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Poll: Has Science Been Beneficial or Detrimental to Humanity?


Science...Beneficial or Detrimental?  

158 members have voted

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Just now, TropicalGuy said:

Medical masks stop Covid. Western studies show non- medical Cloth masks (7/11 types) do nothing medically significant at all. 

Link to proof? Is the whole world suffering a mass delusionment or are you stretching the definition of "doing nothing" by suggesting that if something is not 100% effective then it doesn't work?

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12 minutes ago, TropicalGuy said:

Failure to Research Evolution & how it works. No Interest in Facts contradicting their Untenable positions.

All Typical Immature Silly Transparent Tactics by Pseudo - Scientists and their irrational unhinged followers…….

And yet, I have a science degree, and you don't!

PS. I did add a link to the banana DNA, estimates vary from 17% to 60% according to the scientific methods uses for comparison. I also note humans share 70% DNA with slugs, and I've met a few guys with more than their fair share of slug DNA in my life.

Edited by BritManToo
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20 hours ago, BritManToo said:

Science, logical progression of thoughts, something primitive peoples whom believe in a god/s can't do. Science didn't exist in the world before 1700.

There are artifacts found in ancient Babylon excavations which were clearly designed to be batteries. One South American culture was capable of moving obelisks weighing 50,000 tonnes a hundred miles from the quarry site. Stonehenge was built a couple of thousand years before the birth of Christ, and there are still only theories about its purpose.

Science has existed ever since humans started thinking. However, a lot of scientific knowledge gets lost, destroyed or discredited.


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3 hours ago, Hummin said:

I see some answers regarding my claim that people need to believe in something, and based on what i have read for years back in time, on surface, people claim they do not believe, but as quick their situation changes, illness, economic problems, war, etc, you will see people need something to take a grip on. 


If you stay long enough in Thailand, you can see to grip Buddhism have on the people here, and why is that? 


Here is one link if interested, and it was one of the first that showed up in a simple google search



Researchers who study the psychology and neuroscience of religion are helping to explain why such beliefs are so enduring. They’re finding that religion may, in fact, be a byproduct of the way our brains work, growing from cognitive tendencies to seek order from chaos, to anthropomorphize our environment and to believe the world around us was created for our use.

Religion has survived, they surmise, because it helped us form increasingly larger social groups, held together by common beliefs.

“If we’re on the right track with this byproduct idea — and the findings are really getting strong — it’s hard to then build the case that religion is a pathology,” says psychologist Justin Barrett, PhD, director of the cognition, religion and theology project in the Centre for Anthropology and Mind at Oxford University."



You have to remember how our brain chemistry works as well, but that is a much bigger chapter. 



If you want to read more "why do people need something to believe", but I know giving links to try to get someone to try to understand simple komplex things, do not necessery serve the purpose to make someone try to look at things from another point of view. Anyway, i think you aggree that religion like it or not have influenced us greatly, and still do. 



BUT Enlightenment, Education & Reason should and will Replace Religion and Other seemingly hard- wired negative human traits like Murder, Rape, Expansion of Territory, etc. Already substantially Done in Civilized States. Doubt 3% Native British truly believe in God now.

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23 minutes ago, ozimoron said:

Both have been proved beyond a shadow of doubt.


Does a raincoat stop you from getting wet? Does a jacket stop you from getting cold? If you claimed that they didn't in the same absolutist terms your are stretching here people would think you were mad.

I never found the jacket or raincoat worked that well in the UK, but in Thailand I don't need either.

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6 hours ago, Tippaporn said:


Referring to mikebike's last post, if ever there were "facts" which are debatable the "facts" of "climate change" would be prime candidates.  LOL


Good luck with disproving the First and Second Laws of Thermodynamics.

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8 minutes ago, BritManToo said:

And yet, I have a science degree, and you don't!

PS. I did add a link to the banana DNA, estimates vary from 17% to 60% according to the scientific methods uses for comparison. I also note humans share 70% DNA with slugs, and I've met a few guys with more than their fair share of slug DNA in my life.

Clearly then you should know better. My Degree status is unknown to you but you launch another unlettered  Deflection (Ad Hominem) plus you introduced a “Straw Man” case (Bananas).You might want to look up those terms.  Beating up on such incoherence is so much fun ! ????

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6 hours ago, Tippaporn said:


Referring to mikebike's last post, if ever there were "facts" which are debatable the "facts" of "climate change" would be prime candidates.  LOL


Good luck with disproving the First and Second Laws of Thermodynamics.

Double post, first said bad gateway.

Edited by Lacessit
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11 minutes ago, Fat is a type of crazy said:

Britman Theory of the world from this topic


I didn't literally chop down trees so I have not contributed in any way to the climate issue.


