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Another Classic Crazy Thai Wife Moment


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4 hours ago, Sparktrader said:

Have u seen the farangs in Thailand? 555

Never were truer words written on this forum. Yes, look at the Farangs and their Thai-Ladies. The discrepancies could not be any wider. (looks, frame of mind).
If there is any "root of the problem", this is it. Quite simple, actually.

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2 minutes ago, BritManToo said:

They want his money, not him.

He isn't desirable, they generally desire the ratty m/c taxi driver types who slap them around.

That's what I meant: It's (and always has been) about money. Once understood, no problem for the Farang or his ladie(s).

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13 minutes ago, DrPhibes said:

No, Thai wife doing the take it or leave it when they can't compete intellectually, know they made a mistake, cost you (family) money, and act out due to frustration.  The longer we have been back in Thailand, the "less intellectual" the wife gets and this phenomena isuniversal with my friends back in the US married to Thai women.  I blame the language, it takes her an entire page of language in Thai to get across 2 sentences in English and at the end you still did not get the question you asked her to translate answered.  Kinda like speaking Ent in the Lord of the Rings.

Quoting films I find myself with some posters here "Kepela.....Standing on opposite sides of a river"  from the film "The Interpreter".

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On 8/13/2021 at 10:14 PM, Kwasaki said:

I've been married to my Thai wife for 18 years now and I have no idea what your talking about.

Me too, 20 years here.


I guess he found her on ThaiLustLinks  and it a marriage of inconvenience.

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On 8/14/2021 at 1:29 AM, Grecian said:

My guess. Either bipolar or some other illness. Or,she's just not that into you,and puts up with being with you for other intrinsic benefits. Every so often the frustration of sacrificing her heart for those other benefits causes an explosion which resets the clock until the volcano builds up again.


Knowing your age, looks and charisma against her age, looks and feminine charm would probably answer which of the above it is.

Sounds a little Bipolar to me..ask me how I know..good luck

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Girlfriend, not wife, but crazy

Weird but true. I started out of boredom to go fishing again. I am 78 USA. I go to Bali Hai lighthouse, many Thai fishermen, no falangs except me. Lady takes me at 5:30pm and does not hang around, nothing to do, just men fishing. She takes my motorbike, my wallet for safety, don't bring my tablet phone, too big, useless. I keep 100 baht for a drink. Wednesday last she takes off, I catch nothing but it's so relaxing looking at the water and Koh Larn, who cares. I get a lot of help from 3 Thai guys so that night I buy 4 ice creams for 80 baht and now have 20 left. It's 7pm.No lady, 7:15, no lady, I can't ever remember her phone number but I think she usually goes to visit her friend (in a closed massage shop on Pattaya Klang). Dark, it's 7:30 and I can't figure out with no money how I can go home in Jomtien or go the massage shop, hoping I was right and it's open.

Then I remember that the battery had problems in the new 150i and for the second time the day before they had to charge it again for an hour so the indicator red light doesn't go on. Ah hah, she can't drive and can't call but why doesn't she just rent a taxi motorbike and come fetch me, she's gotta be just in Pattaya. That's what I hoped.


Ok everyone has ridden off and I am sitting in the dark alone. Except for one guy who I at least nodded to a few times. He gets on his motorbike and I take a gamble, I sign language to please get me out of here to Pattaya near Klang, better than walking.

He's cool and takes me right to the massage shop and there is my girl and two massage ladies laughing hysterically when they see me outside. I see the 150i. I walk in, throw down my fishing gear and they don't even acknowledge how serious I am. I immediately figure out they are drunk and after a minute realize it's not beer but Thai whisky. I've never seen her like this. I told her just give me the keys and sleep in the shop, I'm going home and then all mayhem broke loose. You know how strong massage girls are compared to a withering 78 year old. They wrestled me to the sofa and one of them kept restraining my lady because she flipped out and was screaming and threatening me and wouldn't quiet down. They refused to let me leave. This screaming went on for 15 minutes and I realized my lady turned into a devil woman. In three years we had fights, broke up once for a few months but I've never seen a screaming Thai woman like this. My lady is also strong, she can be a boxer and can lay me out if she wanted to, and now I have three of them trapping me. My lady has some drinking problems, many do, a beer or Spy at night, many nights. I can't drink.


