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Ranong Immigration

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Has anyone been to Ranong recently to get a stamp? I have a Non Imm O (Multiple) visa and need to get another 90 days.

* Is Ranong still open to foreigners?

* Is it open on weekends?

* Can you get a Burmese visa on arrival or do you have to get one in BKK?

* Can you do a 'Poipet' (ie enter the country, mill around for a few hours and then depart back to Thailand)?

Any recent info would be greatly appreciated.


Big A

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Yes, Ranong is open to foreigners 7 days a week and closes at 16:00 hours every day.

Yes, you can get a Burmese VOA for I believe 10 dollars or slightly more if you pay in Baht.

Yes, you can do a quick turnaround in Burma.

Best of luck :o

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I am on a non O multi so I go every 90 days. If you have a valid visa and have not overstayed the staff are no trouble at all, quite friendly even.

If you are going to ranong from the Chumphon direction, be VERY careful on that road. It is a complete f$%king death trap.

Try going on an organized visa run. It might cost you a bit more but it saves arguing about boat prices etc. There are runs to both Kawthaung [Ranongs counterpart in Burma] and the Andeman Club resort. The AC is a far more civilised way to go and the pier in Ranong has its own Immigration officer so you will not even need to queue up in the main office.

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Yeah. I will be driving from Pak Nam Chumphon to Ranong, and although have driven to Chumphon many times from BKK, have never been to Ranong. Your warning is appreciated!!

Will not be staying overnight in Burma (as my car will be parked in Ranong), so will want to do an almost immediate U-turn back to Ranong. Should I still use a visa company?

Again, thanx for your help!

Big A

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The visa companies are only worthwhile if you dont drive there..

Theres longtail service for cheap (like 50 baht of sharing) maybe 200 baht if not.. I have had a 'fast covered boat' for 200 after a lot of haggling..

Theres a 'big boat' which is much better but departs set times.. Now with almost no customers they have cut the service down.. 8am and 11:30 is my best guess of its departure times..

You spend 10 mins in Burma.. Out and back..

The visa fee for burma has risen to 10 USD and they want 500 baht for it.. Any reason to turn down a note if used, creased, old etc.. I think they have them color coded (I noticed a lot had a yellow dye look) and so just dont argue and buy 500 baht 10 USD notes !!!

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