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Discovered in my wonderings around the internet three Freemason Lodges in Thailand. Bangkok, Pattaya (of all places) & Chiang Mai.

However cannot find any contact information.

Can anyone help. If they can please just PM me. Thanks

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Discovered in my wonderings around the internet three Freemason Lodges in Thailand. Bangkok, Pattaya (of all places) & Chiang Mai.

However cannot find any contact information.

Can anyone help. If they can please just PM me. Thanks

And theres one in Phuket also i beleive

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Getting back to the original question, you need to ask the secretary at your lodge. He will make the necessary arrangements for you to visit lodges in other countries.

Certain lodges may not be approved.

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Getting back to the original question, you need to ask the secretary at your lodge. He will make the necessary arrangements for you to visit lodges in other countries.

Certain lodges may not be approved.

Last time I checked there were only 2 EC Lodges in Thailand, both attached to the GL of Malaysia. There is also 1 SC Lodge and I believe an irregular Lodge somewhere.

The EC Lodges are in Bangkok and Phuket.

If you need anything, PM me.

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Getting back to the original question, you need to ask the secretary at your lodge. He will make the necessary arrangements for you to visit lodges in other countries.

Certain lodges may not be approved.

Last time I checked there were only 2 EC Lodges in Thailand, both attached to the GL of Malaysia. There is also 1 SC Lodge and I believe an irregular Lodge somewhere.

The EC Lodges are in Bangkok and Phuket.

If you need anything, PM me.

Just had a look at the Thai Freemasonry site, havent seen it before. It seems the info I had was both old and incomplete, theirs seems more up to date and more complete. The Light of Siam in Phuket seems like a speculatively interesting Lodge.

Sorry, my bad.


Edited by Huw
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Hey all,

Very sorry to be so late with this, but I was on vacation with the family.

I'm the webmaster for Thai Freemason. We're an independent web site representing lodges from all six constitutions or Grand Lodges in the kingdom. There are "mainstream" lodges in Bangkok, Pattaya, Phuket, Chiang Mai and Haat Yai. All of the mainstream lodges are in amity, so brethren from one may visit the brethren of the other. There is one Prince Hall lodge in Bangkok on the roll of the PH Grand Lodge of Delaware. This GL is not currently in amity with any of the other lodges in Thailand. However there is a good deal of informal contact with the brethren of this lodge.

Some lodges are not listed on the site at the request of their officers. You can find a list of lodge secretaries at http://thaifreemason.com/thailodges.htm. If you're a Mason and would like to visit a lodge, please contact the appropriate secretary. Please check out our Masonic Tourist page if you're new to visiting a lodge.

If you would like to join a lodge, you can also email the lodge secretary. Usually, they'll set up a time to meet you so you can get to know some of the people in the lodge and decide whether or not you would like to join. Joining a lodge takes time. It's an important process that allows you (and your wife) to get to know the men in the lodge. Some lodges are very family oriented and include spouses in some activities (not lodge meetings, of course). Others are less family oriented and focused on the meetings and trappings of the Craft. Some lodges are focused on education and debate, some are more focused on social and fraternal issues. That's why its important to find a lodge that provides what you need or want.

If you have any serious questions on Masonry, please either check out my FAQ or email me. Please don't send conspiracy theories or question my religion. I get enough of that on a daily basis.

Best regards,


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I am closing this topic.

The OP posted a simple question asking for contact information of an organisation and he got it. After that, the thread developed into a flame fest, much of it quite ugly and a number of posts have already been deleted.

After closing the topic, I shall also remove all other off-topic posts.




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