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Have some money in Superannuation back home in Oz, should I draw it out now or hold tight

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Bit of a "how long is a piece of string" question but becoming increasingly concerned about my superannuation account back home. I am of eligible age to withdraw a fair chunk of it now as of 57 yo per my birth date, but have left it in there as I have funds. I have been living here 7 years without returning to Australia, haven't returned in that time or worked here. This Covid situation spooking me a bit if my Super goes South I am screwed and it will be back home living on the pension. To be honest it has done better last 3 years than it has in the 7 years I have cane here covid and all. Has been dropping / rising last few months...stagnating really. I believe it's in a suitably safe fund as I am older. I clearly know little about money or investing and with my financial luck since I have been in Thailand I would be loathe to gamble it on bitcoin or the share market without knowing what I am doing particularly in these uncertain times. I guess my main concern is it is basically on the share market via my superfund although I believe  fair chunk of it is in very safe stuff like cash, real estate etc. Just worried the stock market will take a nosedive and I'll lose half of my retirement and wont be able to wait until things bounce back again. I will need that money within a couple of years so there is no long term, 5 year thing for me.


probably sound stupid but should I draw it out and put it in some sort of "safe" bank term deposit or something to be on the safe side? I would much prefer to leave it in Super for now as two years should see a growth of 5-15% depending on how the market pans out

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