If not for scientific advancements someone would not have caught a disease transmitted by needle as they wouldn't have had invented needles or medicines to be put in needles.. I think that's the logic.


Covid vaccines have not saved lives. Masks are not 100 per cent effective therefore useless. 


Science didn't exist before 1700.


I share DNA with a banana therefore I come from bananas.


Thanks. Keep the theories coming.


 but he “has a science degree” …….????

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15 minutes ago, TropicalGuy said:

BUT Enlightenment, Education & Reason should and will Replace Religion and Other seemingly hard- wired negative human traits like Murder, Rape, Expansion of Territory, etc. Already substantially Done in Civilized States. Doubt 3% Native British truly believe in God now.

We can hope it will change, but during times, we see religion grow and decline. If one major religion decline, a new or an "upgrade" of earlier versions appear. But today, we are more diversed because of the huge amount of available information, that allows us to create our individual beleifs, but you also might see more people lost and depressed in the western world.


We also se a small tendency of christians convert to Islam for an instance, since christianity have gone trough a quite rough modernization, and they do not feel it follow gods true spoken words anymore. Just an example. 

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23 minutes ago, Lacessit said:

There are artifacts found in ancient Babylon excavations which were clearly designed to be batteries. One South American culture was capable of moving obelisks weighing 50,000 tonnes a hundred miles from the quarry site. Stonehenge was built a couple of thousand years before the birth of Christ, and there are still only theories about its purpose.

Science has existed ever since humans started thinking. However, a lot of scientific knowledge gets lost, destroyed or discredited.


Speculative pseudo - scientific conspiracy type theories long since Debunked, like “ fake moon landings” and “mother civilization “..”the truthhas been hidden” (by hundreds of prestigious archeological institutes) type stuff…..

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On 12/26/2021 at 8:34 PM, Kwasaki said:

Mostly beneficial because where would the world be without nuclear power. 

As for all other aspects scientists are just do as ordinary people do disagree.

Disagreements in science is part of what drives it to establish the evidence for whatever endeavour the science is undertaking.

Enquiry is essential to science and sometimes with enquiry come differing opinions thankfully.


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54 minutes ago, Hummin said:

I find a bit rediculous to be earnest. A plan B on a new planet? A plan that maybe would involve xxx xxx people, create a new sustainable life on a planet with alot harsher enviroment than on our planet? Spending so much resourches for something that to be true, is not really needed for 1000´s of years yet. We can live trough the climate changes we experience now, but it might take a toll on the population, but thats how nature works. 


I find the whole discussion about settle on other planets rediculous, and cant believe people do bite on that part. It is more about feeding the economics, the science, the more adventorous dreams and so on, than it will serve hummanity. 


We are just not only in a weaponery race, economic race, we are also in a space race to dominate future valuable resourches so we can exploit more.


In the best way I see it as another disturbance to take way our focus on whats really important. 


Clean air, clean water, preserve the oceans, rainforrests, and the diversity in nature.



I have no guilt whats so ever, and I have done my share. Zero kids!   

CC & Space Travel are Linked. Appears humanity may not survive CC.

So logical we must leave Earth. Timescale Unknown. Also many other highly possible Human Extinction Events driving the NEED to get some of us off this planet so Humanity Survives…...

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On 12/28/2021 at 11:18 AM, Skeptic7 said:

At this moment we're over 91% voting Hugely Beneficial. As I stated earlier in the thread, I would introduce this poll to what I believe to be the longest running thread ever on ThaiVisa/AseanNow. It's "do you believe in god and why?" thread started April 2019 and is still active 32 months on. 

And the quality of posts had declined accordingly, it appears to have regressed into some sort of children's play group. 

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Science has been hugely beneficial. The problem is people may have different meaning for the word "science", especially when politics is brought into it. So subjects like climate change and Covid vaccines may become very controversial, especially when most people have a simplistic view of the issues. It's further complicated since both those two at least, we are dealing with probabilities instead of certainties.

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8 minutes ago, TropicalGuy said:

CC & Space Travel are Linked. Appears humanity may not survive CC.

So logical we must leave Earth. Timescale Unknown. Also many other highly possible Human Extinction Events driving the NEED to get some of us off this planet so Humanity Survives…...

If we can not survive climate changes on planet earth, how we going to survive (unknown) climate changes on other planets, or a unpredictable unknown harsh environment? 


Planet earth will stabilize itself, as it have done before, and my prediction, more people will survive climate changes on our planet the next  thousands years than if we start colonizing space now! 


But It is all about weaponising the space, nothing else if you ask me. 


Check out this documentary if you have time.






