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Wait! I suddenly realize one thing. For different persons they might experience differently. It could be true that "very often it is pure negative racism" when it is on you. I really get it now. OK so maybe a lot of you here are right about the term.

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I'm Thai been in U.K. for 6 years. It is the same in all parts of the world, occasionally some teenager shout at me "Chinky". Don't take it seriously.

You average one post every two years. You really need to join in more often :o

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This thread just brought a stabbing pain in my chest , i was walking in Chatuchak last month in the section where they sell livestock and this Thai guy says to me u want buy monkey as i was walking past his stall , i say no thank you he then says something in Thai . I asked my wife what did he say and she said he said you have one already .

I turned back to lamp the sh&tbag my wife got hold of my sleeve on my shirt and asked what i was doing , i told her i was going to sort him out and the wife says to me ignore him i walked on , it spoilt my day i was angry with myself that i did not lamp him , but also happy that i took the wifes advice because it was going to get messy .

IF this had happened in my own country this insult , i would have put the idiot on his arse .We dontrealy have to put up with this sh&t and although i feel we should try stay clear of fighting with smartarse Thais they do take the piss and somtimes do push the wrong buttons .

I have had the Oi falang treatment but it was always from someone with a big smile on there face and its never realy bothered me , when walking in Bkk my wife has to put up with stupid comments mainly from Tuk Tuk drivers sitting around doing nothing inthere little groups it realy does piss me off .


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I'm Thai been in U.K. for 6 years. It is the same in all parts of the world, occasionally some teenager shout at me "Chinky". Don't take it seriously.

Maybe you should try to tell us if the word "farang" has a negative meaning?

I am very surprised that people here find it so offensive. My thai friends call me farang all the time.

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I'm Thai been in U.K. for 6 years. It is the same in all parts of the world, occasionally some teenager shout at me "Chinky". Don't take it seriously.

Maybe you should try to tell us if the word "farang" has a negative meaning?

I am very surprised that people here find it so offensive. My thai friends call me farang all the time.

Why Thais call Farang? Back to the history when the first Europeans step foot in Thailand believed to be French. I will cut the story short.

They were told they came from the other side of the world a country call France (fra(a)ns as you all knew Thais has difficulties of Pronunciation.

France became today Fa rang

believe me Farang has no negative meaning at all. Unlike the China Man (Chinky) African (Negro)

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being called a 'farang' isn't the problem but the call of 'hey you!' really gets my back up :o

"Hey You" They don't mean to be rude. Because They watching too much western movies. :D This is just a culture shock, after all you live here.

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I'm Thai been in U.K. for 6 years. It is the same in all parts of the world, occasionally some teenager shout at me "Chinky". Don't take it seriously.

You average one post every two years. You really need to join in more often :o

I knew, just clearing my bookmark last night,This forum caught my eyes. Thought, I probably useful to this forum.

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Negro is not a derogitory term, nor for that matter is nigger. Both have been used to describe dark skinned people. Both words can be used in a derogitory manner, however "nigger" is likely to be used more often in a derogatory context.

Likewise, farang is not a derogitory term in itself. It depends on the context used.

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Most importantly, most (99%) of the time, it is not even name calling.

Why is it so difficult for farangs to understand this? And why is it they are so stubborn not to believe it?

Negro is not a derogitory term, nor for that matter is nigger. Both have been used to describe dark skinned people. Both words can be used in a derogitory manner, however "nigger" is likely to be used more often in a derogatory context.

Excuse me??? Both are incredibly derogatory, and this has been widely established for about 50 years.

Edited by kat
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Well then, Excuse me !! Just because you say a word has been "widely established" as derogatory does not mean that it is fact so. A word in itself can not be derogatory, only it's use or context can be.

For example, do you think that the first time the word "nigger" was used it was intentinally used as a derogatory term ? It may have been, but how can anyone say so without proof ?

If "negro", "coloured person" and "nigger" all describe the same thing, why is one derogatory and not the other ? Just what is the definition of derogatory...I don't mean the dictionary definition, I mean when can it be applied to a word.

Furthermore, if I was to invent a new word to describe a dark skinned person, let's say "niggar" just for the sake of discussion, would this word immediately be classified as derogatory, or would a redneck racist have to use it first before it could be so classified ?

Is the publishing of the word "nigger" in the dictionary derogatory ? No, because of the context the word appears (a reference book) however if it appeared in a glossary prepared by the KKK it would be classified as derogatory.

It's a subtle but valid point I'm making here. Words aren't derogatory, only their use in some cases is, and generally there must be an intention to be derogatory, or to insult.

As far as Thais using "farang" I'm satisfied there is generally no intention to be derogatory or insult. Ever been travelling with a group of Thais and seen an elephant ? Everyone of them will be yelling "chang, chang, chang" and pointing.

I rest my case.

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Negro isn't really derogatory, but it's woefully outdated IMO.

I'm amazed anyone would think nigger isn't though.

Negro at least had a place in anthropology to describe people of African decent. Nigger on the other hand has never been anything but derogatory and demeaning.

