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Whats Wrong With Me?


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What if the problem (not referring to LD's case) is more mental than physical ?

i.e. all hot and horny in the bar/club, but back in the room, ho hum, let's watch a movie instead ?

Could it be too much of a good thing ? Could it be that regular, old bump and grind just isn't enough anymore ? Maybe a little "thrill" is needed to boost the urge (not as in illicit drugs, but as in doing "it" somewhere where the possibility of getting caught exists) ?

What other remedies are available besides the magic "V" ? I've heard of Kamagra & Cialis, but not sure how effective they are. I've also heard one of them works on the brain, instead of the blood flow to the penis ?

A friend of mine slipped me a packet of Kamagra in a bar one time. I wasn't sure if I wanted to try it or not and decided what the hey, what's the worse that could happen ? I could die with a smile on my face and a bulge in my boxers ? How ever, it didn't seem to have any effect, so the next day I tossed the rest out. Might have been some cheap Cambo knock-offs or something.

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Personal issues outside of the bedroom can affect desire in a positive or negative way depending on the issue. I would like to hear how the OP did with the remedy he selected. If it works it certainly could be worth a mention to people who have the same problem before starting therapy.

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