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A Warning Of Forthcoming Devastation...


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I am not the

looking at how the world situation is going with the USA govt. trying to take over the world... a large war may not be very far off.... and I'd prefer widescale destruction from natural causes than widescale war...

Hey take it easy Fred I'm an American. I Highly doubt the U.S. has the resources to Take over the whole world. Besides I thought that was Russia's sublime plan-------------Besides George will be toast in 2008 & the world will feel better about The U.S. And it will be a better place .

I predict the dollar to the baht will rise when George is out of office & America will breath easier Along with most of America 1000 points of light is better than a door son Bush!

By the way what happened to the Pole shift in the early nineties that was supposed to cause the earth to fall off it's axis & slump side to side --causing the earths water to go to & fro wiping out most of the planet.

Must be global warming in 50-100 years?

<deleted> happens & it is safe to say it will But even Nostadamas & Edgar Casey have missed. Although Nostradamas has far more guesses that were right than not.

Personally I hope all the gloom & doomers are wrong but odds someday will come into play SOMEDAY!............................................................................

............... :whi :o stling:

Edited by Beardog
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A Thai Nostradamus.................... :D

Where was he in the days leading up to the Tsunami?

However reading the news I am not so sure that the disaster has not already happened. :o

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IHey take it easy Fred I'm an American. I Highly doubt the U.S. has the resources to Take over the whole world. Besides I thought that was Russia's sublime plan-------------Besides George will be toast in 2008 & the world will feel better about The U.S. And it will be a better place .

I predict the dollar to the baht will rise when George is out of office & America will breath easier Along with most of America 1000 points of light is better than a door son Bush!

By the way what happened to the Pole shift in the early nineties that was supposed to cause the earth to fall off it's axis & slump side to side --causing the earths water to go to & fro wiping out most of the planet.

Must be global warming in 50-100 years?

<deleted> happens & it is safe to say it will But even Nostadamas & Edgar Casey have missed. Although Nostradamas has far more guesses that were right than not.

Personally I hope all the gloom & doomers are wrong but odds someday will come into play

what makes you think Bush is going to stand down?.... with all the changes to peoples rights which have taken place since 9/11... US has been on a war footing with special powers

if this monk really knew anything he probably would have won the lottery by now.

any real monk who practised correctly and was able to see visions of the future in his meditation wouldn't have any interst in worldly things like lottery.... its gambling... and Thais call it "abayamook"... something the monks should be encouraging Thais to avoid....

A Thai Nostradamus.................... :o

Where was he in the days leading up to the Tsunami?

if he started to get visions but wasn't sure how accurate they were he might not jump into making predictions... but after seeing the accuracy of them come true now decided to warn a few people.... you know that most people take such warnings cynically and wont believe them... just look at this thread

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1 - Y2K

2 - SARS

3 - Tsunami

4 - Avian Flu

5 - Landslides in BKK

Spot the odd one out?

























Correct, Y2K is the answer!


















It was the only one not predicted by some cultish shamanistic opportunist religous "oh-so-revered" monotheistic or take your pick polytheistic spiritual representative sent here to enlighten the masses! Nope, it was a just a plain old nerdy computer geek.

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Comon Fred,

I know you must read the news. even my super ulta pro republican buddies( & I am neither for or against either parties now)

Are sick of the crap he is pulling . He has made a mockery of our democratic system thusly looking at his RATINGS---Lowest of any president the U.S. has every had!

I would be inclined that his rule & Iron fist is over. He can only do minimal damage now as even his own party is begging on their knees for him to quit. The Families (some I know ) are frankly tired of having their sons returned in a body bag.even my Mom Brother & sister are truely shamed they voted him in on term 2.

Now Back to some other predictions! :o:D :D

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Yes, Nostradamus predicted all of these things too. The only problem is no one knows the prediction until the disaster has already happened then all the soothsayers come forward and say "see I told you so, here it is in the book". Predict the winner of todays lottery and we will see if you are correct tomorrow don't show me the paper and say I knew he was going to win.

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Comon Fred,

I know you must read the news. even my super ulta pro republican buddies( & I am neither for or against either parties now)

Are sick of the crap he is pulling . He has made a mockery of our democratic system thusly looking at his RATINGS---Lowest of any president the U.S. has every had!

