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My First Brush With A Local Mafioso...


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Hey there,

Went to a new restaurant on Friday and got into a rather bizarre conversation with an incredibly drunk guy who turned out to be the local Mister Big...

It started out as a typical scenario played out many times before: a drunken person (99% of the time ugly blokes) wandered over to our table and started waffling away in their abysmal English. normally, being a thoroughly decent chap, I play along nicely and merrily chat away. After a while, the person trots off and all is well. You know the score.

However, this time it went a little differently:

The middle aged guy trotted over, drunk as a skunk, dressed awfully (white shoes, Hawaiian shirt, black trousers) and sits down opposite myself and the missus. No intro, just 'plonk', down he sits. He then pronounces "i just want to talk Englit". Smiles all round and I'm thinking 'here we go again...

I ask him his name...

"why do you want to know my name?" he answered, scowling at me.

"Well, i thought you wanted to talk to me."

"Ah? what? I don't like you. huh, farang"

And things started going downhill from there... I kept on smiling, although less so than before.

He then pointed to the missus and said "Did you buy her?" That pissed me off. But knowing that this guy was not your average drunken farmer (4 goons coupled with 4 young ladies sat at his table added weight to my suspicion)... I smiled and said 'no, she works thanks."

after some more semi-aggressive babble, he stands up, puffs out his chest and says:

"If you are the real one, you will call me and meet me". Now, <deleted> does that mean? I looked at the guy quizzically and said, "no, that's OK mate, we're just eating here and then we're off".

He then grabbed my hand, almost in a handshake, but not quite.... he stared at me in the eyes and said, "you will sing a song with me". I was inches away from him and was thinking of nutting him and pegging it... then TV posters' opinions came to mind.

I managed to scramble out of that, blabbering that he should sing and I'll listen. whilst he turned to go to the stage, me and missus legged it. As he was turned away going to the karaoke stage, a small black revolver was settled in his trouser's waist at the small of his back. nice.

This guy would have gotten into serious grief with me for talking so rudely, but the advice I've often read on this forum was flashing through my mind - "sod it, walk away, it's not worth it" (I remember the story of one guy who was hit on the head with a stick, and in retaliation, he pushed the bloke away... then got banged up inside by the local fluff and the crap booted out of him for his trouble).

My restraint was rewarded at the sight of his gun. I've never had it down stairs faster. Not kidding you, I could hear him singing 'My Way' astoundingly bad... I laughed at the thought of a Philipino guard shooting this man in the chest... som nam na.

Anyway, thanks to those TV posters who urge restraint and pacifism - without you, not sure where'd I be today.



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Well done for keeping your cool. Druken Thais can get extremly violent and very dangerous. A friend of mine had an argument with 2 thai guys in a pub on Ramkamheang rd. When he left after midnight, guess what.... they were waiting, machettes, knives, and baseball bats in the hands. Needless to say, my friend spent 2 weeks in the hospital with some severe injuries to his head.....

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I made it a golden rule that whenever I spotted drunken Thais - be it motorcycle taxi drivers or self-proclaimed hi-sos - I quit on the spot. Touch wood, ever got into trouble and not sure how I would have reacted if some dork like that guy would have approached me in that way... :o

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I made it a golden rule that whenever I spotted drunken Thais - be it motorcycle taxi drivers or self-proclaimed hi-sos - I quit on the spot. Touch wood, ever got into trouble and not sure how I would have reacted if some dork like that guy would have approached me in that way... :o

Spot on raro. Even a guy pissed out of his mind can hit a target with his pea shooter at three feet.


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Hey there,

Went to a new restaurant on Friday and got into a rather bizarre conversation with an incredibly drunk guy who turned out to be the local Mister Big...

It started out as a typical scenario played out many times before: a drunken person (99% of the time ugly blokes) wandered over to our table and started waffling away in their abysmal English. normally, being a thoroughly decent chap, I play along nicely and merrily chat away. After a while, the person trots off and all is well. You know the score.

