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Baggage Searched And Valuables Stolen While Traveling By Bus


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On a bus tour from Bangkok (departing at Khao San Rd.) to Phuket my baggage was scanned and money and bank cards were stolen. The bank cards were used to withdraw money from an ATM machine while the bus was on its way. They were put back into the baggage so the theft was realised only a few days later when it turned out that the account was "empty".

It must have happened during the bus journey since money was withdrawn at the time the bus was on its way and at a place were they did not stop for passengers. The bus was supposed to go from Bangkok to Phuket, however it went through Surrathani where passenger to Phuket and some other places had to continue by mini bus.

The thieves must have had a lot of time since they found the pin number for the card which was hidden in some papers in the baggage. Yes, this could have been avoided by not doing such a idiotic mistake, however, it happened. I only use the card on holidays, so pin number was not known by heart then.

I believe these thieves were very professional and knew exactly what to look for and how to do it. There may be others who had the same experience or knew about similar incidences, now or some time ago.

Any comments are highly appreciated. I intend to sue the bus company since I believe it will be possible to prove that it happened while my baggage was in their custody. If there are other victims of this scheme and it can be proved that this happened regularly with this bus company or related people, it should be possible to sue the company.

Please contact me by email or respond to this board. I do not want to post the company's name here but can provide more details. With a group of victims we may succeed to put pressure on them. I will take lawyers' costs and initiative.

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Your going to sue a Thai bus company? (your joking right?)

Honestly...who writes down their PIN on a note that's in the same bag as their ATM card??

Maybe you should have just written the PIN right on the card with a permanent marker. Then you'd never have to remember it.

How much money was stolen? Don't most banks have some kind of theft insurance (ie you get your cards stolen and then pay you back). Not sure if this applied to ATM withdrawals though.

You could call the bank where the withdrawal was made, maybe they caught the theives of CCTV?

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Your going to sue a Thai bus company? (your joking right?)

Honestly...who writes down their PIN on a note that's in the same bag as their ATM card??

Maybe you should have just written the PIN right on the card with a permanent marker. Then you'd never have to remember it.

How much money was stolen? Don't most banks have some kind of theft insurance (ie you get your cards stolen and then pay you back). Not sure if this applied to ATM withdrawals though.

You could call the bank where the withdrawal was made, maybe they caught the theives of CCTV?

I reported everything to the bank, police etc. They are investigating the issue, I hope they had camera at the ATM.

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On a bus tour from Bangkok...

This may or may not apply to you. Are you traveling alone? If you are traveling with a "companion" or someone you just recently became friendly with I would FIRST suspect them. In particular, if this "friend" is also pushing the idea that "someone else" stole and used your cards when you were on a bus!

If you are alone, then this is just another story of someone getting ripped off on bus rides set up out of Khao San Road. NEVER check in a bag on a bus, train or even a plane that has important or valuable items like cameras, computers, ipods, money, credit cards, passports, jewelry, etc.!! Keep money and valuables (like credit cards) with you on your person or at least with you at your seat within sight!

If you are not traveling alone I would first suspect someone you know and trusted before I would blame an outside source! Secondly I would suspect another Farang traveling on the bus with you! If these are credit cards you may be able to do something with the credit card company but I wouldn't expect much because you didn't safeguard your pin numbers. Pretty dumb to not keep the credit cards with you at your seat!

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On a bus tour from Bangkok (departing at Khao San Rd.) to Phuket my baggage was scanned and money and bank cards were stolen. The bank cards were used to withdraw money from an ATM machine while the bus was on its way. They were put back into the baggage so the theft was realised only a few days later when it turned out that the account was "empty".

Don't take buses from Khaosarn - use the far better ones from the Southern Bus terminal.

Don't leave your valuables alone for a second while on the road.

Don't expect anything to come out with your police complaint, and don't bother suing the Bus Company.

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In hindsight you may already have worked this out, but may i suggest in future that you keep all impotant documents: passport, cc, atm card, etc on your person at all times, esp so when travelling.

Keep secure, such as within a money belt strapped to your stomach or looped around your neck. There are many different kinds of security wallets, which are well worth the investment.

As for having your pin number written down..well..i think you should do everything within your power to memories that. If you absolutely cannot, then i suggest you disguise it such as within your mobile phone or written down as a mock telephone number and name along with other numbers.

I hope the bank credit your account back. As for the bus company, i honestly do not think that you will be able to get far with that, but best of luck.

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Wouldn't it had been better to have your money and cards on yourself than in your bags? I think that is just common sense not to keep valuables like that anywhere but on yourself...no matter where you are.

