

Must be the only person that can see what hold ups there are on road, rail or airline, so assume you are NEVER late,how do you do it ? arrive an hour before youre supposed to ? sometimes YOU just cant help being late, its JUST not your fault

But this is getting away from the topic anyway,

Did the fishtank evergetsorte out ?

Did the bloke everturn up wih the parts ?

Has WeHo met a timely end ?

Have the TP turned up and given the perpurator his just dessert for being late ?

Awaiting further news with bated breath :o

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said he would take it to the Bangkok factory, and bring it back "Saturday at 2 pm". I had no reason not to trust him. I waited home Saturday, no sign of the guy. I called him at 2:01 pm, and he said, "oh, no come today, I come tomorrow, Sunday, cause I'm still in Bangkok".

I said to him, "and you didn't think you should call me to tell me you wouldn't honor the agreement, you expect me to just wait around all day, every day for you to show up whenever you want"?

Hey Weho, I don't mean to be rude but just from reading your post I think you haven't been here that long.Calling him 1 minute after the agreed time? If he turned up an hour later he would have been early :o Chill...........................................

Mate, you will never get anyone here call you to tell you they will be late, or not coming at all, just not in their culture and certainly not worth the price of a phone call. They coudn't care less if you wait all day. They would turn up a week later and still expect a tip!!!!! Just the way it is!!!

Just what I was thinking! This guy just arrived or need to see a doctor.

At least he needs to relax. Please don't bring your western mood to Thailand, we are here just not to face people getting mad for nothing anymore.


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