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Some One Please Explain This To Me, It's Bull S....


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With regards to the supermarket..Isnt it the possibility that some Thais go for entertainment because they are poor?

I don't think we should begrudge a child riding a bike for a short while(when it is something the family could never afford for him/her) or families going just to sample free luxury food. :o

I cant afford a Ferrari or 60 foot boat yet do you think any owners would mind if I used it??

Actually the equivalent would be financing toys one cannot afford until they are repossessed... add to that the folks who like to pretend like they are shopping for a luxury car or home. Seen more than a few falangs and locals do that one.


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I am just SO fed up with people abandoning supermarket trolleys at Thai immigration on the Cambodian border crossing and the checkout girl at Tesco Lotus demanding to see my passport.

I mean !

<deleted> !

Did the checkout girl really ask for your passport :D What was the reason?

Maybe its the uniform :o

Could be she's after a date? Is she cute?

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Generally, kids here are supremely well-behaved to those in the West. Someone else mentioned shopping at the more upmarket outlets. Do it! The extra baht spent is easily worth it for the hassle saved.

On a personal note, do you plan on marrying your girlfriend before the little un pops out? If not, prepare yourself for a lot more hassle in getting a passport if you plan on taking the baby back home. :o

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as for the supermarket "thingy". Obviously the OP has not been around very much, the same "whinge" is valid in Philippines, Indonesia, Malaysia and to a degree Hong kong, especially at weekends.

In my humble opinion, its a way for the not so well off to spend some time in a pleasant air conditioned environment and enjoying a couple of hours of dreamland !

However I do agree with the trollies complaint, but no one has mentioned how, on busy times, the shop staff themselves cause bottlenecks in the supermarkets by restocking shelves using mobile pallets. Why restocking cannot be done after closing hours is beyond me.

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Basic manners are an international custom. If you ignoramus's don't know this, don't advise chrisspursbkk1 to go home. Why don't you go home so this country will be a little nicer for both the Thais and Farangs who have the slightest bit of decency

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Thais are tolerant not considerate.

Start cutting in line. You'll feel better.

Thats right! If you feel that you should be served first at the queue in 7/11 just walk straight up to the front & push in. :D

Its not like you are going to see the other customers again, is it? Or for that matter have anyone else complain about the fact that you pushed in!!! :o

Tip: When in Thailand act Thai....



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" tesco's and the crap you have to deal with there what with people leaving there trollys in the middle of the ile"

"Then theres the 5+ people who are looking around but don't even have a hand basket between them."

Chris, think about it, when were trollys first introduced to Thailand!! How widely used are they throughtout the country outside of superstores!!! Common sense, well, we know where that arguement will take us, It's just all about growing up with something and learning etiquette from parents etc. Most Thais have grown up shopping and momma/papa stores, hanging around talking is part of their shopping experience. That's why they head there on Saturday or Sundays, it's social, it's cheaper than running the airconditioner in the apartment.

The long and short of it, their not all there to shop like you are!

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With respect, i think the OP has a bit of a shock coming to him when he becomes a father.

He may find his views on shopping with children changes somewhat.

Just wait until your toddler decides to have a temper tantrum in the middle of Lotus.

You soon find that letting your child ride one of the display bikes is an easy option.

Best of luck with the impending birth, i trust you will be present for moral support :o:D:D



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With respect, i think the OP has a bit of a shock coming to him when he becomes a father.

He may find his views on shopping with children changes somewhat.

Just wait until your toddler decides to have a temper tantrum in the middle of Lotus.

You soon find that letting your child ride one of the display bikes is an easy option.

Best of luck with the impending birth, i trust you will be present for moral support :D:D:D



So true... Nothing can prepare you for the shopping experience with a toddler.. :o


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Hi Chris.

I try base my posts on my own experience, like you I suffered the culture shock in all it's positive and negative aspects. Twelve years on and the situations are the same, only my attitude to them has varied! I suspect that the same applies to most people, so try and "go with the flow". If you can't you will have the same sort of complaints to air in 12 years time.

best wishes to you and your new family (to be) for the future.

Edited by Nibor1945
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have you seen that movie - "moscow on the hudson" with robin williams?

people who are well-traveled and educated are very lucky. go to a place where people don't know how to read or write and you will appreciate things in life more.

imagine not being able to add or subtract. I remember meeting this person once who worked but couldn't count the amount of money she earned.

another time, I remember this person who didn't know how to turn on a faucet, and yet another who never used an elevator.

a rare occurence, you think? not so. even now, I frequently see people here in bangkok who don't know how to use an escalator. ...yes, in bangkok.