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I kind of take pride in myself on not flamming people on TV.

But this is damm hard not to. It reminds me of an old saying.

" a fool and his money are soon parted."

Why in the world would you put your money / cards or anything of value in your checked bags?

You have just learned a valuable lesson in life.


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To the OP you must be joking.

"baggage was scanned and money and bank cards were stolen. The bank cards were used to withdraw money from an ATM machine while the bus was on its way. They were put back into the baggage so the theft was realised only a few days later when it turned out that the account was "empty"."

You are not telling us where your luggage were located?

IF this is true you were asking for it so take it as it comes.

Firstly I would never take any of those Khaosan trips. They are notorious of all kinds of scams.

Go to the gov. bus station.

I once had an item stolen from a bag on the up-shelf in a bus 7 years ago while asleep. A nice 3 inch switch blade that could open a coconut. They left me my camera but took a pic inside the bus though. :o

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Your going to sue a Thai bus company? (your joking right?)

Honestly...who writes down their PIN on a note that's in the same bag as their ATM card??

Maybe you should have just written the PIN right on the card with a permanent marker. Then you'd never have to remember it.

How much money was stolen? Don't most banks have some kind of theft insurance (ie you get your cards stolen and then pay you back). Not sure if this applied to ATM withdrawals though.

You could call the bank where the withdrawal was made, maybe they caught the theives of CCTV?

Bank give it back? Not a chance. The PIN was with the card - that alone makes the responsibility solely his.

Chances of any form of compo from the bus company is also slim. You may have a better chance claiming damage to the bag on your travel insurance (you did have travel insurance, didn't you?), but they also would not cover the loss of cash due to the PIN being with the card.

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From the first entry:

On a bus tour from Bangkok (departing at Khao San Rd.) to Phuket my baggage was scanned and money and bank cards were stolen. The bank cards were used to withdraw money from an ATM machine while the bus was on its way. They were put back into the baggage so the theft was realised only a few days later when it turned out that the account was "empty".

It must have happened during the bus journey since money was withdrawn at the time the bus was on its way and at a place were they did not stop for passengers. The bus was supposed to go from Bangkok to Phuket, however it went through Surrathani where passenger to Phuket and some other places had to continue by mini bus.

Um - problem:

1) the card was stolen.

2) the card was used during a journey without stops.

3) The card was in his bag at Phuket.

Sounds almost troll-like.

whom has the tagline: did I spend 10,000B here last night? Good, I thought I lost it.

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How gullible do you think I am? Am I supposed to believe that someone 'stole' your cards, used them and then put them back? Was your baggage on the same bus as you or did it go separately? If it was on the same bus then the thieves would have had to remove your cards, clone then and put them back? Then they would have to find your hidden number? How many thieves would search baggage for a four digit number and know that this was the PIN?

"..... so the theft was realised only a few days later when it turned out that the account

was "empty"." Please, someone, pass me the tissues my eyes are watering so much with the laughing!

Sounds to me like you spent the money, concocted a not very believable story and you are trying it out on here to see what holes we can pick in your story and give you tips on how to make it believable.

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More than likely it will be the staff from the bus company.

More than likely they just photoed your ATM card & re-produced a clone.

Having the PIN number nearby was stupid.

The ATM where the cash was withdrawn will have a photo record of who used it.

The withdrawer will most likely have been wearing a helmut.


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More than likely it will be the staff from the bus company.

More than likely they just photoed your ATM card & re-produced a clone.

Having the PIN number nearby was stupid.

The ATM where the cash was withdrawn will have a photo record of who used it.

The withdrawer will most likely have been wearing a helmut.


Nothing to say the bag was in disarray, so whomever would have had to know exactly where to look & have time to put it back the same way (unless the original packer is really messy at packing). If other bags had been interferred with, there would be something about it here or in one of the common places - 2 Bangkok or similar. Sounds too much like an 'inside job'.

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On a bus tour from Bangkok (departing at Khao San Rd.) to Phuket my baggage was scanned and money and bank cards were stolen. The bank cards were used to withdraw money from an ATM machine while the bus was on its way. They were put back into the baggage so the theft was realised only a few days later when it turned out that the account was "empty".

It must have happened during the bus journey since money was withdrawn at the time the bus was on its way and at a place were they did not stop for passengers. The bus was supposed to go from Bangkok to Phuket, however it went through Surrathani where passenger to Phuket and some other places had to continue by mini bus.

