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Was it you, Nat, who long ago started the thread about her skin? Near the end of it someone mentioned taking an online test for which SK II products were right for them. Was that Aranya? Anyway, I've done a good google search and haven't been able to find that website. Can you post a link to it here for me?

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Hi cathy

Go for it :D. Once you try it you're life will never be the same ( :D it's starting to sound like a cult).

You probably couldn't find the website cause the "II" is actually 2 using roman numerals.

Keep us posted on how it goes. I really should be their sales rep (or at least get some commission - got them enough business :o:D).

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Thanks for the link! It worked well. Why it didn't come up on a google search, I don't know. I was using the roman numeral capital Is.

I won't be getting any SK II anytime soon, though. The closest store is a 12 hour drive. On US freeways. Why are they only selling it at stores on the East and West coasts? There's a lot of women in between.

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It’s actually a real pain to get. They don’t have any stores in oz (obviously not exclusive enough :o:D), so friends in the uk would post it to me. Here it can be found at Emporium and World Trade Centre.

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  • 2 weeks later...
hmmm. I wonder if my husband would notice a couple hundred missing when I make my next trip? I will be in BKK one full day, possibly two. Definite potential here!

Hee...hee with a little coaxing it shouldn’t be too hard to convince him to make it an all expenses paid trip :o:D

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  • 2 months later...

ok, i took a trip to kl [malaysia] and forked out the money for sk II.

i've been using it ever since i came home, near on a month.

... so, what's it supposed to do exactly? or do i have to be living in 'smog city' for it to make a difference?

anyone else try it and notice anything?

i can, like, get new glasses if you all insist :-)


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How do SKII and LaMer differ and what do you girls prefer? My friend says SKII is actually for 40 yr olds and over in Japan but they marketed towards a younger demographics here.

I have another topic that I'll post which has been on my mind as well, especially living here in Thailand.

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hey girls, check out www.sasa.com for online purchase and international delivery.

u get the cheapest price for skII in malaysia. thats what the sales person told me and i think she's right.

you will see the difference on ur skin probably after a month or two...

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hey girls, check out www.sasa.com for online purchase and international delivery.

u get the cheapest price for skII in malaysia. thats what the sales person told me and i think she's right.

you will see the difference on ur skin probably after a month or two...

Wei thanks for that – you seriously are a greater wealth of info regarding skII than I am (I already owe you :o ). :D

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  • 1 month later...

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