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Tot Adsl Down, Why


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My TOT ADSL has been down since about friday. Returning only for a couple hours yesterday. TOT claimed that all the north was down but I didn't believe them.

However, I have talked to a few others who said they were down also. I was surprised that I didn't see any posts here when I connected through dial-up.

Anyone what was going on? Seems OK now. (Sansai,CM). :o

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My TOT ADSL has been down since about friday. Returning only for a couple hours yesterday. TOT claimed that all the north was down but I didn't believe them.

However, I have talked to a few others who said they were down also. I was surprised that I didn't see any posts here when I connected through dial-up.

Anyone what was going on? Seems OK now. (Sansai,CM). :o

My connection has been dodgy since the middle of last week, especially in the evenings. I'm on a CS-Loxinfo connection over a TT&T line so it doesn't seem to be an isolated problem.

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My TOT ADSL has been down since about friday. Returning only for a couple hours yesterday. TOT claimed that all the north was down but I didn't believe them.

However, I have talked to a few others who said they were down also. I was surprised that I didn't see any posts here when I connected through dial-up.

Anyone what was going on? Seems OK now. (Sansai,CM). :o

My TOT ADSL has been fine...hmmmm

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In my case, it is often the router 'heating up' which often destroys the signal. Just turning it off for a few moments, then back on, usually makes it work again. I have TOT, too, and I used to call them a lot...

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Obviously, as I suspected, all of N. Thailand was not down. My CyberGold :o back up late Sunday afternoon and has been normal. I seldom have trouble with my ADSL as it is relatively new in my area and was also installed on a new phone line so I was surprised at all the problems in the past week.

All I can hope for is maybe they were down to install new equipment or something (wishful thinking?).

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Obviously, as I suspected, all of N. Thailand was not down. My CyberGold :o back up late Sunday afternoon and has been normal. I seldom have trouble with my ADSL as it is relatively new in my area and was also installed on a new phone line so I was surprised at all the problems in the past week.

All I can hope for is maybe they were down to install new equipment or something (wishful thinking?).

I have the same setup, and I'm not in the least bit surprised when problems occur. Maybe you need a readjustment of your expectations here. A lot of benefit when it comes to headaches. :D

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Ajarn: Spot on as usual. My TOT tech when called regarding down service, told me to turn off the router for 15 minutes, five minutes usually does it.

Notwithstanding the foregoing, Sat night and Sun morning were down times for most on TOT this weekend.

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Have TOT adsl the silvercyber package close to Chiang Mai Land.

Network down from saterday to sunday. Looking in the log of my router D-Link G604T: it was consistently due to authentication errors with messages like CHAP autentication error , disconnecting etc..

It seems their authentication servers were down or flaky or that they had a RADIUS problem which can bring down large parts of your network.

They use that silly authentication with phonenumber@silvercyber etc

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Obviously, as I suspected, all of N. Thailand was not down. My CyberGold :o back up late Sunday afternoon and has been normal. I seldom have trouble with my ADSL as it is relatively new in my area and was also installed on a new phone line so I was surprised at all the problems in the past week.

All I can hope for is maybe they were down to install new equipment or something (wishful thinking?).

I have the same setup, and I'm not in the least bit surprised when problems occur. Maybe you need a readjustment of your expectations here. A lot of benefit when it comes to headaches. :D

Not at all. I have been using dial up for 4 years and I have read most of the posts regarding ADSL and it's problems here. I have been quite pleased with my ADSL which has been operating almost flawlessly for the past month or so. I expected many more problems than I have had. I don't like to be lied to by TOT staff. Just trying to find out what may have actually occured this past week.

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Obviously, as I suspected, all of N. Thailand was not down. My CyberGold :o back up late Sunday afternoon and has been normal. I seldom have trouble with my ADSL as it is relatively new in my area and was also installed on a new phone line so I was surprised at all the problems in the past week.

All I can hope for is maybe they were down to install new equipment or something (wishful thinking?).

I have the same setup, and I'm not in the least bit surprised when problems occur. Maybe you need a readjustment of your expectations here. A lot of benefit when it comes to headaches. :D

Not at all. I have been using dial up for 4 years and I have read most of the posts regarding ADSL and it's problems here. I have been quite pleased with my ADSL which has been operating almost flawlessly for the past month or so. I expected many more problems than I have had. I don't like to be lied to by TOT staff. Just trying to find out what may have actually occured this past week.

Sorry, I don't mean anything, but it seems to me that the 'lieing' is another issue.... How do you know she lied? You don't know anything if you're fair. Maybe she told you what she was told, na?