I finally get her on the motorbike and go home. (The night before when the battery died at a 7 11, she managed to get it started and wanted to drive, but kept yelling why didn't I buy a Yamaha like her sister, over and over again. I told her to shut up and she pushed the bike to over 90. I thought I would die. We made it home.)


So we got home. I can't remember exactly but we argued in the lobby and maybe I said if you don't like the new motorbike or me get out, blah blah. So started yelling in the lobby she's going to throw all her clothes in the garbage bin and get out. So I was too scared to be in the room with her alone so I stayed in the lobby. She started coming down with bins and plastic bags filled with her clothes and dumping them in the trash room. I said nothing but after she would drop off the bags and go up, I would take them and put them in the condo business room. She did this about 4 times, I had 10 bags. She asked the guard where her bags were and he was flustered. She looked but couldn't find them. Finally she came down at midnight and said 'peace, go to sleep". I locked my bedroom doors. The next morning she bangs on my door and demands the clothes she has in our joint bedroom. I let her take them and she starts dumping clothes, food, cosmetics, handbags, (and this woman is a compulsive flea market, facebook and Lazada shopper) in the hallway.


That morning she left for the day, whew. That day I find a foundation and give them all the clothes, something good. I get the office to quickly cancel her key card and forbid her to come upstairs.


But the office calls and says she is downstairs and wants a document. OK, but send the guard up too. But the office manager comes up also and I am in the hallway for her to get the document and leave, but she starts dumping all the rest of her clothes in the hallway for an hour. I am exhausted. She is blabbering in Thai to the guard and manager. How is he going to take her clothes, bags and shoes away. I think the office manager tells me to give the clothes to the maids. Hell no, they have jobs, the foundation takes care of orphans. But I call some ladies I know to help sort out the condo mess and the hallway before the manager gets on me and take all her things for free. Ok, they are from Isaan and never buy anything nice. My lady leaves. I had to call her sister to help but no English and no help. Not even come from Chon Buri to take her clothes.


The second problem was the fact that I didn't want to mess with a will and I don't own a condo, but I kept thinking I can't last this long at my age with 5 major diseases and now Covid so last winter I transferred my car and motorbike to her name so the government can't take them when I die, I can  transfer my measly bank money to her while dying in minutes. Easy but now she is demanding to sell the motorbike or smash my car and motorbike. That finally subsides at the end, she doesn't want them as  I have promised her the same salary for September. I will transfer the books back to me again. Believe me I am very generous besides the salary, too good.


I also called my doctor lady friend up North who met her and she said good, she's bipolar and alcoholic. She even had to talk to her sister and explain it all. She's a nice girl, funny, great cook but no ambition anymore. Just phone in her face all day when she is not eating.

So that's the story except for everyone saying to take her back. So far, happy alone but may have to move, she made such a scene in the condo I'm embarrassed. Thank you for reading. I'll survive. I lost a 4 million baht house to my legal Thai wife years ago and survived death from being drugged by a Thai chick.



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On 8/13/2021 at 10:47 PM, Dale59 said:

Given that I already know the outcome before it starts I find it more amusing than anything else. It really doesn’t happen often. A handful of times in 11 years. This one was just a doozy. But yeah I get that a lot of guys wouldn’t put up with it. For me the benefits outweigh the few temper tantrums. My first wife was American and was worse. 

I just love the way you write perfect English ... not many Americans can.

Great story,  well written and with a Thai wife for over 20yrs,  I fully understand how it goes. 


Don't admire another lady (especially one she's brought to climax in a previous playtime ) or bring up her losing thousands gambling. (It's all in the past, don't talk about it )

Good luck mate. 

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23 hours ago, overherebc said:

Once upon a time there was guy who asked a girl to marry him, and she said No.

He spent the rest of his life single. He worked monday to friday, and sometimes he went for a drink with his friends and came home when he felt like it and often slept on the couch. He sat up late at night watching his favourite movies.

He always had a bit of spare money in the bank and drove a nice car. He went on holiday to places he really wanted to go to and had some interesting holiday romances. Basically he lived happily ever after.


I’ve never met a man - or woman for that matter - who lived happily ever after alone.

That’s just BS. 

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2 hours ago, Neeranam said:

If you find your wife in NanaPlaza, you will experience a defective Thai woman, that usually is attracted to a defective man. 

Others are different and find superior Thai women, at Pat Pong, for example. 

One of my pals once pointed out, if I were to walk into a room with 99 nice ladies and 1 psychopath, I would walk out of that room with the psychopath. I realised he was completely correct, the weird thing being I want them and they want me, no need to even talk, by some unknown way we both know.


