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Book Sale In Royal Garden Mall Pattaya..................

libya 115

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13 June-12 July 2007

Ground Floor: Fountain Area

Plus weekly special promotions for every purchase of 2,000 upwards

Thanks for the tip... but I've never seen a really good book sale in Thailand.. when they say "up to 90 % off", they might have one old book, with a tattered cover at that price, but most of them are probably things like out of date travel guides to places people from here don't go to, like South America or Belarus, OR a movie "tie in" book to some movie from 8 years ago. Regardless, I will check it out, before and after I go to the Sizzler for the low-carb fish with pesto special.

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I will be in town for the start of the sale - will buy a satchel full of books to take back to Saudi - where I will enjoy reading every one - some several times.

Libya - why the sale - are they closing? I hope not - my main source of reading matter every three months.

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I will be in town for the start of the sale - will buy a satchel full of books to take back to Saudi - where I will enjoy reading every one - some several times.

Libya - why the sale - are they closing? I hope not - my main source of reading matter every three months.

No, they are not closing, but around this time of year they get rid of excess stock and the last editions of 'Lonely Planet' etc. A good time for bargain hunters!

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I shop at Bookazine a lot as well, and often do the same as HB (buy a batch to take back to the 'stan with me, or, if I'm back in LOS, buy a few to read during my early mornings whilst enjoying my (street-stall purchased) coffee and breakfast (20 baht).

As I would be buying books there anyways, and kind of a sale/discount would be a bonus, be it 10, 20 or 90%.

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Weho thank you for every post you write,you enjoy my day,a good laugh is always welcome,you are a true buffoon, please do not stop posting.

It seems not everyone appreciates your appreciation for my special brand of humour! I'll take your posting as a compliment.

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