The thieves must have had a lot of time since they found the pin number for the card which was hidden in some papers in the baggage. Yes, this could have been avoided by not doing such a idiotic mistake, however, it happened. I only use the card on holidays, so pin number was not known by heart then.

I believe these thieves were very professional and knew exactly what to look for and how to do it. There may be others who had the same experience or knew about similar incidences, now or some time ago.

Any comments are highly appreciated. I intend to sue the bus company since I believe it will be possible to prove that it happened while my baggage was in their custody. If there are other victims of this scheme and it can be proved that this happened regularly with this bus company or related people, it should be possible to sue the company.

Please contact me by email or respond to this board. I do not want to post the company's name here but can provide more details. With a group of victims we may succeed to put pressure on them. I will take lawyers' costs and initiative.

1. money and cards stayed in baggage instead of your own pocket

2. pin no. together with the cards :o

3. and you want to sue the bus co.

Why not just put the money on the floor? Where on earth are you from that people do such things?

Maybe I just haven't seen much in life.

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khao san rd bus companies have been doing this for years. i thought everyone knew that? obviously not.

i, for one, would never get on a bus who operates through the khao san agents. much better to go to sai tai mai and get a bus from there.

hindsight is wonderful isnt it? pity you didnt find this website beforehand.

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it's not just the khao san road busses either, FYI- most of the tourist bus companies in the south do this, especially one called PP Family. the police know, everyone knows but i guess it is too profitable to put a stop to. always best to take government busses instead.

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On a bus tour from Bangkok (departing at Khao San Rd.) to Phuket my baggage was scanned and money and bank cards were stolen. The bank cards were used to withdraw money from an ATM machine while the bus was on its way. They were put back into the baggage so the theft was realised only a few days later when it turned out that the account was "empty".

I hope for you that you haven't given this exact story to the police, then filed in their report, and then used this report to alert your card agencies. Because then you have no hope to get reimbursed. Keeping card and pin number in the same bag is against regulations, and no insurance will pay then.

I hope you have had the sense to make up a story that did not place your pin number next to your card...

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i always try to take the government busses (usually the ones with the red flash down the side of the bus).its so easy to get a public bus to mo chit,or the southern bus station.no 3 bus runs all hours to khao san from mo chit.

the tour busses tend not to give a sh!t,& ive seen them even fill the isle with passengers.i'd like to believe the government busses care about some sort of reputation.

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Been on a few long distance bus trips on Government buses where there are people filling the eisle for the majority of the journey, so no difference there.

Thievery is common on these non-Government bus services. Usually a thief will hide in the hold with a knife and torch and go through the luggage stealing anything of value at his leisure, so it isn't the fault of the victim as it's a very difficult crime to be aware of if you didn't hear about it happening before. Taking precautions like padlocks and stuff won't work either. Usually the thief will disembark at one of the many pit-stops en-route and disappear.

Of course the companies that run these buses and the Police are fully aware of what is happening. One would have to say they are complicit.

To the posters blaming, denying and laughing at the victim's expense - you're nothing more than pathetic.

Whilst I am neither condoning the practice of "highway robbery" or laughing at the victim's expense, wouldn't you have to admit that leaving your PIN code with the actual ATM card is a bit of a no no?



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To the posters blaming, denying and laughing at the victim's expense - you're nothing more than pathetic.

Before you start calling people like me pathetic, please read the following quote from the OP - "The thieves must have had a lot of time since they found the pin number for the card which was hidden in some papers in the baggage." Now study the bolded words. So the thief spent time going through the OPs baggage in the hope of finding the PIN for the card that he had just stolen? Now that he has both the card and the PIN, he packs everything away carefully so that the OP will not realise that anything is amiss. You are also assuming that the thief can also read the OPs native language.

You have used the right word - pathetic - but have directed it at the wrong source. It should be directed to the OPs story!

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on a positive note i recon the op must be quite brave coming on an internet forum & admitting he left his pin number in with his cash card :o .............................either that or hes a troll.

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on a positive note i recon the op must be quite brave coming on an internet forum & admitting he left his pin number in with his cash card :o .............................either that or hes a troll.

Without specific reference to the OP....

Not just any forum - the TV forum - for civilised posters - where you better have your own facts straight & be prepared to eat humble pie if you post something about one's own failings - or you will be picked to pieces by the crowd here. (in a civilised manner of course)



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easy trick to hide your pin code ... put it in your list of phone numbers ... nobody will ever know which one it is ...

lol., i know alot of ppl that actually do that.. :o

there are only 4 numbers, can't just remembert it?

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