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Reskilling and upskilling for businesses is crucial amid pandemics


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Philippine Trade Training Center, Pasay City (Facebook photo)


MANILA – Businesses need to focus on reskilling and upskilling their people to adapt to changes especially those brought about by the pandemic.


Philippine Trade Training Center (PTTC), the training arm of the Department of Trade and Industry, is looking at sector development, identifying skills that are in demand, and necessary skills and competencies that can respond to the requirements of the industry.


“We have seen a lot of changes. A lot of changes happened because of the pandemic. A lot of new in-demand skills came out resulting from the development, also resulting from the pandemic, and digital transformation and all these things,” PTTC Executive Director Nelly Nita Dillera said in a news release on Saturday.


She said industry players themselves participate in the development of training courses or modules.


Rosalina Constantino, executive director at the Technical Education and Skills Development Authority, said “Job Assistance” is the latest addition to the agency’s scholarship programs that seek to reskill and upskill target beneficiaries, including employed workers.


“We have actually revisited the implementing guidelines in order to integrate the new normal arrangements in the implementation of Tulong Trabaho scholarship, and in order to provide additional assistance to affected industries and displaced workers due to the Covid-19 pandemic,” she said.


Constantino said the coverage of the training program that will be funded under the scholarship program shall include industry-specific and area-based skills requirements proposed by companies, industry groups, and micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs).


“This allows the private sector to really have a say in determining what are the priority areas that need particular attention when it comes to trade,” she said.


Constantino said the Tulong Trabaho scholarship program can help the MSMEs as target beneficiaries include employed workers who seek skilling, upskilling or reskilling. 


It also equips workers with skills in emerging and new industries, and provides them with high-level technical skills, she added. (PR)


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Reskilling and upskilling for businesses is crucial amid pandemics

Are then perhaps the pundits in charge of media and "right-think" projecting to the unwashed masses that there will be more - Much much more - "Be afriad!".  This first "pandemic worked so well at destroying society as we knew it, so why not usher in a narrative of Mysophobia now so that the average commoner is scared to death of anyone who coughs or sneezes or farts or breathes or touches a surface with a hand not slathered in alcohol-gel?  Goodness, Westerners wade in the waters of Mysophobia as it is. 
Listen to what I've heard among 'clean farang' for years: 
"Have you ever eaten at a Thai street food vendor?  OMG!  They are filthy!  Rats and cockroaches everywhere.  Nobody washes their hands.  The food is bacteria ridden!  Eat that filth and you'll end up in a hospital with food poisoning for sure!!! <fear fear fear fear fear>
Of course, after 14 years living in The Land Of (Bacterial) Slime, Somtom, and Plaa-Laa - I've contracted 'food poisoning' twice within perhaps the first two years of living here: Once at a popular international fast food joint, and second at a popular international fast food joint which is in direct competition with the first international fast food joint that made me as sick as a freaking dog.  I made it vague enough that I can't be sued for defamation as that's how criticism is dealt with in The Land Of (Bacterial) Slime, Somtom, and Plaa-Laa, don't ya know?

But Thai street food?  Or mom and pop restaurants, which of course most "CLEAN" farangs equate with disease, and filth, rats and rodents, cockroaches, and projectile diarrhea if not projectile vomiting?

I've never had a problem anywhere in Thailand.  Ever.

So - pandemics.  Of course.  Covid germs everywhere.  "Beware.  Mask up.  Social Distance.  Get the shots.  Get the boosters.  It's the only way to keep from getting the plague - or else?  You'll die for sure!!!"

And of course - if you are a "non-essential" business (smaller than a mall, Big C, Tesco, etc) then you need to close to keep the public "safe."  And if you're are a bar, pub, night-time entertainment venue, and restaurant serving a glass of wine with a meal - you need to be put out of business for the sake of public health! - Well, unless your restaurant is franchised, International, and resided within a clean mall. 

Then it's perfectly safe, especially if you've paid to have a three-letter acronym placed after the name of your establishment to virtue-signal your safety and cleanliness to the Mysophobic masses surging across the borders in the billions, millions, hundreds of thousands, tens of thousands, thousands (hundreds).  Hundreds of millionaires!  Clean millionaires unlike <gasp> unclean commoners.

So yeah - now we have all these plebs, and commoners, and low-classed nobodies who have been put out of work because - well - their type of work is "Non-Essential."  Poor = "Non-Essential."  Low-class = "Non-Essential."  Middle-class = "Non-Essential."  Entrepreneurs = "Non-Essential."  You know - scum.  So?  Let's "Re-Train them all."  Accept 'right-think' and make enough money to feed your family (maybe) and pay your bank bills (after we loan you more to pay off your previous balance).

So now - the government will - Build Back Better!  Globally!  It's a concept that is completely organic in every country now.  No doubt.
Re-skill! Retool. Train people from Myanmar to do the jobs "Thais Don't Want To Do!"  Pour public funds into corporations who promise to raise the Thai standard of living two fold, and their stockholders ROI by 20, 50, or 100 fold.   Get those amoral Bar Girls off the street, dress them in factory cloths, and give them a job making slave wages!  Buddha Rejoice.  A Moral Society!!!

Yeah.  I get it.  In fact, a lot of people are starting to 'get it.'  Well - thank Buddha for rubber bullets and flash-bang grenades!
@BritManToo <laughs>


Edited by connda
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