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A Pattayan Goes To Bangkok... For The Day...

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I took a taxi from the bus station right to Impact, cost me 112 baht...

Never seen a Bangkok taxi fare come up in even number in my life.

Maybe it was 111, or 113... I know I gave the guy 140, so logic would tell me it was AROUND 112 baht... but thanks for paying attention.

Are you disputing that a taxi from Mo Chit to the Impact Center/Muong Thong Thani woudln't cost AROUND 112 baht, pre tip?

LC didn't dispute the amount- just the fact that you claimed the fare to be an even number, which is impossible.

You provided the exact "112 baht" cost... why would anyone guess that number to be approximate? Especially from someone of your level of "retentiveness"!? You could have said that it was approximate in your original post.

Weho, I think the taxi fare was too high.

I agree with Jet... we are disputing that the fare wouldn't cost AROUND 112 baht.

I can travel from Mo Chit bus terminal to my home in Lad Prao, which is a considerably greater distance for about 100 baht. (I've made this trip many times, and know what it costs.) The only time it has cost more than 110 baht (including rounding up to the next multiple of 10 as a tip) was on a rainy night which happened to be the last Friday of the month. Cost me 130 baht to get home that night.

Mo Chit to Impact should have been a 70 to 80 baht ride... 90 max.

So- I'd say that despite your best efforts to "NOT tolerate theft, overcharging, crookedness, etc", you were beaten by a professional. Even though the driver used the meter, he obviously saw you as someone fresh off the bus who doesn't know his way around Bangkok and took you on a scenic tour / indirect route to run up the meter. He was probably silently laughing his ass off when you gave him 140 baht- an "approximate" 28 baht tip!

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The front seat in a Thai bus is also known as the 'ejection' or 'death' seat. If you wish to live to a ripe old age avoid it like the plague.

Yeah, but the back seat is often where the engine is, which catches on fire. Therefore you're the first one to BBQ. The middle is exactly in the center of a hysterical mob trying to get out of a crashed or burning bus. Almost none of the windows can be broken for a quick exit. The little gadgets that are supposed to be fixed next to the window for the purpose of breaking them in an emergency, are all gone. The driver's on ya-ba. Heck, forget the bus. :o

an "approximate" 28 baht tip!

don't forget that this handsome tip allows the taxi friver to purchase approx. 2 extra bowls of rice at Fuji's! This showing off of post-colonial suprimacy is quite disgusting. WEHO, you should insist on every Baht change to keep things in proportion!

I took a taxi from the bus station right to Impact, cost me 112 baht...

Never seen a Bangkok taxi fare come up in even number in my life.

Maybe it was 111, or 113... I know I gave the guy 140, so logic would tell me it was AROUND 112 baht... but thanks for paying attention.

Are you disputing that a taxi from Mo Chit to the Impact Center/Muong Thong Thani woudln't cost AROUND 112 baht, pre tip?

LC didn't dispute the amount- just the fact that you claimed the fare to be an even number, which is impossible.

You provided the exact "112 baht" cost... why would anyone guess that number to be approximate? Especially from someone of your level of "retentiveness"!? You could have said that it was approximate in your original post.

Weho, I think the taxi fare was too high.

I agree with Jet... we are disputing that the fare wouldn't cost AROUND 112 baht.

I can travel from Mo Chit bus terminal to my home in Lad Prao, which is a considerably greater distance for about 100 baht. (I've made this trip many times, and know what it costs.) The only time it has cost more than 110 baht (including rounding up to the next multiple of 10 as a tip) was on a rainy night which happened to be the last Friday of the month. Cost me 130 baht to get home that night.

Mo Chit to Impact should have been a 70 to 80 baht ride... 90 max.

So- I'd say that despite your best efforts to "NOT tolerate theft, overcharging, crookedness, etc", you were beaten by a professional. Even though the driver used the meter, he obviously saw you as someone fresh off the bus who doesn't know his way around Bangkok and took you on a scenic tour / indirect route to run up the meter. He was probably silently laughing his ass off when you gave him 140 baht- an "approximate" 28 baht tip!

You are wrong... I've taken that taxi many times, and it seems it's always in that neighborhood... actually, i didn't mention that there was a BIG traffic jam on the big street, don't know the name, but it's the one he makes a LEFT onto, and goes down about 6 or 8 miles... perhaps that traffic made it a bit higher, but seems to me it's always around that price... and he does have to backtrack with a U-turn, to get into the Impact center... i would still think it's close to impossible to make that run for only 70 baht.

