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I'm bemused here as to why a trained psychologist can't analyse his own mental state.

Does a shrink have to go to another shrink for this? Like in The Sopranos?

I'm untrained but when I have to face a class of strangers and teach them what they want learn, the first thing I do is a quick analysis of the types so I know what I have to do for best effect.

If I were trained as a shrink, I don't think it would take me long to see through scammers and takers in LOS and elsewhere.

I think I would also be better equipped to see signs of stress in myself and the reasons why.

In that case I'd work on eliminating the reasons by changing my lifestyle, e.g. move on if the place is the problem.

Despite the withering comments about Brits and their strange ways, I maintain we're among the world leaders for pragmatism.

And that's probably why Brits predominate among the real, enduring expat community, followed closely by Aussies.

Could this be why Brit psychologists emigrate to the US, to find sufficient needy patients?

I treated medically and psychologically a British Psychiatrist - He was mad as a hatter. That's all I'll say unless you'd like his name and address - look him up - his patients stay with him but never get better.

You people have real Oedipus issues.

Sounds like your treatment was as effective as his.

However, I agree on one point, there are some spooky Brit shrinks.

Apropos Oedipus issues, I didn't know Liberace and Presley were Brits.

Anyway, dare I ask how you're feeling in sunny Pattaya today?

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I was enjoying this topic until things become too hard.....At the beginning I felt angry with Click because his arrogant and rude way to present his arguments.

But now I am feeling pity for him. Click, you are like a weak and sick animal that exposes itself and challenges hyenas and lions.....but you can not see it.

It is depressing to see a so young man so bitter and so angry. And it is unfair for many that have nothing in this word, that you, having so many choices in life, have chosen to play the looser.

Get out of this forum Click, relax and make a plan to fix your problems, becuase in this state of mind your family will get the worse of you...no fair on your child. ........good luck Click.

Over and out for me!

If I successfully requested the closure of every thread in which I had made a complete arse of myself (in the same way Clickieboy has), there would be no threads left on TV.

sorry folks ,

can't let this gem slip by unnoticed ................................ :o

If I successfully requested the closure of every thread in which I had made a complete arse of myself (in the same way Clickieboy has), there would be no threads left on TV.

sorry folks ,

can't let this gem slip by unnoticed ................................ :D

I know, Mid. It's scandalous that it was overlooked. One scatters little diamonds around, and people prefer to focus on the mud.

I'm wasted here. I really am. :o

Anyway, dare I ask how you're feeling in sunny Pattaya today?

You may ask. My boy started kissing back today at 2 months.

That says it all.

Good self therapy.

Without words.

Why not start there?

Bendix, you're remarkably civil today.

What happened?

I sense some self-esteem issues. I am a Physician trained in Psychotherapy. PM and maybe we can meet for coffee - I may be able to help you root out your inferiority issues that allow the Thais to take advantage of you.

maybe visit www.guidetopsychology.com,& scroll down to anger. :o

If I successfully requested the closure of every thread in which I had made a complete arse of myself (in the same way Clickieboy has), there would be no threads left on TV.

sorry folks ,

can't let this gem slip by unnoticed ................................ :D

I know, Mid. It's scandalous that it was overlooked. One scatters little diamonds around, and people prefer to focus on the mud.

I'm wasted here. I really am. :o

Enough of this already.

I was enjoying this topic until things become too hard.....At the beginning I felt angry with Click because his arrogant and rude way to present his arguments.

But now I am feeling pity for him. Click, you are like a weak and sick animal that exposes itself and challenges hyenas and lions.....but you can not see it.

It is depressing to see a so young man so bitter and so angry. And it is unfair for many that have nothing in this word, that you, having so many choices in life, have chosen to play the looser.

Get out of this forum Click, relax and make a plan to fix your problems, becuase in this state of mind your family will get the worse of you...no fair on your child. ........good luck Click.

Over and out for me!

Ditto Torito!

I'm the OP and plead mia culpa for starting this out of control thread.

It has had a entertaining value (in a perverse sort of way).

Was going to PM a mod & ask that it be closed but decided to wait & see if things calm down.

Why taunt & bait this guy Click when he seems to me to be very disturbed? But maybe it was good therepy for him to get all this off his chest.

Anyway, mod what ever you want to do.

If your want to close it fine!

If you want to leave it open and maybe it will just stop running from lack of interest.

As they say "up to you" :-)

Anyway, dare I ask how you're feeling in sunny Pattaya today?

You may ask. My boy started kissing back today at 2 months.

That says it all.

Hey .you have got a heart after all !, i have a young daughter also, she is at times the only person that can make me laugh when i am down, as i do we owe it all to them now, caused a big change in me and now i feel guilty if im out late ! went to the zoo sunday. great fun : :o

Of course he has a heart, that's why he needs to offload.

Wait till his son gets talking and asking questions.

That'll take his mind off the urban tension.

It works for me with my grandson.


Yo torito, thank you, y toqueme la polla :o

I think our friend click needs a little more of our banter.

He's not getting out enough.

