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Over the weekend, the Myanmar resistance killed around 150 Junta troops

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Over the weekend, some 150 junta soldiers were said to have been killed in firefights with civilian resistance forces across Myanmar.

The People's Defense Forces (PDFs) have intensified operations against regime forces in Yangon, Mandalay, Sagaing, Magwe, and Tanintharyi regions, as well as Chin, Shan, Kayah, and Mon states, including urban strikes.


On Sunday afternoon, 50 junta soldiers and a civilian fighter were killed during battle in the west of the Sagaing Region township, according to the Kawlin Revolution, the Kawlin PDF's media wing.

According to the Kawlin Revolution, the junta used two helicopters to strike the PDF after suffering heavy losses.

Helicopters are seen attacking the PDF in a video.

Around 85 junta soldiers were reportedly slain by the Kawlin PDF over two days in late October.

Around 25 junta soldiers were killed in firefights with the PDF on Sunday in Kyunhla Township, Sagaing Region, which is next to Kawlin.


Around ten junta soldiers were reportedly slain in a Kyunhla PDF ambush between Inhla and Ayechantha villages on Sunday morning.

According to the Kyunhla PDF, another 15 servicemen were slain when retreating PDF members ambushed regime forces following them near Ayechantha hamlet in the township.

According to the report, a civilian resistance fighter with a handmade firearm suffered minor injuries.
Following the shootout, regime forces allegedly set fire to buildings in Ayechantha, according to Kyunhla PDF.

Thousands of people have fled their homes in Kyunhla's west after four military deployments invaded villages.


In an ambush against regime troops in Pale Township, Sagaing Region, Pale PDF claimed to have killed at least 18 junta soldiers and injured many more.

According to Pale PDF, the PDF used landmines to ambush three detachments of infantry, including vehicles, in the settlement on Sunday.

According to the Myaung Special PDF, many resistance groups in Myaung Township, Sagaing Region, ambushed regime troops in a van and five motorcycles travelling from Myaung police station on Sunday.
The number of military casualties has yet to be determined.

According to Myaung PDF, government troops opened fire at random after the ambush.


During weekend battle on the Mindat-Matupi highway in Mindat Township, Chin State, another 26 junta soldiers were purportedly slain by the Chin Defense Force.

The CDF ambushed two military convoys on the highway in Mindat on Sunday.
According to the CDF, at least 18 junta soldiers were killed, and a civilian fighter was hurt in the thigh.

Eight junta troops were killed and many more were injured when the Mindat CDF ambushed a military convoy on the highway on Saturday, hiding among roadside drains and trees.

Around 35 junta soldiers were reportedly slain in a Mindat CDF ambush on the roadway on Wednesday and Thursday.


On Sunday, a military convoy of 30 trucks carrying roughly 100 personnel was attacked by the Yaw Defense Force on the Gangaw-Kale highway in Gangaw Township, Magwe Region.

According to the group, at least ten troops were killed and more than 15 were injured.

Meanwhile, the Kyaukhtu PDF ambushed seven military trucks on the Kyaukhtu-Tilin route in Khaukhtu, Gangaw District, Magwe Region, on Sunday afternoon, killing ten junta troops.

A truck was also wrecked, and many soldiers were hurt.
Due to the possibility of attacks, the Kyaukhtu PDF warned residents to only use the township's highways in an emergency.


Against Sunday and Saturday, attacks on the junta were recorded in Kyaukse Township, Mandalay Region, and Thaton Township, Mon State.
The number of military casualties has yet to be determined.

Three regime personnel were killed and five others were injured in Demoso Township, Kayah State, on Saturday after a shootout with the Karenni Nationalities Defense Force (KNDF) and Karenni Army, the armed wing of the Karenni National Progressive Party.

On Saturday, a group of Pekon PDF and KNDF members ambushed a military battalion in Pekon Township, Shan State.
Three junta troops were killed and numerous more were injured in the shootout, according to the KNDF.


According to the group, houses were damaged as the battalion deployed artillery to attack Pekon's residential districts.

During Sunday's confrontation with PDFs in Thayetchaung Township, Tanintharyi Region, two junta soldiers were killed and at least five more were injured.

Attainments in cities

PDFs in Yangon reported four attacks on regime soldiers in Mingaladon Township on Sunday, including two military installations and a township general administration office.

An armed group attacked the junta-run administration office in Thingangyun ward on Sunday afternoon, killing a soldier and a merchant and injuring three other servicemen.

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