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Non-Immigrant visa extension for teacher at university

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One of my friends has non-o visa with work permit working at a university in bangkok. Our wives working at the same place. He extended his visa for 1 year using having a wife method. Now he wants to extend using work method. He checked the list that @ubonjoe (thank you) provided in my other post and told me that his friends had to get a criminal check from the local police office. They never left the kingdom so it took their 10 min to get the report. Also he told me that immigration asked some teachers' degrees to approvment or something like that from the minister of affairs. Also approvmebt from their embassy ( that the university is real, or something like that) But all these things are not listed in the list provided and also this list is from thai government website. So he confused as i am. He is working there for 4 5 years now.

At this point the for sure things he knows:

- copy of his degrees (in his own country language, officially translation to english using a translator from his embassy) no embassy stamp but a stamp shows its officially translated. 

- copy of transcript

- copy of his passport, first page and extension, visa

- no need wife to go with him ( because extension reason is work)

- copy of work permit

- documents from his university

- last year tax papers


Could someone add what else needed, such as criminal report or else needed or not... that minister of affair thing is needed or not or what ever else needed not mentioning in that list. 


Thanks a lot


Edited by problemfarang
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