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I cant afford a Ferrari or 60 foot boat yet do you think any owners would mind if I used it??

Seriously, equating "using" another persons possesions can hardly relate to sampling free promotional food that is budgeted for or given by the products company. I also hardly think "borrowing" the use of a bike/other play thing etc for a short time relates either.

If you are going to make a point, at least use a thought out comparison that holds some weight.

well by the time that 30 odd kids have bashed the carp out of the "new" toys on display they are not exactly new anymore are they?

Its a shop not a playground.......

With respect, i think the OP has a bit of a shock coming to him when he becomes a father.

He may find his views on shopping with children changes somewhat.

Just wait until your toddler decides to have a temper tantrum in the middle of Lotus.

You soon find that letting your child ride one of the display bikes is an easy option.

Best of luck with the impending birth, i trust you will be present for moral support :o:D:D



good way of making the kids behave eh?? is they play up then just let them run riot on goods that you dont have any intention of purchasing.

Hey, that would make a cheap outing wouldn't it? If they are thirsty just let them have a drink and then put the empty carton back on a newarby shelf, sample all the cookies and fruit rather than pay for it and then head over to the cooked meat section for dinner............

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I see the same stuff back home in "the land of the free and the home of the brave". Walmart shoppers many the same as Tesco & Big C in Thailand, if not worse. Groups of people sauntering around chatting & blocking isleways, kids eating stuff before it's paid for, etc, etc. Best to stay out of these places on busy weekends. As for immigration, I don't think anyone could top the arrogance of the INS back home. People wait for hours, if not the whole day, & shuffled around like cattle. All of the offices overworked and understaffed for years.

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well by the time that 30 odd kids have bashed the carp out of the "new" toys on display they are not exactly new anymore are they?

Its a shop not a playground.......

ouch, bashed by a fellow scot. :o

Hah, but anyway, i guess i see your point on that one. However, i still stick with not finding the point made by sukanyacondo as exactly fitting to what i said. A tad extreme comparison imo.

I guess it boils down to the fact i dont really mind tbh, poss because i dont shop in supermarkets enough to have it irk me.

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It is true that all over the world, you will probably find someone blocking the supermarket isle.But most of you living here must admit,in Thailand they love to block.They block the doorways.They love to block your car,with motorcycles,doesn't matter if your driving or parking.Thais will walk, or drive, directly in your path, as your backing up.People will block the entire road with their car,it occurs daily,at least in Issan. I'm sure some education would help,but common sense would help a lot.I no longer get pissed at this, and over the years have mellowed out.I am not a shrink,but I believe there are reasons.Thais are very vain and want you to notice and pay attention to them.Some of course are just plain stupid(something to be found in any country).To some it gives them a sense of power,being able to bug you ,as well as displace,or stop you. Many just don't give shit.Maybe,I should start getting into blocking.Sounds like the family and I, could get a kick out of it. Seeing how many people could be put through a lot of changes,and piss off(my wife would never go for it,but my 8 yr old might).

On a more serious issue.Chrissursbbk1,should check with his Embassy, about the future of the child's legal status, as far as nationality,as soon as possible, and start another thread on Thai Visa.Some of the members, could give him some advice ,on their experience on children born here,and point him in the right direction.Our son was born in the US.My wife and I went immediately to the Thai Embassy,got him a Thai Birth certificate,As well as passport.He has dual citizenship.

As far as kid,s behavior,you'll find that flexibility,patience,and understanding that they are children, will be of great help, in teaching them to become, well rounded members of society.

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Can't comment about the visa run, Chris, but I'm with you on the Tesco part. If I ever inadvertently go in there on a Sunday, I'm almost driven to violence. People chatting & blocking the aisles, cutting you up, pinching the last item of what you were just reaching for... not a pleasant shopping experience.

Good luck to you & Mrs Chris with the new baby, when he/she arrives. :o

Thanks for your comments on my little one and she's a she. I guess i'll be moaning more when shes a little older.

As for the bank hoilday/sunday or even eveing shopping in the lovely tescos were not alone.

Once again thanks for your nice comments i hope some people learn of of them.

Best regards.


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LOL Yeah right the guy is only 29 .... not yet married ... not yet a father ... but the stress of going to the western style grocery stresses him out? That is a guy that just aint cut out for living in Thailand!

What a stupid reply!! But sorry i am made for this life and i will live it. Good luck with yourself i think you made a reality check on the basics.

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:D C'mon young chap !!!!!!! At least it's only shopping carts that block your aisles not tanks and humvees.. Just try to enjoy life here and thank your God for the joy of being father soon and you are not living in a war zone :o

OK but why would a tank block my path???? i've never hurt anyone! Please explain your point? And rember i'm talking about my situations not anyone elses!!