I think the reason I put 112 instead of the 111 that I'm sort of recalling it was, was because i know i ended up giving 140 baht, and i just didn't think it was that important to be that exact on that transaction. i gave him a decent tip because i asked him to turn the a/c up, twice, and he complied... but what really sold me was when, without my even asking, he DIRECTED the a/c vents RIGHT on me, in the back seat, and he even turned his head to see exactly where i was sitting, to the the air flow direction right on me. I was most impressed with this, thus a decent tip.

but most importantly, if you think i was somehow misleading you about the "real" cost of that taxi, just tell me what reason or benefit do you think i would get for doing that? why on earth would you think i would get some "jolly" of tricking you into thinking a taxi, you don't think i took?

And the only other reasonably fast way of getting from Mo chit to Impact would be a taxi to the Mo Chit BTS, probably costing less than 40 baht, then the 30 baht shuttle bus right to Impact... but i didn't do that, cause i was anxious to get there faster, hence the taxi direct... plus, i didn't know how frequent the shuttle bus service would be, and early in the day i figured the shuttle might be crowded, and i might have to wait... and i can assure you, yes, i can ASSURE YOU, that I am most certainly NOT the "waiting type".

.......and he even turned his head to see exactly where i was sitting.....

Maybe he was just trying to look up your skirt. :o

why on earth would you think i would get some "jolly" of tricking you into thinking a taxi, you don't think i took?

I believe that you took the taxi. How could I think that you were overcharged if you were not in the taxi?

How you get your jollies is no concern of mine, but it is proven that a lot of people do get their jollies writing wind-up posts on internet forums!

Below is a short travelogue of my day in Bangkok... admittedly, it's personal, only about ME, (my favorite topic)... so if that idea/concept offends you, don't bother reading...

I left Pattaya, by public bus, 95 baht, nonstop to Mo Chit (northern) bus station, cause it's sort of in the direction of the IMPACT center, where I was going to the TRAVEL SHOW. Now I posted a mention of this last week, and I'm certain almost no farangs that saw it actually went to the show, because there were virtually NO FARANGS at the travel show. It was YOUR LOSS... the show was great... very large, free entrance, well organized, Thai dancing, lots of entertainment... I took a taxi from the bus station right to Impact, cost me 112 baht...

I got one of those trolleys, (had to give a 500 baht deposit), and I discovered I was really good at something: pushing quickly through crowds. The travel show was VERY CROWDED, and there were over 30 aisles to see, so the ONLY way I could do it in two hours was to just barrel through people, with my trolley... Now the Thai people have to be the friendliest people on the planet, because I must have ran that trolley over at least two or three hundred feet, often just people wearing "flops"... I made up my mind I could do it in two hours, so I just pushed and bumped into ANYONE and EVERYONE, young and old, (but I did allow someone in a wheelchair to go ahead of me)... that's just the kind of person I am... very giving... but some people, I admit I hit pretty hard, and usually didn't even look back... it was that way, or I wouldn't have seen the show... But people didn't seem to mind, I think in part because I'm such a genuine and sincer person... for Pattaya standards, anyway...

I had "lunch" at Subway sandwiches, cause the McDonald's at the IMPACT didn't have "Happy meals", and subway was a healthier, but more expensive option... the turkey breast (processed meat with nitrates), wasn't too bad.

When I left, I took the Impact center 30 baht shuttle right to the Mo Chit BTS, a great deal... air conditioned, and frequent service. I pushed someone out of my way to get the front seat, which seemed to have the most air conditioning vents that could be controlled by ME, and directed ONLY on ME. Ye who pushes, gets what they want.

I checked into my 3 star hotel, best deal in Bangkok... then I went for dinner at the FIVE STAR hotel nearby that I mentioned in an earlier post, that I won't name, cause I don't want to to ruin the great deal they have... after 6 PM, EVERYTHING in their Pastry/sandwich shop is 1/2 off... I got there right at 6:01 pm... i ordred the salmon platter, and a chef's salad... unlimited bread, really great... the only thing they had left was a single sushi platter.. I figured I better order both of those right away, cause the lobby was crowded, and I knew what was left wouldn't last long...