Strange but true.

(I'm not sure if that makes me 'defective') 

Edited by BritManToo
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I took a work colleague home to meet the wife.

When she answered the door and saw him she was like "I haven't tidied the house or done my hair, the kids are running amuck and I haven't started cooking dinner. Why did you bring him here unexpected?"

I said "because he's thinking about getting married and I want to show him what is like"

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A farmer was lying on his deathbed holding his wife's hand.

"Darling, when the drought came you were right by my side"

"And during the floods you were also right there with me"

"And when the bushfires destroyed my crop you were with me the whole time"

"And now I'm dying, and here you are holding my hand"


"You're nothing but bad luck, why don't you just eff off"

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45 minutes ago, ronjomtien said:

Girlfriend, not wife, but crazy

Weird but true. I started out of boredom to go fishing again. I am 78 USA. I go to Bali Hai lighthouse, many Thai fishermen, no falangs except me. Lady takes me at 5:30pm and does not hang around, nothing to do, just men fishing. She takes my motorbike, my wallet for safety, don't bring my tablet phone, too big, useless. I keep 100 baht for a drink. Wednesday last she takes off, I catch nothing but it's so relaxing looking at the water and Koh Larn, who cares. I get a lot of help from 3 Thai guys so that night I buy 4 ice creams for 80 baht and now have 20 left. It's 7pm.No lady, 7:15, no lady, I can't ever remember her phone number but I think she usually goes to visit her friend (in a closed massage shop on Pattaya Klang). Dark, it's 7:30 and I can't figure out with no money how I can go home in Jomtien or go the massage shop, hoping I was right and it's open.

Then I remember that the battery had problems in the new 150i and for the second time the day before they had to charge it again for an hour so the indicator red light doesn't go on. Ah hah, she can't drive and can't call but why doesn't she just rent a taxi motorbike and come fetch me, she's gotta be just in Pattaya. That's what I hoped.


Ok everyone has ridden off and I am sitting in the dark alone. Except for one guy who I at least nodded to a few times. He gets on his motorbike and I take a gamble, I sign language to please get me out of here to Pattaya near Klang, better than walking.

He's cool and takes me right to the massage shop and there is my girl and two massage ladies laughing hysterically when they see me outside. I see the 150i. I walk in, throw down my fishing gear and they don't even acknowledge how serious I am. I immediately figure out they are drunk and after a minute realize it's not beer but Thai whisky. I've never seen her like this. I told her just give me the keys and sleep in the shop, I'm going home and then all mayhem broke loose. You know how strong massage girls are compared to a withering 78 year old. They wrestled me to the sofa and one of them kept restraining my lady because she flipped out and was screaming and threatening me and wouldn't quiet down. They refused to let me leave. This screaming went on for 15 minutes and I realized my lady turned into a devil woman. In three years we had fights, broke up once for a few months but I've never seen a screaming Thai woman like this. My lady is also strong, she can be a boxer and can lay me out if she wanted to, and now I have three of them trapping me. My lady has some drinking problems, many do, a beer or Spy at night, many nights. I can't drink.


I finally get her on the motorbike and go home. (The night before when the battery died at a 7 11, she managed to get it started and wanted to drive, but kept yelling why didn't I buy a Yamaha like her sister, over and over again. I told her to shut up and she pushed the bike to over 90. I thought I would die. We made it home.)


So we got home. I can't remember exactly but we argued in the lobby and maybe I said if you don't like the new motorbike or me get out, blah blah. So started yelling in the lobby she's going to throw all her clothes in the garbage bin and get out. So I was too scared to be in the room with her alone so I stayed in the lobby. She started coming down with bins and plastic bags filled with her clothes and dumping them in the trash room. I said nothing but after she would drop off the bags and go up, I would take them and put them in the condo business room. She did this about 4 times, I had 10 bags. She asked the guard where her bags were and he was flustered. She looked but couldn't find them. Finally she came down at midnight and said 'peace, go to sleep". I locked my bedroom doors. The next morning she bangs on my door and demands the clothes she has in our joint bedroom. I let her take them and she starts dumping clothes, food, cosmetics, handbags, (and this woman is a compulsive flea market, facebook and Lazada shopper) in the hallway.


That morning she left for the day, whew. That day I find a foundation and give them all the clothes, something good. I get the office to quickly cancel her key card and forbid her to come upstairs.