I would be inclined that his rule & Iron fist is over. He can only do minimal damage now as even his own party is begging on their knees for him to quit. The Families (some I know ) are frankly tired of having their sons returned in a body bag.even my Mom Brother & sister are truely shamed they voted him in on term 2.

Now Back to some other predictions! :o:D:D

anyway... bush is just a puppet.... the real ones pulling the strings of every govt. are the hyper/ultra/mega rich shadow powers in control of the worlds banking and fossil fuels.... and they also do their best to silence any progress with 'free energy'

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Comon Fred,

I know you must read the news. even my super ulta pro republican buddies( & I am neither for or against either parties now)

Are sick of the crap he is pulling . He has made a mockery of our democratic system thusly looking at his RATINGS---Lowest of any president the U.S. has every had!

I would be inclined that his rule & Iron fist is over. He can only do minimal damage now as even his own party is begging on their knees for him to quit. The Families (some I know ) are frankly tired of having their sons returned in a body bag.even my Mom Brother & sister are truely shamed they voted him in on term 2.

Now Back to some other predictions! :o:D:D

anyway... bush is just a puppet.... the real ones pulling the strings of every govt. are the hyper/ultra/mega rich shadow powers in control of the worlds banking and fossil fuels.... and they also do their best to silence any progress with 'free energy'

Nazis call them the ZOG.

Zionist Occupational Governments.

Nothing like a little antisemitism to start the day. :D

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Comon Fred,

I know you must read the news. even my super ulta pro republican buddies( & I am neither for or against either parties now)

Are sick of the crap he is pulling . He has made a mockery of our democratic system thusly looking at his RATINGS---Lowest of any president the U.S. has every had!

I would be inclined that his rule & Iron fist is over. He can only do minimal damage now as even his own party is begging on their knees for him to quit. The Families (some I know ) are frankly tired of having their sons returned in a body bag.even my Mom Brother & sister are truely shamed they voted him in on term 2.

Now Back to some other predictions! :o:D:D

anyway... bush is just a puppet.... the real ones pulling the strings of every govt. are the hyper/ultra/mega rich shadow powers in control of the worlds banking and fossil fuels.... and they also do their best to silence any progress with 'free energy'

Nazis call them the ZOG.

Zionist Occupational Governments.

Nothing like a little antisemitism to start the day. :D

Lets see...

US Elections - Thailand? ...no

Puppet Bush.........Thailand?.....no

Nazis........Thailand? ....no

The predictions are old news as well.... got that email a looong time ago -

I am sure at least one will want to see the link! :D:bah:

I look forward to this one going away!

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>> เพราะจะทำให้รถติดไม่สาม ารถไปไหนได้เลย

otherwise traffic will be jammed and unable to move

I think that event already happend - yesterday on Sukhumvit :o

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Ah, ye of little faith--you shall all be smitten down by these mighty plagues!

(and your server will not operate during that period of time in October either!)

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My wife keeps getting these emails and gets very paranoid about them.

Strangely most of these scaremongering messages appear after world events e.g. after 9/11, Bali, Tsunami, etc. They prey on Thai's natural superstitions and are nothing more than a modern incarnation of chain letters.

A complete waste of bandwidth if you ask me, well unless you are the twisted person who wrote it. I would imagine that it would probably put quite a large smile on their face every time they encounter someone who reacts to it.

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Comon Fred,

I know you must read the news. even my super ulta pro republican buddies( & I am neither for or against either parties now)

Are sick of the crap he is pulling . He has made a mockery of our democratic system thusly looking at his RATINGS---Lowest of any president the U.S. has every had!

I would be inclined that his rule & Iron fist is over. He can only do minimal damage now as even his own party is begging on their knees for him to quit. The Families (some I know ) are frankly tired of having their sons returned in a body bag.even my Mom Brother & sister are truely shamed they voted him in on term 2.

Now Back to some other predictions! :o:D:D

anyway... bush is just a puppet.... the real ones pulling the strings of every govt. are the hyper/ultra/mega rich shadow powers in control of the worlds banking and fossil fuels.... and they also do their best to silence any progress with 'free energy'

Ok Fred good man I guess we can agree on a few things!

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