However, this time it went a little differently:

The middle aged guy trotted over, drunk as a skunk, dressed awfully (white shoes, Hawaiian shirt, black trousers) and sits down opposite myself and the missus. No intro, just 'plonk', down he sits. He then pronounces "i just want to talk Englit". Smiles all round and I'm thinking 'here we go again...

I ask him his name...

"why do you want to know my name?" he answered, scowling at me.

"Well, i thought you wanted to talk to me."

"Ah? what? I don't like you. huh, farang"

And things started going downhill from there... I kept on smiling, although less so than before.

He then pointed to the missus and said "Did you buy her?" That pissed me off. But knowing that this guy was not your average drunken farmer (4 goons coupled with 4 young ladies sat at his table added weight to my suspicion)... I smiled and said 'no, she works thanks."

after some more semi-aggressive babble, he stands up, puffs out his chest and says:

"If you are the real one, you will call me and meet me". Now, <deleted> does that mean? I looked at the guy quizzically and said, "no, that's OK mate, we're just eating here and then we're off".

He then grabbed my hand, almost in a handshake, but not quite.... he stared at me in the eyes and said, "you will sing a song with me". I was inches away from him and was thinking of nutting him and pegging it... then TV posters' opinions came to mind.

I managed to scramble out of that, blabbering that he should sing and I'll listen. whilst he turned to go to the stage, me and missus legged it. As he was turned away going to the karaoke stage, a small black revolver was settled in his trouser's waist at the small of his back. nice.

This guy would have gotten into serious grief with me for talking so rudely, but the advice I've often read on this forum was flashing through my mind - "sod it, walk away, it's not worth it" (I remember the story of one guy who was hit on the head with a stick, and in retaliation, he pushed the bloke away... then got banged up inside by the local fluff and the crap booted out of him for his trouble).

My restraint was rewarded at the sight of his gun. I've never had it down stairs faster. Not kidding you, I could hear him singing 'My Way' astoundingly bad... I laughed at the thought of a Philipino guard shooting this man in the chest... som nam na.

Anyway, thanks to those TV posters who urge restraint and pacifism - without you, not sure where'd I be today.



I found myself in a similar situation a couple of years ago:  I used to have a few beers in a local bar/shop near to where i lived  - Ferang village in  thai area.  One day the thai owner of the shop, whom

had always seemed quite friendly (few ferangs used to sit there buying beer) intruduced me to a guy siting nearby.  Turned out he was the Pu -y -ban and he was sitting with his brother and a few off duty police

men.  Anyhow, this guy asked me in barely legible English what i done for work, where i was from etc.

Before i could answer his brother butted in saying 'in thailand 'mama papa take care, not same ferang'.

They were all a litle bit pissed and the PYB insisted on buying me a beer.  I sat there for what seemed like hours while they amused themselfs by ins

lting me.  When i got up to leave i ofered them a beer, but they snubbed my offer and told me to sit back down.  Luckily my phone rang so i was able to scurry away, mummbling excuses on my way

It was obvious from the start that these guys resented ferangs (me) and i felt very scared. It really showed me a side of thailand that i had chosen to previously ignore.  Anyway, i never go to any of these type of places anymore and try to keep of the thai radar.  I have seen the PYB on a number of occasions and he seems to be not that bad without a drink, but in drink very dangerous, in drink with othere thais - well scarey.

After this happend i picked up a book which i had tried to read some years ago, but found it a bit heavy going, and found it a lot more of an easy read.  The book is 'wandering into thai culture, by an American academic.  Worth a read by anyone residing in thialand - could save your bacon :o

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It was obvious from the start that these guys resented ferangs (me) and i felt very scared. It really showed me a side of thailand that i had chosen to previously ignore.

When you stay in Thailand long enough you learn Thai men are really very jealous of Farang men.

Can't blame them I guess if you look at the picture from their eyes.

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It was obvious from the start that these guys resented ferangs (me) and i felt very scared. It really showed me a side of thailand that i had chosen to previously ignore.

When you stay in Thailand long enough you learn Thai men are really very jealous of Farang men.

Can't blame them I guess if you look at the picture from their eyes.