But the office calls and says she is downstairs and wants a document. OK, but send the guard up too. But the office manager comes up also and I am in the hallway for her to get the document and leave, but she starts dumping all the rest of her clothes in the hallway for an hour. I am exhausted. She is blabbering in Thai to the guard and manager. How is he going to take her clothes, bags and shoes away. I think the office manager tells me to give the clothes to the maids. Hell no, they have jobs, the foundation takes care of orphans. But I call some ladies I know to help sort out the condo mess and the hallway before the manager gets on me and take all her things for free. Ok, they are from Isaan and never buy anything nice. My lady leaves. I had to call her sister to help but no English and no help. Not even come from Chon Buri to take her clothes.


The second problem was the fact that I didn't want to mess with a will and I don't own a condo, but I kept thinking I can't last this long at my age with 5 major diseases and now Covid so last winter I transferred my car and motorbike to her name so the government can't take them when I die, I can  transfer my measly bank money to her while dying in minutes. Easy but now she is demanding to sell the motorbike or smash my car and motorbike. That finally subsides at the end, she doesn't want them as  I have promised her the same salary for September. I will transfer the books back to me again. Believe me I am very generous besides the salary, too good.


I also called my doctor lady friend up North who met her and she said good, she's bipolar and alcoholic. She even had to talk to her sister and explain it all. She's a nice girl, funny, great cook but no ambition anymore. Just phone in her face all day when she is not eating.

So that's the story except for everyone saying to take her back. So far, happy alone but may have to move, she made such a scene in the condo I'm embarrassed. Thank you for reading. I'll survive. I lost a 4 million baht house to my legal Thai wife years ago and survived death from being drugged by a Thai chick.



How the other half live, thanks for sharing. 

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1 hour ago, BritManToo said:

One of my pals once pointed out, if I were to walk into a room with 99 nice ladies and 1 psychopath, I would walk out of that room with the psychopath. I realised he was completely correct, the weird thing being I want them and they want me, no need to even talk, by some unknown way we both know.


Strange but true.

(I'm not sure if that makes me 'defective') 

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2 hours ago, DBath said:

I’ve never met a man - or woman for that matter - who lived happily ever after alone.

That’s just BS. 

Met every person in the world have you ?

Not BS - by a long shot.

Alone does not mean lonely.

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38 minutes ago, canthai55 said:

Met every person in the world have you ?

Not BS - by a long shot.

Alone does not mean lonely.

No, but I've met enough to know pure BS when I smell it. Alone does not mean lonely...and the sky is purple.


Don't get me wrong, I'm not knocking anyone for saying they want to be alone, it's their choice, fine, no problem. Just don't try to blow smoke up my you know what and tell me I have to accept it.

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32 minutes ago, BritManToo said:

My 3 rabbits have totally cured me of 'lonely'.

And they can out crazy any Thai lady.

Yes and if you have 3 rabbits or a dog, or a cat, or a rat, or a goldfish (maybe) then you're not alone. A teddy bear? Well that might be debatable.

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People who are well grounded have no problem being alone - purple sky or not.

Not everyone needs the affirmation of the Great Unwashed, all the "Atta Boy" pats on the back. "You're Special" hogwash.

Anyone who says "It's OK, Things will be OK, ..." has never been in a place where it was not.

Better jump in the bath if you have smoke coming out


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10 minutes ago, canthai55 said:

People who are well grounded have no problem being alone - purple sky or not.

Not everyone needs the affirmation of the Great Unwashed, all the "Atta Boy" pats on the back. "You're Special" hogwash.

Anyone who says "It's OK, Things will be OK, ..." has never been in a place where it was not.

Better jump in the bath if you have smoke coming out


Honestly not sure what you're trying to convey and I doubt you came from a place as bad or worse than where I came from, but then you don't know jack about me, so that's okay. I never said it's not possible for someone to be happy alone, I said I've never met anyone who was and I'm pretty good at reading people and BS when people try to pretend they're happy when they're not.


Again, I'm not going to tell you whether or not you're happy, I don't know you and perhaps you're one of those freaks who defies one of the fundamental laws of nature.


As Forrest Gump says, "I know what love is..." and I have no doubt that most people need love and or close relationships to survive, live a long healthy life and to be truly happy. Maybe you are alone, but you have close relationships...


Harvard University even did a 75-year study about it:  



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