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LOL Yeah right the guy is only 29 .... not yet married ... not yet a father ... but the stress of going to the western style grocery stresses him out? That is a guy that just aint cut out for living in Thailand!

What a stupid reply!! But sorry i am made for this life and i will live it. Good luck with yourself i think you made a reality check on the basics.

Really .... not everyone is cut out for living in Thailand!

Congrats on your baby girl!

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With respect, i think the OP has a bit of a shock coming to him when he becomes a father.

He may find his views on shopping with children changes somewhat.

Just wait until your toddler decides to have a temper tantrum in the middle of Lotus.

You soon find that letting your child ride one of the display bikes is an easy option.

Best of luck with the impending birth, i trust you will be present for moral support :o:D:D



Thanks for your comments on the birth and i will be her 100%. But i promise you my chid will not ride around on something if i'm not paying for it, i was brought up this way and so will my daughter be.



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Thais are tolerant not considerate.

Start cutting in line. You'll feel better.

The skipper is so right. Driving here sucks, but if you cut off the baastards before they cut you off, you do feel better. With that said, the Russians make the Thais seem civil.

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Thais are tolerant not considerate.

Start cutting in line. You'll feel better.

The skipper is so right. Driving here sucks, but if you cut off the baastards before they cut you off, you do feel better. With that said, the Russians make the Thais seem civil.

I havn't got a car here but when i do i'll rember this.


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Hi All,

I'rd just like to start by saying i'm not bashing every Thai as i have a fantastic girlfreind with a baby due on the 5th of october and i really can't wait as i truly beleive it will be the best thing whats ever happened to me at my young or not so young age of 29 years old.

Today i had to do one of my 90 day visa runs to the lovely poi pet border, leaving Thailand was no problem and every thing was going smoothly. Once we had to enter the Kingdom again it was a nightmare!!! there was this tiny little hitler telling all these Cambodians bi bi or go go to a different line, after all this had happened all the lines were reshuffled to the amazment of the westerners who thought he'd done a half decent job he'd turned out to be a power controling freak! After being in the new line (next to the Thai line) there was another line opened for Thais, to many peoples supprise the Thais standing at the back of the cue had run full pace to the new one including an old lady who was left on the floor with no help from her fellow country persons. I mean what the .... is going on there???

Two days ago i went to tesco's and the crap you have to deal with there what with people leaving there trollys in the middle of the ile why there looking and the family of 10 who've only come to try the free sample's. Then theres the 5+ people who are looking around but don't even have a hand basket between them. I've even seen the kids racing up and down in trollys, whould you let your children do this? Like ride around on a bike with a price tag on it knowing full well your not going to pay for it, or go for a work out on the exersise bikes?

Dose anyone understand the BIG jump in there socitiey with these matters, if so please help me to understand as my little will be half.

Many thanks and kind regards.


In my experience, expats either learn to accept a different culture or they become embittered and spend the rest of their days complaining about things. I hope you are young enough to not get caught up in that!

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You blow into Thailand, and get a woman pregnant...and then you complain that someone who puts a shopping cart in the middle of a store aisle is impolite. What are you, a comedian?

Someone abandoning a cart in the middle of the aisle isn't rude? I guess instead of parking on the street, it's ok to put my truck on your front lawn? Why shouldn't he complain?

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I used to play Badminton with my GF in Big C, just grab a raquet and a bird and away we go, it was a scream, even the guys that worked in Big C would join in at times.

Nobody ever complained, maybe the odd Farang would look on in horror at people having a bit of fun, I enjoyed it.

Many year ago when I was in Japan I lived in a Gaijin House ( House for Foreigners ), there was a small hardcore group of people that would enjoy having a bit of fun, we used to go to the local Family Mart, and sit on the floor in the shop after buying beer chatting and drinking,....the guys that worked in Family Mart were never angry about it, they just thought we were crazy Gaijin, they were right too. :D

Another time we put on our clothes back to front and Jumped all the way to the shop, much to the amazement of the local population, again, it was just harmless fun.

Chris my old sparring partner, at 29 you already seem intolerant of many things, by the time you hit 35 you'll be sitting down with a bunch of 70 year old cynics outside a mama and papa shop complaining about everything.

Good luck with the Baby, but don't be too authoritarian or the kid could rebel.

My Father was a Hitler of a man, and look how I turned out!! :o

Edited by Maigo6
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I for one am quite happy that Mr. Rosner has decided to write his own posts. The third person has been my main irritant this week. As far as supermarkets, I'm retired and in no hurry. Maybe I have been here too long. :o

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