I think it didnt help that i am quite hansom - its a curse :o

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Wouldn't surprise me if the lacal mafiosi was a policeman.Cause telling us you saw the gun.The local headpoliceman here also sits with many woman around.The thing is never get too close to them,when they want a small talk ,just be polite,normally nothing will happen.When asking to drink with them ,I always say I only drink heineken beer,in many places they do not have them....

When I see the chap,I always give him a wai,if eyecontact is inevitable(and he always replys with one and laughs).The police many times have tea money from many small bars and some other venues,accasionally they party around at midnight,although not in their daily suit.But still,my advise would be just do like they are so funny,and go home after a not to long time.Ofcourse there would be real mafiosi around many places,not here though,if it would I would have done the same as many advises here given on this topic.

A not so nice experience and hope the OP do not bump on them too regularly,maybe you just was at the wrong place at the wrong time.

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Mr. Rosner believes that the lack of guns in the hands of good people contributes not to the betterment of society. Mr. Rosner suggests that you take a policeman's sap out with you next time you dine in those fine establishments.

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I'm also curious to find out where this happened. A few years back the restaurants and pubs on Ratchada were a hotspot for mafia, army generals and the like.

You showed serious restraint when he insulted your wife/gf like that. I think most of us would have at least put him down a peg or two in English or Thai, resulting in some form of agression, which is what he wanted to do...whether to show off to his group or because he was actually jealous.

I'm sure you must have been absolutely mad with this idiot later, having to walk away and do nothing about it. I think the only thing you could have done is use any contacts you have high up in the law to go and check him out for having a gun. At the very least it will piss him off. Of course, never go back.

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I'm also curious to find out where this happened. A few years back the restaurants and pubs on Ratchada were a hotspot for mafia, army generals and the like.

You showed serious restraint when he insulted your wife/gf like that. I think most of us would have at least put him down a peg or two in English or Thai, resulting in some form of agression, which is what he wanted to do...whether to show off to his group or because he was actually jealous.

I'm sure you must have been absolutely mad with this idiot later, having to walk away and do nothing about it. I think the only thing you could have done is use any contacts you have high up in the law to go and check him out for having a gun. At the very least it will piss him off. Of course, never go back.

To use anything higher up would be a big mistake.Best is to avoid everything connected with these kind of people.To do something by the sides could trigger something litteraly,happened many times before that a madguy just shot some farang or a thai for such a reason.If the guy wasn't police himself they surely will know who he is(cause he wrote he was a local),so that will make them want to know you and bring a visit .That will make you want to move,believe me!

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I'm also curious to find out where this happened. A few years back the restaurants and pubs on Ratchada were a hotspot for mafia, army generals and the like.

You showed serious restraint when he insulted your wife/gf like that. I think most of us would have at least put him down a peg or two in English or Thai, resulting in some form of agression, which is what he wanted to do...whether to show off to his group or because he was actually jealous.

I'm sure you must have been absolutely mad with this idiot later, having to walk away and do nothing about it. I think the only thing you could have done is use any contacts you have high up in the law to go and check him out for having a gun. At the very least it will piss him off. Of course, never go back.

To use anything higher up would be a big mistake.Best is to avoid everything connected with these kind of people.To do something by the sides could trigger something litteraly,happened many times before that a madguy just shot some farang or a thai for such a reason.If the guy wasn't police himself they surely will know who he is(cause he wrote he was a local),so that will make them want to know you and bring a visit .That will make you want to move,believe me!

Yep, I see your reasoning. I'm just shaking my head over the fact that some idiotic loser like that can do whatever and say whatever he wants to insult any farang (or Thai maybe) and there's nothing you can do about it in this country. You just have to take it and be polite back. A very sad fact.

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Yep, I see your reasoning. I'm just shaking my head over the fact that some idiotic loser like that can do whatever and say whatever he wants to insult any farang (or Thai maybe) and there's nothing you can do about it in this country. You just have to take it and be polite back. A very sad fact.

and what should you be able to do ? respond with violence - pseudo macho chest puffing !

why should you give a sh1t what some brainless peanut thinks about you ? what a waste of time.

The OP did very well - smile and bullshit and then slip away without any problems .

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