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Accident With A Drunken Thai

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Most Thai's do not care if we live or die only the ones making money out of us care ie wife and her family. i doubt the outcome of this accident would have been any differnt had it been a Thai, they would probably have done a runner the same. If i saw a Thai badly injured on the road i am afraid i would go no where near. When i came here 6 years ago i would have but life here has knocked out of me any compassion for locals, except the dogs that is. with a military coup, dozens of murders in the south every week, protests against the new goverment in BKK i doubt the Nationals are going to care one bit. even if it made the headlines on every TV channel nothing would change.

its a case of build a bridge and get over it, we all know what the roads are like here. at least he did not get killed, there is only one sure way not to be involved in an accident in samui and thats leave the place. for those of us who ride a motorbike here its not a matter of when but how bad.for me i have been lucky just a couple of scars from exhaust burns.

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Most Thai's do not care if we live or die only the ones making money out of us care ie wife and her family. i doubt the outcome of this accident would have been any differnt had it been a Thai, they would probably have done a runner the same. If i saw a Thai badly injured on the road i am afraid i would go no where near. When i came here 6 years ago i would have but life here has knocked out of me any compassion for locals, except the dogs that is. with a military coup, dozens of murders in the south every week, protests against the new goverment in BKK i doubt the Nationals are going to care one bit. even if it made the headlines on every TV channel nothing would change.

its a case of build a bridge and get over it, we all know what the roads are like here. at least he did not get killed, there is only one sure way not to be involved in an accident in samui and thats leave the place. for those of us who ride a motorbike here its not a matter of when but how bad.for me i have been lucky just a couple of scars from exhaust burns.

Unfortuantly you're right! That was also the first info I got when I moved here! So I guess if you hit a Thai, you better dig a deep hole where he can't (won't) be found and give your car to a drunk Issan worker here, and report it stolen, right, RakSamui? :o

I'm sure others that have roots here have heard the same?

Edited by SamuiJens
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Most Thai's do not care if we live or die only the ones making money out of us care ie wife and her family. i doubt the outcome of this accident would have been any differnt had it been a Thai, they would probably have done a runner the same. If i saw a Thai badly injured on the road i am afraid i would go no where near. When i came here 6 years ago i would have but life here has knocked out of me any compassion for locals, except the dogs that is. with a military coup, dozens of murders in the south every week, protests against the new goverment in BKK i doubt the Nationals are going to care one bit. even if it made the headlines on every TV channel nothing would change.

its a case of build a bridge and get over it, we all know what the roads are like here. at least he did not get killed, there is only one sure way not to be involved in an accident in samui and thats leave the place. for those of us who ride a motorbike here its not a matter of when but how bad.for me i have been lucky just a couple of scars from exhaust burns.

Unfortuantly you're right! That was also the first info I got when I moved here! So I guess if you hit a Thai, you better dig a deep hole where he can't (won't) be found and give your car to a drunk Issan worker here, and report it stolen, right, RakSamui? :o

I'm sure others that have roots here have heard the same?

sad but true but even the good samaritan would have got turned over here, if its a dog i try to help as for the Thai humans best left to their own. a dog may try to bite you if help it, with a thai person you can be 100% sure you will end up getting bitten.

Edited by RakSamui
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sad but true but even the good samaritan would have got turned over here, if its a dog i try to help as for the Thai humans best left to their own. a dog may try to bite you if help it, with a thai person you can be 100% sure you will end up getting bitten.


Supposed I see a Thai lying on the road after an accident, let us say in the nighttime. Supposed this accident is in the Nathon area I would call the Nathon Rescue (volunteers) and they would bring him to the Nathon hospital. Why should I be in danger?

If this guy is a Samui resident he will be admitted for free.

If he is a poor Isaan construction worker without insurance - who can charge me if no police is involved?

Supposed I am involved in an accident - a Thai is hitting my motorbike with his motorbike and we are both injured, bikes are damaged. What should I do?

I call the police to make a report and my Thai family to help me sort out things.

If the police shows up: How can I ensure that they make a fair report?

