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Senior Justice official angered by Low Rank of Cambodia on Rule of Law Performance

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Chin Malin, Secretary of State and Spokesperson of the Ministry of Justice, has expressed his dismay of the recent report of World Justice Project which ranks Cambodia 138 out of 139 countries on rule of law performance during COVID-19 crisis.


“It is irrational and inconsistent with the actual situation as well as the international context. Even some countries that used to criticise Cambodia for the enforcement of legal measures in this COVID-19 situation, they themselves have carried out all those legal measures and even stricter and more severe than Cambodia, such as the country’s lockdown, vaccination obligation, and so on,” the spokesperson said.


Malin continued that the survey was presumed to have received information or data only from one side, possibly from civil society organisations or groups with political tendencies against Cambodia, leading to an incorrect assessment.


read more https://www.khmertimeskh.com/50953246/senior-justice-official-angered-by-low-rank-of-cambodia-on-rule-of-law-performance/




ThaiVisa, c'est aussi en français

ThaiVisa, it's also in French


Politically biased and prejudiced ranking. 


Never surprises me. Authors and scorers are from a country obsessed with comparing their "perfect society" with other countries whilst shamelessly sweeping their domestic imperfections under the rug.

Screenshot 2021-10-17 13.17.41.png

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