If you don't think it's derogatory, get out from behind the keyboard and use it for awhile, and see what kind of reception you get.

"Bob" and "Moron" may be used to describe the same person, but just because the first one is benign, doesn't mean the second is too.

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I accept that most if not all dark skinned people today find the word derogatory in some cases and I don't use it myself. But I am aware the word of late is used frequently amongst dark skinned people themselves without any derogatory connotation. Does this mean that classification as derogatory is itself racist or at least selective or exclusive ?

Note that I refer to this group of people as "dark skinned". In my home country it is considered derogatory to refer to them as "black people" or "blacks", however I don't know any caucasians who object to being called "whites".

A previous wife once said in conversation to a dark skinned American "we call a spade a spade". That took some explaining.

Sorry for drifting off topic.

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I accept that most if not all dark skinned people today find the word derogatory in some cases and I don't use it myself. But I am aware the word of late is used frequently amongst dark skinned people themselves without any derogatory connotation. Does this mean that classification as derogatory is itself racist or at least selective or exclusive ?

By doing the above they have taken control of the word away from the racists.

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I accept that most if not all dark skinned people today find the word derogatory in some cases and I don't use it myself. But I am aware the word of late is used frequently amongst dark skinned people themselves without any derogatory connotation. Does this mean that classification as derogatory is itself racist or at least selective or exclusive ?

By doing the above they have taken control of the word away from the racists.

...whereby once in common use within the negro culture it will drift across into the broader vernacular, but without the derogatory connotation, having completed a full cirlce back to it's original meaning....to describe a person of dark skin colour of African ancestery.

Such is the evolving and dynamic characteristic of language.

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I accept that most if not all dark skinned people today find the word derogatory in some cases and I don't use it myself. But I am aware the word of late is used frequently amongst dark skinned people themselves without any derogatory connotation. Does this mean that classification as derogatory is itself racist or at least selective or exclusive ?

By doing the above they have taken control of the word away from the racists.

...whereby once in common use within the negro culture it will drift across into the broader vernacular, but without the derogatory connotation, having completed a full cirlce back to it's original meaning....to describe a person of dark skin colour of African ancestery.

Such is the evolving and dynamic characteristic of language.

I don't see a time in the near future where it will be appropriate. Even in black communities there is considerable debate over whether or not its appropriate for they themselves to use it, given it's history.

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kat, can you show me the researhes done that says the word "farang" is derogatory?(I hope those reserches were't done by farangs)

I am amazed! Have you people actually interacted with any thai people?

That is really amazing!

Can you guys please look at the last sentence of post 68 which was posted by a thai? Can you speak to any of the thais you know and ask? FGS! How can people have such learning difficulties? Just what do you do in thailand everyday?

That's why I always say there will never be peace in this world! People get offended by the most trivial things!

Wait, I guess kat has misunderstood that I was refering to the word "negro", have you? kat?

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  • 2 weeks later...

I find it more offensive when I meet other farangs in the street, say hello and they either blank me or give the traditional farang greeting, which is the left nostril flared upwards, slightly screwed eyes, tight lipped, put their back towards me and walk away.

So irritating but must admit never been tempted to hit anyone, that's sick.

The term Farang when used by Thais is only impolite when it is aimed at you by a Thai person who knows you by your actual name, if from strangers, ignore it, only a word of expression or description.

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I find it more offensive when I meet other farangs in the street, say hello and they either blank me or give the traditional farang greeting, which is the left nostril flared upwards, slightly screwed eyes, tight lipped, put their back towards me and walk away.

That gets on my T1TS as well!!

Thinks its bang out of order but as you say not enough for fisty cuffs.

<deleted> um!!!!!!!

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I'm Thai been in U.K. for 6 years. It is the same in all parts of the world, occasionally some teenager shout at me "Chinky". Don't take it seriously.

Maybe you should try to tell us if the word "farang" has a negative meaning?

I am very surprised that people here find it so offensive. My thai friends call me farang all the time.

Why Thais call Farang? Back to the history when the first Europeans step foot in Thailand believed to be French. I will cut the story short.

They were told they came from the other side of the world a country call France (fra(a)ns as you all knew Thais has difficulties of Pronunciation.

France became today Fa rang

believe me Farang has no negative meaning at all. Unlike the China Man (Chinky) African (Negro)

How about calling " Kark" to other Asians(Indians, SriLankans...)? Is it normal to Thais :D ? And how should they refer to Thais :o ?

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Its something I don't think about, I usually respond with Kon Thai, I usually get the remark from very young children who mean no harm. I'm a FARANG or FALANG; my Kids are Falang Noi; Indian Types are Kecks or there abouts. We are all French, I'm sure I have some french genes in me, Its quite refreshing in its simplicity. I come from a vast Country about the size of the North American Continent, Europe & most of Russia put together which I feel is something to be proud of. I'm actually quietly proud to be different to your average Kon Thai.

When they say it quietly under there breath with a sneer then you have problems ;-)

When the word FALANG becomes outlawed in the future by some politically correct government, its time for me to leave.

I'll definately try the Kon Lao response though, for a bit of entertainment.

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