If there is a fair report what can it help me? How can I ensure that the Thai will pay the damage on my motorbike?

If there is no police and no fair report I have no chance to get my money? Do I even have to pay the damage of the Thai motorbike?

Or do I have to call the TP anyway because I am farang (not important if tourist or resident)? Will they feel responsible that justice will be done? What are their duties?

Can somebody please share his experiences?

By the way, my wife (local Samui) said that most of the police men are fair and would make no difference between farang and thai. But if she would seen sb lying on the road she might not stop to help because maybe this guy would charge her afterwards.

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Alcohol, that is the problem.

Alcohol leads to nothing but problems most of the time.

In American, 50% of fatal car crashes are alcohol related. 50%!!!!

Everyone loves to get hammered at the local bar or a friends porch after a hard days work and then drive home and maybe kill a farang or two on the way.

Alcohol is a horrible invention. Car crashes are just a part of why drinking is a menace to society.


you are right. nearly everyone i know who was in a crash was drunk. aprt from one bloke i know who pulled out on his motor bike 6 am new years eve and some F==er cam out of nowehere and put him in hospital for 5 months. not only that he got about 100 000 baht which did not near cover the closer of his business for 5 months and hosital fees. yet the thai's arguemnt was

you can put me in the monkey house becuase i not have any more money. how can you argue with that. you cannot get bloood out of a stone.

everyone else i know and i know alot of people who have died or had there eyes taken out all drunk or drug induced.

people don;t think when they are drunk. it is either drive or get ripped off b y a taxi who is drunk also.

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I wouldn't care if the drunks did it to themselves but they always seem to take an innocent person or two with them.

You're right on there, PaulAllen. :o

I came past a motorbike accident the other day on the road down from the junction Chaweng/Choeng Mon down to the airport.

3 Thai guys injured (I guess they were not local). At least 2 cars in front of me slowed down and then drove on.

I stopped my Suzuki Carribean and saw that one guy was unconscious, the other bleading on the ankle and the third was okay. Both guys put the unconscious fellow on the back of my Suzuki and the injured sat next to me. Made a u-turn in the middle of the road and took them to Samui Inter. Dropped them off and stayed for 20 minutes to make sure they are okay. Left my card with the nurse too.

In retrospect I could have gotten into some trouble thinking about it now, but on that day it made me feel good.

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I wouldn't care if the drunks did it to themselves but they always seem to take an innocent person or two with them.

You're right on there, PaulAllen. :o

I came past a motorbike accident the other day on the road down from the junction Chaweng/Choeng Mon down to the airport.

3 Thai guys injured (I guess they were not local). At least 2 cars in front of me slowed down and then drove on.

I stopped my Suzuki Carribean and saw that one guy was unconscious, the other bleading on the ankle and the third was okay. Both guys put the unconscious fellow on the back of my Suzuki and the injured sat next to me. Made a u-turn in the middle of the road and took them to Samui Inter. Dropped them off and stayed for 20 minutes to make sure they are okay. Left my card with the nurse too.

In retrospect I could have gotten into some trouble thinking about it now, but on that day it made me feel good.

Good for you Coconut! I must say I have been helping out at accidents on the roads of Samui for the last 18 years and SO FAR it's not landed me in trouble yet. People have always said to me "be careful because they will assume you are involved" But as I say, SO FAR it's not landed me in any hint of trouble. I would rather take the risk and be able to live with myself. I'm just very careful about handling blood nowadays though.


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Dear Claude

any news about this case?

no word yet from the police or the tourist police?

has nay one came to get ingotmation from your friend following the german consul intervention?

He is recovering in BKK hospital, hope he will walk again in 6 months. If not, a plastic hip will be implanted. He lost his job and he lost a lot of money - more than he had got before. At least he didn't die. Two kids and a wife, no more money in the bank account after 15 years on Samui. So what? Where to go?

Police? Forget them. If any actions will be taken against Nathon police he will be scared about his life.

Tourist police? No idea if they have to be involved. As they know about this case they are free to help.

