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Anemia Doctor


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My girlfriend had her annual work check up and they noticed that she had anemia. She is not sure what kind of doctor it is but he gave her the name of some medicine to buy at the pharmacy to take to improve the anemia. The name of the medicine he gave her was HaemoVit.


I would like her to see a doctor to be sure she has been given the correct advise with the medication he advised her to buy. All her blood tests in previous years before this were normal.


She won’t be able to bring the report with her to the hospital as she won’t get the report from her work for another month so it was only verbally that the doctor advised her to buy the HaemoVit medicine.


Is there any good doctors for this at either the Bangkok Christian hospital or St Louis hospital for this? Or is somewhere else recommend?


kind Regards 

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Sounds like she was just given and iron/vitamnin supplement. Which would be correct if it is iron deficiency anemia. Which is quite common in women.


She should see a hematologist. As she is working, she should be covered by Social Security and I would first try a hematologist at the SS hospital she is registered at, as this will be free. In addition, assuming the annual check up was done at the same hospital, the results of her blood test will already be in the computer there.


If not satisfied with outcome of that, consult Dr. Wichai Prayoonwiwat at Bangkok Christian Hospital. She'll have to have a repeat blood test if she was not able to get the results of the prior one to bring with her.



Sundays only


I really don't understand the part about needing to wait to get the results of the annual check up from her work - where was it done? If at a hospital, all she need do is go to the Medical record dept with her Thai ID (and if possible hospital number but if not they can still find in the system) and tell them she wants a copy of the lab result from (date). No need to get it from her employer (and indeed, the report that will eventually come to the  employer might not have the full blood test report anyhow, just summary of overall findings).

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Hi Sheryl,


Thank you for the information very useful.

The annual check up was carried out inside her workplace. So a hospital outside of Bangkok came into her workplace to do this. I believe the hospital was from samut sakorn. She said because the workplace has a lot of employees that’s why it normally takes 1 month to get the report. Also because samut Sakorn is a long distance away is not easy for her to walk in to get the results.



We will schedule an appointment with Dr. Wichai Prayoonwiwat at Bangkok Christian Hospital.


Kind Regards 



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