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Mobile vaccination drive programme is gathering up momentum in Brunei

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The mobile vaccination programme arrived at the Lamunin Health Centre in Kampong Lamunin yesterday, the opening day of a three-day immunisation campaign in the Tutong District.

According to Medical Officer Dr. Irene Nor Liew, the presentation drew a sizable attendance, with lines forming early.

Before midday, over 100 people had signed up, and with the programme lasting until 2.30pm yesterday, more people kept coming in.
For the day, 150 to 200 doses of Moderna vaccination were allocated.


The quantity of assigned doses for the second and third days will be split between the centre and residential visits, according to Dr. Irene.
Tomorrow and Thursday will be the days for house visits.

"The antigen rapid test (ART) will be performed on persons who do not have BruHealth or Bru-Hims prior to immunisation," she stated.

Nurul Nabilah binti Mohammad Esmandi, 18, from Kampong Bukit Beruang, told the Bulletin that she chose to get vaccinated to safeguard her siblings at home.


Meanwhile, Brunei Shell Petroleum (BSP) Company Sdn Bhd Transport Department official Jumat bin Haji Ahim was relieved to finally obtain his first jab yesterday after five failed efforts to book a vaccination session.

He thanked His Majesty Sultan Haji Hassanal Bolkiah Mu'izzaddin Waddaulah ibni Al-Marhum Sultan Haji Omar 'Ali Saifuddien Sa'adul Khairi Waddien, Sultan and Yang Di-Pertuan of Brunei Darussalam for providing the vaccination free of charge, and praised the decision to conduct the mobile vaccination programme at selected locations in remote villages.


Jumat also expressed optimism that the country's vaccination aim will be met soon.

"It is only right that everyone takes note to the Ministry of Health's (MoH) advise to get immunised to protect themselves," said Nur Syifa Syaheerah binti Muhd Jefri, a former resident of Temburong District who now lives with her family in Tutong District.


"Not only will this spare people, particularly senior residents, the trouble of having to go to vaccination centres, but it will also speed the process of reaching the 80-percent national target for a vaccinated population," she said of the mobile vaccination programme in distant areas.

Meanwhile, Hajah Halimah binti Saidi, a senior citizen, decided to get vaccinated after considering the fact that she lives with her working children and is in the 'high risk' group.

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