Sure enough, about 8 minutes later, a French guy shows up and is YELLING "You told me at 6 you have sandwiches and salads, but all you have is sushi..." And the friendly Thai serving lady said, "sir, it's too late...we had, but no more..." I intentionally sat RIGHT NEXT TO THE ORDERING COUNTER, so any late comers would SEE me, that I got not one, but TWO platters...for 1/2 off... I'm sure the guy ended up at the dinner buffet, which would end up costing almost TEN TIMES what I paid for TWO full platters, and unlimited rolls... plus I got the satisfaction of letting this late comer KNOW that he was TOO frickin' late... I love that. Hey, I made an effort to get there at 6:01 PM... he should have too, but he probably wanted to see the first five minutes of the French news, or maybe he had a biological function or something to take care of... anyway, he was TOO LATE... and he PAID for it.

Then off to BTS Ari, cause I wanted to go to the Villa Market there, which was great... I got my decaf coffee, Italian stuff... a big 250g size can...

Then back to my hotel to read through some of the travel brochures I got... some great deals were available at the show only, like 500 baht for an air conditioned Bangkok river dinner cruise buffet, regular price 1,200 baht IF you booked at the show... not bad... hope to go in two weeks with my pre-paid ticket... I also got a roundtrip on Air Asia, 499 baht one way to international destinations (except china) plus taxes... can't beat that... plus almost ever booth had shows specials... Told ya, you should have gone!

Monday morning: I went to the King Power Duty free center, so Rangnam, not far from Victory... they have free Tuk-tuk shuttle service... you can buy products made in thailand and take them with you, the foreign stuff has to be picked up at the airport... it's a quite impressive place... very friendly staff, reasonably prices, for high quality stuff... and they have a wonderful lunch buffet for 400 baht upstairs, really wonderful... worth it... i think they take a loss on the buffet, to get tourists/foreigners in there... then the free tuk tuk back to my hotel to get my luggage... you can also get their free tuk-tuk from Victory BTS, I think 10 am to 8 pm every day... the restaurant also has a dinner buffet, 600 baht, but i didin't see it... they have lots of Thai produces, gourmet food, tourist stuff, crafts, all high quality... lots of that OTOP stuff... and they give you a free plastic beach bag... kind of nice.

Then I got in a taxi to go to Siam Paragon, but I changed to Central Chit Lom, cause the roads were closed, and it was just easier... the taxi driver must have thought he could cheat me... i noticed he didn't start the meter... I figured I would keep my mouth closed... when we got to Central chit Lom, he said "200 baht"... I said, "I know it should be about 60 baht, but you're not even getting that, cause you didn't start the meter... start the meter NOW, and I'll give you 35 baht... if you don't do that, you'll get NOTHING". Of course I got my way, gave him his 35 baht, and i'm sure he's ready to try to cheat others. but he wasn't going to get ME.

The market at Central chit lom is very impressive... lots of foreign produces, but MORE expensive than the Villa Market.

I had lunch in the Food Hall on the 7th floor... I had the chicken milanese from the Grill place... quite good... a bit overpriced, but tasty... I went to order a brownie... and after about 20 seconds i noticed the guy had put my brownie in the MICROWAVE... I said "I didn't tell you to warm it!!", then he says, (under his breath), "you no tell me..." I said, in a loud/strong farang voice: "I no have to tell you, you have to ASK ME... I don't work here, YOU DO... and don't think I didn't hear what you said"... then he hands me the room-temperature brownie... it was good, a little soft though... and it should have walnuts in it to be really good...

Then I went to the Thai Ticketmaster, to try to get tickets for Christina Aguilara (sp.???), but they were sold out of the cheap nose-bleed tickets, and I'm too cheap to get the expensive ones...

Then I took the BTS back to Ekamai, got my TWO seats on the bus, to have one empty next to me... I don't mind sitting next to someone on the way to bangkok, but on the way back, when I'm hot and tired, I'm in no mood to fight over arm space, even though I always win.

Hope you enjoyed this. Maybe if some of you take small trips around Thailand, you can share what you did with others.

Every life has a story. And you are telling what's in a day of your life.

I enjoy reading it. If some of you find it's boring, you may skip it as the OP said so on the first paragraph.


Every life has a story. And you are telling what's in a day of your life.

I enjoy reading it. If some of you find it's boring, you may skip it as the OP said so on the first paragraph.


Thank you for your kind words... honestly, I knew there would be evil vicious comments from jealous people, so I put the disclaimer at the top JUST so I could ask them "then why did you read it"... it was a simply ploy that worked well.

And most Pattayans have gone to Bangkok for a day or so, from time to time... for all sorts of different reasons. I was just sharing my PERSONAL story. It was not intended to be as gripping as say "Gone With the Wind"... but here's the good news:

Next week, I believe I have to go to Sattahip for the day... which promises to make a most exciting possible narrative.