I think if you start to think about service people in this way, then you leave yourself open to a lot more headaches...

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It seems to me that "face" is a big issue in Asia and Thailand is no exception.

Telling a customer "a story" may be technically lying, but if it is a lie, it is a "white lie" not intended to hurt anyone. Just to make the listener feel better. Whether the net result is on target and makes you feel better or not, one must give credit to the effort.

A "story" is easily detected as they rarely make sense and when I hear one, I just chalk it off for a good effort by the story teller.

I have heard so many "stories" in my life that it really takes an inventive one before it is one I haven't heard before.

In the west, I had often thought of writing a book entitled "101 Contractor Excuses", a useful tool i as the contractor could just refer to the "excuse" by number and save a great deal of time for everyone.

In Asia, however, "face saving" is so important, not only for the story teller but also for the person being told the story, as it is often the recipient of the story whose face is being saved or for whom the attempt is being made.

We who come from a culture where "truth" is such an important issue, accepting something else is more difficult, but I have come a long way in "accepting stories" for what they are. Knowing the "truth" is really not all that important in the general scheme of things, or at least that is where I am these days.

Take the ADSL service over the weekend. It was down. Why is knowing the "true reason" it was down so important?

I once attended a conference where a speaker once identified a syndrome suffered by anal retentive over achievers who were problem solvers by inclination or training. He described the following scenario:

Normal people who suffer a flat tire, change the tire and merrily go on their way.

The aforementioned "problem solvers" must investigate the flat tire to determine why it went flat and afix blame.

The moral is: things that happen are incidents or events and do not become a problem until one adjudges them to be so. Thus all "problems" are judgment calls by those who so identify incidents or events occurring in life.

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I liked your story expat. I was one of those problem solvers by both inclination and training, but I would not identify myself as an over achiever. I would have wanted to find out why the tire went flat, not to afix blame but to minimize the chances of it happening again. I have realized living here that the only place I can solve any problems is right here inside my own home. As soon as I go out that door I no longer have much control over anything. I have completely given up asking the "why" question. All I want to know now is "when" will I be able to use the internet again. And of course their answer will be anything except "I don't know" which is probably the only true answer they could give.

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I liked your story expat. I was one of those problem solvers by both inclination and training, but I would not identify myself as an over achiever. I would have wanted to find out why the tire went flat, not to afix blame but to minimize the chances of it happening again. I have realized living here that the only place I can solve any problems is right here inside my own home. As soon as I go out that door I no longer have much control over anything. I have completely given up asking the "why" question. All I want to know now is "when" will I be able to use the internet again. And of course their answer will be anything except "I don't know" which is probably the only true answer they could give.

OK perhaps saying that the service girl was intentionally lieing was a little strong. This prompted some interesting philisophical replies however when I was only trying to find what the adsl problem was.

Take the ADSL service over the weekend. It was down. Why is knowing the "true reason" it was down so important?

In this case it was important to me because, if it was not a widespread problem, then perhaps it was something wrong with my router or my connection for which I could do something on my own to resolve as other posters have offered suggestions.

I have to say that I have always fit into the problem solving group also, both due to personality and profession. Higgy88 is correct and I agree that there is not much I can do to solve problems here outside my own home, but I always have the desire to know "why" when something is wrong or there is a problem to be solved. I don't know if I can change that trait easily, but thanks for the interesting


As for ProThaiExpat comments; I must say I like your attitude. I only hope I can adjust as easily in time. Sabay, Sabay!!

BTW my ADSL has been functioning fine since Sunday afternoon with no outages at all. :o

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I only hope I can adjust as easily in time. Sabay, Sabay!!

Who said it was easy!! I still try mightily to reach the state of grace that I alluded to as a better place to be "mental health" wise.

I must say, articulating my mental objective and getting agreement from posters such as silverhawk usa acts as a affirmation on my road to reaching the objective. Once we turn off our router to let it "cool" down and re-boot our computers to assure that there is not a transitory "block" to reception, what else can we do but just wait until the system comes back on.

Not being born with a computer in my lap, I always think internet problems are in my computer, when, in fact, if our computer and router are working fine and then suddenly we lose service, the problem is very likely outside our control and it is only our own mental processes that make the event (problem) ours. Believe me, I turned my router off more than once during the latest outage and re-booted more than once before I could be convinced it wasn't my system's fault. In fact, it wasn't until I got a e-mail from a friend Sunday morning, after service was restored, that I learned it was a system wide outage and I breathed easier that it wasn't me. I have a long way to go until I reach my mental health objective.

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