The german embassy will help sooner or later (financially), that's what they have told me.

Again, the questions are:

Who do we farangs have to contact in case of accident like "hit and run"? Who will be willing to help us?

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Dear Claude

any news about this case?

no word yet from the police or the tourist police?

has nay one came to get ingotmation from your friend following the german consul intervention?

He is recovering in BKK hospital, hope he will walk again in 6 months. If not, a plastic hip will be implanted. He lost his job and he lost a lot of money - more than he had got before. At least he didn't die. Two kids and a wife, no more money in the bank account after 15 years on Samui. So what? Where to go?

Police? Forget them. If any actions will be taken against Nathon police he will be scared about his life.

Tourist police? No idea if they have to be involved. As they know about this case they are free to help.

The german embassy will help sooner or later (financially), that's what they have told me.

Again, the questions are:

Who do we farangs have to contact in case of accident like "hit and run"? Who will be willing to help us?

i am sorry to hear about your friend.

i think it is wise to have a valid insurrence even if you are only driving a bike.

We had an accident 3 years ago in Surat. a drunken driver hit us head on. fortunatly nothing realy bad happened but my wifes nefew who was with us suffered from a broken leg.

we did not call the police. we did call our insurence guy and he took care of everything including the hospitall bills and the fixing of the car.

the only advice I can give your friend is to get a lawyer and press charges with the police about this case and let the lawyer take care of suing the owner of the car and his insurence company.

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Dear Claude

any news about this case?

no word yet from the police or the tourist police?

has nay one came to get ingotmation from your friend following the german consul intervention?

He is recovering in BKK hospital, hope he will walk again in 6 months. If not, a plastic hip will be implanted. He lost his job and he lost a lot of money - more than he had got before. At least he didn't die. Two kids and a wife, no more money in the bank account after 15 years on Samui. So what? Where to go?

Police? Forget them. If any actions will be taken against Nathon police he will be scared about his life.

Tourist police? No idea if they have to be involved. As they know about this case they are free to help.

The german embassy will help sooner or later (financially), that's what they have told me.

Again, the questions are:

Who do we farangs have to contact in case of accident like "hit and run"? Who will be willing to help us?

i am sorry to hear about your friend.

i think it is wise to have a valid insurrence even if you are only driving a bike.

We had an accident 3 years ago in Surat. a drunken driver hit us head on. fortunatly nothing realy bad happened but my wifes nefew who was with us suffered from a broken leg.

we did not call the police. we did call our insurence guy and he took care of everything including the hospitall bills and the fixing of the car.

the only advice I can give your friend is to get a lawyer and press charges with the police about this case and let the lawyer take care of suing the owner of the car and his insurence company.

Achim had to undergo another operation on his double broken left arm. He has a lot of pain, he is emotional unstable.

If somebody has a couple of free hours in Bangkok, here is his address:

Joachim (Achim) Krämer

Lerdsin Hospital

190 Silom R. Sriweang Bangruk Bangkok 10500

Tel: 0-2353-9798-9

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Dear Claude

any news about this case?

no word yet from the police or the tourist police?

has nay one came to get ingotmation from your friend following the german consul intervention?

He is recovering in BKK hospital, hope he will walk again in 6 months. If not, a plastic hip will be implanted. He lost his job and he lost a lot of money - more than he had got before. At least he didn't die. Two kids and a wife, no more money in the bank account after 15 years on Samui. So what? Where to go?

Police? Forget them. If any actions will be taken against Nathon police he will be scared about his life.

Tourist police? No idea if they have to be involved. As they know about this case they are free to help.

The german embassy will help sooner or later (financially), that's what they have told me.

Again, the questions are:

Who do we farangs have to contact in case of accident like "hit and run"? Who will be willing to help us?

i am sorry to hear about your friend.

i think it is wise to have a valid insurrence even if you are only driving a bike.