If this lot doesn't make him chuckle, he's past redemption.

Yo torito, thank you, y toqueme la polla :o

I think our friend click needs a little more of our banter.

He's not getting out enough.

If this lot doesn't make him chuckle, he's past redemption.

El Senor Click tiene ni puta idea que significa "toqueme la polla."

If I successfully requested the closure of every thread in which I had made a complete arse of myself (in the same way Clickieboy has), there would be no threads left on TV.

sorry folks ,

can't let this gem slip by unnoticed ................................ :D

I know, Mid. It's scandalous that it was overlooked. One scatters little diamonds around, and people prefer to focus on the mud.

I'm wasted here. I really am. :o

:D Swine before pearls on the board, perchance, our gem maestro? :D

If I successfully requested the closure of every thread in which I had made a complete arse of myself (in the same way Clickieboy has), there would be no threads left on TV.

Who are you calling "boy?"

If I successfully requested the closure of every thread in which I had made a complete arse of myself (in the same way Clickieboy has), there would be no threads left on TV.

Who are you calling "boy?"

You be pleased now that Bendix even acknowledged you.

You even maybe got a sense of humour, Clickieboy; I like that.

As it will happen in any poor country in the world....Argentina, Panama,Mexico?....they will steal from you whenever they can, and with a knife in your throat...they will break in your house and your car.....latinos delinquency is confrontational..

I knew that Asia was difficult in this money aspect since the first day I arrived....and I live with that...but I have never feel more safe in my life than in Thailand, any place, any time...even with my pockey full of money

What is it about Thailand that no one can stay on the topic of Thailand? We all know that Thai Vendors from Baht Bus Drivers to Taxi Cabs will generally cheat you if they can. Yet you want to talk about Panama.

My suggestion to you is to join a Panamanian board - I know of a few in case you would like to really know about that country.

Let's stick to Thailand.

They cut the clitoris of women in Africa.

Oh, that has nothing to do with Thailand - but let's discuss it anyway. We wouldn't want to speak the truth about this country.


People talk about panama because they are all relative. To show you that(since you cannot figure out yourself) things that happen in thailand are of human nature and could be the same the world over.

If you ask why the thais don't have wings I will say the americans don't have either. Rather than trying to explain why they don't.

Can you get it?

Oh close this thread!

If Click is an MD and has studied psychology at any level, I fail to understand why he gets so uptight about the Thai mentality and cannot accept what can't be changed.

Torito and I (and I suspect many other BMs too) have already learned the drawbacks - and benefits - of being an immigrant so Thailand and its customs are perhaps easier for us to accept.

What? You mean he is a doctor of medicine? Unbelievable! I will trust someone who claims they have psychic abilities more if I become sick in any way.

Maybe he is just doing an experiment to assess the psychology of TV members by his posts?

Other countries such as Argentina, Panama or even Mexico don't play with their expats, they treat them with respect.

Immigration in those countries are friendly

As it will happen in any poor country in the world....Argentina, Panama,Mexico?....they will steal from you whenever they can, and with a knife in your throat...they will break in your house and your car.....latinos delinquency is confrontational..

I knew that Asia was difficult in this money aspect since the first day I arrived....and I live with that...but I have never feel more safe in my life than in Thailand, any place, any time...even with my pockey full of money

What is it about Thailand that no one can stay on the topic of Thailand? We all know that Thai Vendors from Baht Bus Drivers to Taxi Cabs will generally cheat you if they can. Yet you want to talk about Panama.

These are your words Click, comparing countries having no idea what you are talking about....

People cheat you in here, yes it is a fact.....people assault and hurt you in the countries you claim to be better than Thailand. This is a fact.

ah and I forgot.....don't you dare to talk in Argentina, Panama, or Mexico the same way you do it in here against Thailand...those people are not so pacifists and tolerant as Thais...they will knife you if they can!! a fact!

:o Good one, torito!

Why don't you click2delete go to post on an Argentinian or Mexican board? :D

yeah true, but good to let off steam sometimes.

does anybody feel really personally insulted by what they read on a forum?


Yes I do. That's why I wear boxing gloves and have a sand bag around whenever I read TV.

Let's clarify again for those who need it. Other countries such as Argentina, Panama etc .. throw down the red carpet for Expats. Unlike Thailand they want us. A comment was made about my previous posts concerning immigration, and I answered the poster.

My mood would be much better if the Thai Government or lack thereof would stop moving the mark every week. Just graze the Visa Forum and your head will spin.

Now back to the topic - why are so many angry or bitter. I answered that question with aplomb.

I get the impression that we are like talking to a machine.

Can you at least admit you made a same mistake that you have pointed out from other members.

Click, so sorry you misunderstood. I did indeed mean that 300 million Americans are mute.


Good - I feel better now.

Moderator: Close this thread! It has degenerated into quite a mess.

You are right. That's because you are here.

But do keep posting, I like reading peoples' mind.


This thread has done its dash.

Nothing, I think, was added to the pool of human knowledge by it, and I don't think anything will be added now it has decended into a slag fest.


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