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Thailand paying more than USA or EU for Moderna.


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Thailand paying more than USA or EU for Moderna.

Moderna made a great product and of course they should make a profit...

... but not strictly a private business decision cuz Moderna got big bucks from the US government.




"Moderna, Racing for Profits, Keeps Covid Vaccine Out of Reach of Poor"

"Botswana, Thailand and Colombia, which the World Bank classifies as upper-middle-income countries, have said they are paying $27 to $30 per Moderna dose."


"The United States paid $15 to $16.50 for each shot, on top of the $1.3 billion the government gave Moderna to develop its vaccine. The European Union has paid $22.60 to $25.50 for its Moderna doses."


"About one million doses of Moderna’s vaccine have gone to countries that the World Bank classifies as low income. By contrast, 8.4 million Pfizer doses and about 25 million single-shot Johnson & Johnson doses have gone to those countries."


"The United States kicked in $1.3 billion for clinical trials and other research. And in August 2020, the government agreed to preorder $1.5 billion of the vaccine, guaranteeing that Moderna would have a market for what was an unproven product."

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11 minutes ago, cdemundo said:

About one million doses of Moderna’s vaccine have gone to countries that the World Bank classifies as low income.

Not sure what is meant by "low income," but the US sent 5 million Moderna doses alone to Vietnam

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1 hour ago, John Drake said:

Not sure what is meant by "low income," but the US sent 5 million Moderna doses alone to Vietnam

World Bank has 4 classifications: Low, Lower Middle, Upper Middle, High Income.

Vietnam is lower middle.

Most of the low income are in Africa, plus Afghanistan, Syria, Yemen, N Korea,




Edited by cdemundo
added N Korea
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Probably service fee for the Government to approve and handling the Moderna vaccines....

It is shameful that there is no standard price for all these vaccines. It would be very clear for everyone and if you living in poor country, there are ways to help to get these vaccines.. Easy asnd clear for everyone  

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