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13 minutes ago, Lacessit said:

Good luck with disproving the First and Second Laws of Thermodynamics.

Double post, first said bad gateway.

No need to disprove the laws of thermodynamics.  There's much more that goes into the creation of the world's climate system.  And science has very little understanding of it.  Doubt me?  Scientists can't predicate next week's weather but they're capable of predicting the rise in ocean levels over 100 years?  I just looked in the mirror and I don't see stupid so I know it's not me.

Ask yourself, cui bono?  I'll answer for you.  It ain't you and it ain't me and it ain't our neighbors.  I ain't so stupid to be fooled into thinking that handing money over to a "trusted" government to "fix" a problem for which they claim to have the solutions is a workable solution even if the problem was real.  Just another way to suck more money from the rubes.


Not only is "climate change" a great way to extract money from the world's populations but it's another excellent way to exert control over populations.


Health problems now being linked to "climate change:"

From MSN - Canadian Woman Clinically Diagnosed As Suffering From 'Climate Change' — A First In Medical History


Floating trial balloons to sell people on ". . . root causes of climate change also increasing the risk of pandemics."


From Harvard.edu - Coronavirus, Climate Change, and the Environment A Conversation on COVID-19 with Dr. Aaron Bernstein, Director of Harvard Chan C-CHANGE


Friend, be damn careful of what you buy into.  Because you may very well be living it sooner than later.  That's my advice.

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41 minutes ago, TropicalGuy said:

People here laughing AT you not with you…funny as cancer..

Not a problem.  Can't be to serious now, can we?  As the old saying goes, if you can't laugh at yourself who can you laugh at.  Lighten up.


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On 12/28/2021 at 7:14 AM, OneMoreFarang said:

It seems for most people my comment is self explaining. But you ask so nice so let me answer:

Most people? Which people would that be? And I wasn't trying to be nice.

Thanks for implying I'm not as smart as most people - maybe I am and maybe I'm not, so now you're being arrogant.

On 12/28/2021 at 7:14 AM, OneMoreFarang said:

Not long ago I read that there are still about 70% GOP voters who think Trump won the last election. 

And then there are all those religious Americans who think the earth is about 6000 years old.

Are you seriously going to imply, after what started this 'discussion' in the first place, that I'm one of those 70%? Do you really want to go down that road with me? The flaws of science have less to do with science and more to do with mankind, much like the flaws of politics and religion do. What I resent more than anything is when someone tries to condescendingly project things onto me and others without knowing squat about who I am or where I came from or how I got here, but now you've stepped squarely into that role. I said what I did (what I'm guessing got your panties in a wad), because I've read many of your other posts and this is frankly a pretty radical departure from how I've normally observed you approach things. It kind of surprised me, that's all - nothing personal and I won't make it personal - like you're trying to do - because I don't know you.

On 12/28/2021 at 7:14 AM, OneMoreFarang said:

My conclusion from that is: Lots of Americans believe strange things. I don't really care if they believe in this god or that, because that is a question of believe. But if they believe in things which are contrary to facts then they obviously don't care much about science.

I'm an American, I do believe in God (whether you do or not, it's not my problem and I couldn't care less). I believe in science, but do I believe in my fellow man? Not so much. Nevertheless I don't go around assuming, like you seem to be, that just because someone calls me out for making an ignorant or assumptive statement that they're a 'MAGA-boy' or a religious nutter or that they deserve to die because they believe differently than you, but you did. I called you out for making an ignorant statement and you proceeded to make even more unfounded claims and assumptions by implying I'm some kind of right wing religious nut job, one who only watches Fox News (I loved that one!) - you're heading in the wrong direction, pal.

On 12/28/2021 at 7:14 AM, OneMoreFarang said:

And if you really have to ask me why I think MAGA fans are the worst of them then maybe you should look at the news from time to time. And I mean news, not fox or facebook or such things.

You're off the rails with that last paragraph...I never asked you about your opinion of 'MAGA' fanboys or engaged in debate with you about anybody being better or worse. I called you out for assuming and claiming here - in writing - that 4 people who downvoted your beloved science in some meaningless poll, must be American 'MAGA fanboys' and that the ghost of Darwin should come and exact his revenge on them and make them disappear (or something crazy to that effect), how whacky. If you can point me to whatever 'scientific data' leads you to make such a ridiculous claims, about 4 people whom you know nothing, I'll humbly eat me words. You couldn't possibly know whether those 4 people are MAGA fanboys, Americans or - God forbid - your fellow countrymen, whatever country that may be. That was my primary beef, but now you've gone and made more assumptions and are trying to label me - digging yourself in even deeper.