We had an accident 3 years ago in Surat. a drunken driver hit us head on. fortunatly nothing realy bad happened but my wifes nefew who was with us suffered from a broken leg.

we did not call the police. we did call our insurence guy and he took care of everything including the hospitall bills and the fixing of the car.

the only advice I can give your friend is to get a lawyer and press charges with the police about this case and let the lawyer take care of suing the owner of the car and his insurence company.

Achim had to undergo another operation on his double broken left arm. He has a lot of pain, he is emotional unstable.

If somebody has a couple of free hours in Bangkok, here is his address:

Joachim (Achim) Krämer

Lerdsin Hospital

190 Silom R. Sriweang Bangruk Bangkok 10500

Tel: 0-2353-9798-9

Thanks for the up-date. Can you also advise on a valid e-mail to send him some greetings ( I know its against forum rules to post email, but a hint would do)

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Dear Claude

any news about this case?

no word yet from the police or the tourist police?

has nay one came to get ingotmation from your friend following the german consul intervention?

He is recovering in BKK hospital, hope he will walk again in 6 months. If not, a plastic hip will be implanted. He lost his job and he lost a lot of money - more than he had got before. At least he didn't die. Two kids and a wife, no more money in the bank account after 15 years on Samui. So what? Where to go?

Police? Forget them. If any actions will be taken against Nathon police he will be scared about his life.

Tourist police? No idea if they have to be involved. As they know about this case they are free to help.

The german embassy will help sooner or later (financially), that's what they have told me.

Again, the questions are:

Who do we farangs have to contact in case of accident like "hit and run"? Who will be willing to help us?

i am sorry to hear about your friend.

i think it is wise to have a valid insurrence even if you are only driving a bike.

We had an accident 3 years ago in Surat. a drunken driver hit us head on. fortunatly nothing realy bad happened but my wifes nefew who was with us suffered from a broken leg.

we did not call the police. we did call our insurence guy and he took care of everything including the hospitall bills and the fixing of the car.

the only advice I can give your friend is to get a lawyer and press charges with the police about this case and let the lawyer take care of suing the owner of the car and his insurence company.

Achim had to undergo another operation on his double broken left arm. He has a lot of pain, he is emotional unstable.

If somebody has a couple of free hours in Bangkok, here is his address:

Joachim (Achim) Krämer

Lerdsin Hospital

190 Silom R. Sriweang Bangruk Bangkok 10500

Tel: 0-2353-9798-9

Thanks for the up-date. Can you also advise on a valid e-mail to send him some greetings ( I know its against forum rules to post email, but a hint would do)

Your welcome!

I send his mobile for SMS - sure he will appreciate to receive some nice words from Samui!

***Please PM Claude for his number***

One more thing:

His wife called me yesterday. It seems like he is feeling demoralized because the hospital is changing the nurse team every week. Imagine that he is lying in the bed now for one month, the right leg and hips are fixed. Furthermore he has a lot of pain. His wife told me that it is every week a porblem to get the nurse team used to work with him.

She asked me if members of Thaivisa would send an email to this hospital: We should demand that the nurse team he has the most confidence could work with him until the end of his stay.

I have no idea if this complain is right or not and I dont know if it will make any sense.

But I will add a proposal for the email text (in my german english!). Whoever believes that it is a good idea is welcomed to send this to the:

Lerdsin hospital, Silom Road, Bangkok

The mail address is "lerdsin[at]lerdsin.go.th" (replace the "[a]"!!!)


Concerning: Mr Joachim (Achim) Kraemer, patient in room # 1806

Please forward this mail to the management of the Lerdsin hospital.

Dear Sir,

Mr. Joachim Kraemer is a inpatient of your hospital in Room 1806. He had to undergo some difficult operation following his accident on Samui in may 2007.

To secure a quick recover we ask you politely to stop changing the nurse team every week. As he told me, the following nurses are very competent to help him to recover:

Miss Gunipa Laow Wiang

Miss Amonsee Deetawang

Miss Jetsaporn Djaypoona

Miss Suphana Worasing

Miss Plaphaphan Saontorn



I just tried the mail address, seems like it is working.

Like I mentioned before - I have no idea if this is helpful or not.

