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Thailand vows to reach net zero carbon emissions by 2065 at COP26


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Agreeing to do something in 50 years is not an "agreement". It's called 'doing the absolute least amount of effort as possible'.


Doesn't matter tho. Thailand is almost certainly going to bear the brunt of climate change, and that will happen long before 2065. By which point, societies and governments around the world will have collapsed and it'll be up to every single individual to look after himself. There's no possible way we can go back to "normal", it's inevitable. I pity all the children born this century (even a bit earlier) - it's gonna be rough.

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9 minutes ago, clokwise said:

Agreeing to do something in 50 years is not an "agreement". It's called 'doing the absolute least amount of effort as possible'.


Doesn't matter tho. Thailand is almost certainly going to bear the brunt of climate change, and that will happen long before 2065. By which point, societies and governments around the world will have collapsed and it'll be up to every single individual to look after himself. There's no possible way we can go back to "normal", it's inevitable. I pity all the children born this century (even a bit earlier) - it's gonna be rough.

But it's not an agreement to do something in 50 years. It's an agreement to do something in order to  achieve a goal that's 50 years in the future.

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12 minutes ago, placeholder said:

But it's not an agreement to do something in 50 years. It's an agreement to do something in order to  achieve a goal that's 50 years in the future.

They need to feel the consequences of their ( non ) actions . Just like a kid that is playing with fire .

Before they do not get their fingers burned , they will not act . All their ' declarations of intent ' are worth nothing . They are too dependent on the business lobby who only cares for their immediate profits . Radical change of the current capitalistic way of thinking is urgently needed now .

But the sheep will follow their leaders , and the leaders are too self-centered to see what will happen soon ... bound for dystopia ...

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7 minutes ago, nobodysfriend said:

They need to feel the consequences of their ( non ) actions . Just like a kid that is playing with fire .

Before they do not get their fingers burned , they will not act . All their ' declarations of intent ' are worth nothing . They are too dependent on the business lobby who only cares for their immediate profits . Radical change of the current capitalistic way of thinking is urgently needed now .

But the sheep will follow their leaders , and the leaders are too self-centered to see what will happen soon ... bound for dystopia ...

Whatever the merits of your comments may be, it does not address the fact that clokwise's critique was based on a faulty premise.

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23 hours ago, PETERTHEEATER said:


yeah....... As someone said, blah blah blah. And if I remember right, it is António Guterres who said in Glasgow "Stop using the nature as a toilet!". Thailand should also listen to that one, that's part of preserving the planet for the future generations .... and for the present! 


Thinking about it, I don't know many people who use their toilet as Thais do use their roads, beaches, back yards etc. ????

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Considering that over 400 aircraft were used too get the important people to the COP 2021 gathering, I see

a big problem in ever achieving a net zero carbon  number for anyone.  At least the 2065 is a few years

away, however the unreliably solar and wind power systems should never be considered as the main source of

power. Lots of cloudy and calm days all over the world.


Edited by Stargeezr
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Even the Thai media called him on his crock .. 


They put his speech next to a translated Obama speech from a previous climate change conference and it was word for word .. 


All that wasted money and energy so that he could bump elbows with the rest of the worlds leaders in a pretense that he’s a world class leader. 

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19 hours ago, Ninafarm said:

No plastic bags in all stores was a nice start,,,, except 1000s and 1000s of markets everyday around Thailand handing out Millions of plastic bags everyday ???

It started out so well, and major supermarkets still adhere to the rules, like BigCX, but the distributor I was in yesterday (a place that supplies bulk to shop owners mostly), was merrily packing peoples purchases into a profusion of plastic bags. Plastic bags by the way, were being sold and could be found in aisle 3. 

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