BTW, I do follow Fox News and BBC and Al Jazeera and WSJ and a bunch of others - CNN, nope. Know why? Because I have an open mind and take in as much information as I can and am fully capable of spotting BS and truth when I see them and to act accordingly based on my knowledge and experience. You may want to consider moving a little bit closer toward the center, because you seem to be moving into the territory of 'the unhinged'.

Edited by DBath
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17 minutes ago, DBath said:

Most people? Which people would that be? And I wasn't trying to be nice.


Are you seriously going to imply, after what started this 'discussion' in the first place, that I'm one of those 70%? Do you really want to go down that road with me? The flaws of science have less to do with science and more to do with mankind, much like the flaws of politics and religion do. What I resent more than anything is when someone tries to condescendingly project things onto me without knowing squat about who I am or where I came from or how I got here, but now you've stepped squarely into that role. I said what I did (what I'm guessing got your panties in a wad), because I've read many of your other posts and this is frankly a pretty radical departure from how I've normally observed you approach things. It kind of surprised me, that's all - nothing personal and I won't make it personal - like you're trying to do - because I don't know you.

I'm an American, I do believe in God (whether you do or not, it's not my problem and I couldn't care less). I believe in science, but do I believe in my fellow man? Not so much. Nevertheless I don't go around assuming, like you seem to be, that just because someone calls me out for making an ignorant or assumptive statement that they're a 'MAGA-boy' or a religious nutter or that they deserve to die because they believe differently than you, but you did. I called you out for making an ignorant statement and you proceeded to make even more unfounded claims and assumptions by implying I'm some kind of right wing religious nut job, one who only watches Fox News (I loved that one!) - you're heading in the wrong direction, pal.

You're off the rails with that last paragraph...I never asked you about your opinion of 'MAGA' fanboys or engaged in debate with you about anybody being better or worse. I called you out for assuming and claiming here - in writing - that 4 people who downvoted your beloved science in some meaningless poll, must be American 'MAGA fanboys' and that the ghost of Darwin should come and exact his revenge on them and make them disappear (or something crazy to that effect). If you can point me to whatever 'scientific data' leads you to make such a ridiculous claims, about 4 people whom you know nothing, I'll humbly eat me words. You couldn't possibly know whether those 4 people are MAGA fanboys, Americans or - God forbid - your fellow countrymen, whatever country that may be. That was my primary beef, but now you've gone and made more assumptions and are trying to label me - digging yourself in even deeper.


BTW, I do follow Fox News and BBC and Al Jazeera and WSJ and a bunch of others - CNN, nope. Know why? Because I have an open mind and take in as much information as I can and am fully capable of spotting BS and truth when I see them and to act accordingly based on my knowledge and experience. You may want to consider moving a little bit closer toward the center, because you seem to be moving into the territory of 'the unhinged'.

Wow, it seems I really stepped on your foot - or at least you think so.

My original comment was supposed to be a little funny. And I think it's not too farfetched to see that certain voters in the USA don't want to see reality.


I never intended to make this personal. You asked for an explanation and I tried to give an explanation. I didn't write  and didn't think you must be one of those anti science people. I was just surprised that I had to explain my reasoning. I thought and still think it's obvious.



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1 hour ago, Hummin said:

If we can not survive climate changes on planet earth, how we going to survive (unknown) climate changes on other planets, or a unpredictable unknown harsh environment? 


Planet earth will stabilize itself, as it have done before, and my prediction, more people will survive climate changes on our planet the next  thousands years than if we start colonizing space now! 


But It is all about weaponising the space, nothing else if you ask me. 


Check out this documentary if you have time.






Thanks but that’s a different subject to Space Colonization and I’m already sold on Space Weapons …… real or will be ..and yet another Human Extinction Event….

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14 minutes ago, OneMoreFarang said:

Wow, it seems I really stepped on your foot - or at least you think so.

My original comment was supposed to be a little funny. And I think it's not too farfetched to see that certain voters in the USA don't want to see reality.


I never intended to make this personal. You asked for an explanation and I tried to give an explanation. I didn't write  and didn't think you must be one of those anti science people. I was just surprised that I had to explain my reasoning. I thought and still think it's obvious.



It's not that I think you 'stepped on my foot', believe me I've had a lot worse things happen to me in my life, so it's all good.


I realize I'm belaboring the point, but even those 4 downvoters (now 7) are entitled to their opinions, weak or strong. I don't think it's right to demonize people and start making claims about them belonging to this group or that group without more information, especially when there is no such information available. American's and 'MAGA fanboys' have nothing to do with it, that's all.


Anyway, thanks for responding and I hope you have a nice holiday and an even better new year. You do still believe in Santa, right? (JK)

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