Again, thank you for your kind words... and I do appreciate your taking the time to read it, and comment...


An entertaining read Weho, ignore the sad and vitriolic wingers, their day isn't complete unless they pour scorn on someone to shore up their mistaken sense of superiority.

Next week, I believe I have to go to Sattahip for the day... which promises to make a most exciting possible narrative.

Looking forward to it... :o

You should seriously consider starting up a blog Weho... I'm sure you'd get loads of comments.


Taoism: shit happens

Buddhism: if shit happens, it isn't really shit

Islam: if shit happens, it is the will of Allah

Catholicism: if shit happens, you deserve it

Judaism: why does this shit always happen to us?

Atheism: I don't believe this shit

Honestly, I love the Thai people, but I've seen this reaction many times, where if they don't know, or don't understand you, they simply laugh. I don't understand that...

OK, now make your evil comments here:

I must be Thai because I can't stop laughing either. :o

An entertaining read Weho, ignore the sad and vitriolic wingers, their day isn't complete unless they pour scorn on someone to shore up their mistaken sense of superiority.
Next week, I believe I have to go to Sattahip for the day... which promises to make a most exciting possible narrative.

Looking forward to it... :o

You should seriously consider starting up a blog Weho... I'm sure you'd get loads of comments.


Honestly, I love the Thai people, but I've seen this reaction many times, where if they don't know, or don't understand you, they simply laugh. I don't understand that...

OK, now make your evil comments here:

I must be Thai because I can't stop laughing either. :D

Three, I think, friendly comments in a row... surely that has to have set some kind of internet record...

Some years ago, I was a regular poster on some website with very popular forums... apparently, some of the "regulars" didn't appreciate my "special brand" of humour, and made just a boat-load of nasty comments... quite personal, and really, for no apparent reason. So i decided that I would use the "search" feature and see what kinds of postings THEY originated... you know, to see what I was doing wrong... and how good their postings must have been... well, turns out, almost none of them originated any topics, and the ones they did, got few, if any, replies. They were just, how do you yanks say, "dull as dishwater"...

Now a large number of replies is NOT the goal here, (although admittedly I do enjoy reading ANYONE'S thread that gets a large number of replies)... but, these nasty people didn't have an original though in their head. All they could do was complain about what OTHERS wrote. What OTHERS had originated. It's quite common on this webnet thing, as I've noticed.

And I have things to say about Paris Hilton, but I don't know where it's appropriate on this T.V. thing...

Now it's almost 9:30 Am, and I'm going over to the Bookazine sale. If you want to meet weho, live and in person, this is a rare chance... This could be your lucky day... I'll probably be at the Au Bon Pan around 10:40 AM... i'll be the one wearing the Little Bo Peep outfit, with a cane, and herding some live goats... should be easy to spot me.

.......and he even turned his head to see exactly where i was sitting.....

Maybe he was just trying to look up your skirt. :o

yep thats, youve hit the nail on the head, weho blows off the taxi driver so the 112 bhat fare never exsited!!

over to you weho! come on big boy you know you want to!

.......and he even turned his head to see exactly where i was sitting.....

Maybe he was just trying to look up your skirt. :o

yep thats, youve hit the nail on the head, weho blows off the taxi driver so the 112 bhat fare never exsited!!

over to you weho! come on big boy you know you want to!

I read your posting three times, but I can't figure out what you meant... and I interrupted eating my second of three apples of the day to write this reply...

.......and he even turned his head to see exactly where i was sitting.....

Maybe he was just trying to look up your skirt. :o

yep thats, youve hit the nail on the head, weho blows off the taxi driver so the 112 bhat fare never exsited!!

over to you weho! come on big boy you know you want to!

I read your posting three times, but I can't figure out what you meant... and I interrupted eating my second of three apples of the day to write this reply...

well stick to sucking apples in the back of taxis, having said that 112 bhat is quite a saving!!!! now if youd have offered the bus driver somthing to suck on maybe you wouldnt have took 5 hours to get home, silly!


well stick to sucking apples in the back of taxis, having said that 112 bhat is quite a saving!!!! now if youd have offered the bus driver somthing to suck on maybe you wouldnt have took 5 hours to get home, silly!

I'll presume that is your best "A" comedy material... what a pity.


yep , looks as if this one is milked for all it's worth ,

roll out the next instalment , mate ........................

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