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Better not to be helpful or caring


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35 minutes ago, Bruno123 said:

Spreading warmth and love and positivity as opposed to the doom and gloom in which some appear to choose to live.

You're equating not helping with doom and gloom, which is completely false.

My actions are generally neutral, I neither help or harm, but mind my own business.


Except for the two Thai girls I put through high school, then put through university.


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2 hours ago, BritManToo said:

You're equating not helping with doom and gloom, which is completely false.

My actions are generally neutral, I neither help or harm, but mind my own business.


Except for the two Thai girls I put through high school, then put through university.


Nope; I just mentioned my general character. You assumed perhaps that I was referring to you. I wasn't.

In fact I clearly suggested that you likely are caring/helpful; but you just choose to not get involved in everything.

I can't say that I've seen any doom and gloom posts from yourself. I would say that you are somewhat pragmatic.


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16 hours ago, Bruno123 said:


It's not obligatory. Depends on how you want to live. I would not be where I am now were it not for the efforts of other people; directly or indirectly.

I am also enormously privileged compared to many; in that I don't live hand to mouth. I have more time for things, of which many can only dream or cannot even imagine.

I can devote time to lofty ideals; something of which many do not have the luxury.


So if I can take the pressure off someone, even if only temporarily, in so they can think of something other than where they can get their next meal or sleep that night, I am happy to do that.

I don't need them to contribute their service in exchange ????

Spreading warmth and love and positivity as opposed to the doom and gloom in which some appear to choose to live.

I am often happy; so naturally I spread happiness. If I were a misery guts...guess what? I would spread misery and negativity.


I don't live in isolation. Neither do you. You already wrote that you would pick a local kid up off the ground if they fell and hurt themselves. That's the spirit. You don't get involved in EVERYTHING; but if there is something that you can do without serious detriment to yourself; likely you would do it.


I don't know these people; but I can see these people. So I 'know' their situation to a certain extent. 

The reality is that I give only a little of my most precious possession; my time. Just a few minutes daily. 

The food and money help them to create more time for themselves. Giving it to them doesn't impact my day to day life in a negative way.

Seems crazy to have everything and share nothing.

Being hungry and relying on handouts to eat doesn't sound like fun to me. 

Sitting at the top of the tree where all the fruits are and looking down at everyone dying of hunger at the bottom is not my idea of living.


During the bleak no tourist times, when I bought a takeaway meal for myself, I might buy four more and give them away on the way home. Many times I did not even get the opportunity to walk away before they began to eat.


It helps me to grow as a person. Combatting my natural shyness for example and feeling part of the community in which I live.


Another example(the person involved might even remember this) : Expat/tourist stumbled and fell in the street after a good night. I stopped my bike to check on him and waited until he gathered his senses. He took a moment, thanked me for my care and got up to carry on his way. Normal. 

I can recall many times where I either intervened in a mugging, stopped many fights or perhaps even saved a life or two.


If you are living just for yourself, then what's the point? It's the interactions with nature that makes life interesting. My fellow humans are part of that nature. 


We aren't expected to all be the same. I'm am just trying to be the best example of me ????





Good for you, but that's what suits YOU. It doesn't suit others.

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19 hours ago, billd766 said:

My wife saves all the empty soda and glass bottles, plastic bottles of all types, cardboard and old papers etc, plus our neighbours stuff until there is a pickup load then takes it to the salvage man. We used to have a Thai guy and his wife come and collect them but he hasn't been around for a long time.

I used to do that too, but that's because I hate waste and throwing stuff away that can be recycled. If someone else benefits that is great, but it's not my primary motivation.

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