Edited by sbk
removed phone number--too likely to cause spam or prank calls
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Dear Claude

any news about this case?

no word yet from the police or the tourist police?

has nay one came to get ingotmation from your friend following the german consul intervention?

He is recovering in BKK hospital, hope he will walk again in 6 months. If not, a plastic hip will be implanted. He lost his job and he lost a lot of money - more than he had got before. At least he didn't die. Two kids and a wife, no more money in the bank account after 15 years on Samui. So what? Where to go?

Police? Forget them. If any actions will be taken against Nathon police he will be scared about his life.

Tourist police? No idea if they have to be involved. As they know about this case they are free to help.

The german embassy will help sooner or later (financially), that's what they have told me.

Again, the questions are:

Who do we farangs have to contact in case of accident like "hit and run"? Who will be willing to help us?

i am sorry to hear about your friend.

i think it is wise to have a valid insurrence even if you are only driving a bike.

We had an accident 3 years ago in Surat. a drunken driver hit us head on. fortunatly nothing realy bad happened but my wifes nefew who was with us suffered from a broken leg.

we did not call the police. we did call our insurence guy and he took care of everything including the hospitall bills and the fixing of the car.

the only advice I can give your friend is to get a lawyer and press charges with the police about this case and let the lawyer take care of suing the owner of the car and his insurence company.

Achim had to undergo another operation on his double broken left arm. He has a lot of pain, he is emotional unstable.

If somebody has a couple of free hours in Bangkok, here is his address:

Joachim (Achim) Krämer

Lerdsin Hospital

190 Silom R. Sriweang Bangruk Bangkok 10500

Tel: 0-2353-9798-9

Thanks for the up-date. Can you also advise on a valid e-mail to send him some greetings ( I know its against forum rules to post email, but a hint would do)

Your welcome!

I send his mobile for SMS - sure he will appreciate to receive some nice words from Samui!

***Please PM Claude for his number***

One more thing:

His wife called me yesterday. It seems like he is feeling demoralized because the hospital is changing the nurse team every week. Imagine that he is lying in the bed now for one month, the right leg and hips are fixed. Furthermore he has a lot of pain. His wife told me that it is every week a porblem to get the nurse team used to work with him.

She asked me if members of Thaivisa would send an email to this hospital: We should demand that the nurse team he has the most confidence could work with him until the end of his stay.

I have no idea if this complain is right or not and I dont know if it will make any sense.

But I will add a proposal for the email text (in my german english!). Whoever believes that it is a good idea is welcomed to send this to the:

Lerdsin hospital, Silom Road, Bangkok

The mail address is "lerdsin[at]lerdsin.go.th" (replace the "[a]"!!!)


Concerning: Mr Joachim (Achim) Kraemer, patient in room # 1806

Please forward this mail to the management of the Lerdsin hospital.

Dear Sir,

Mr. Joachim Kraemer is a inpatient of your hospital in Room 1806. He had to undergo some difficult operation following his accident on Samui in may 2007.

To secure a quick recover we ask you politely to stop changing the nurse team every week. As he told me, the following nurses are very competent to help him to recover:

Miss Gunipa Laow Wiang

Miss Amonsee Deetawang

Miss Jetsaporn Djaypoona

Miss Suphana Worasing

Miss Plaphaphan Saontorn



I just tried the mail address, seems like it is working.

Like I mentioned before - I have no idea if this is helpful or not.

Not sure if I udnerstand correctly, but sure the team of nurses may change from time time as they work different shifts, take leave and have different days off.

Is the Lerdsin Hospital specialized on his kind of injuiries. May be moving him to Culalongkorn Hospital might help (also cheaper I would assume)

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Nurse shifts: Yes. thats what I believe too, but his thai wife asked me to do so I did without considering the results.

About Lerdsin hospital I have no idea if they are specialised or not..

Achim is my friend, he had an cruel accident, he has a family to take care and I try to help as good as I can.

And I try to understand the behavior of the police and the rules here that are far away from any laws.

Thats my piece of cake!

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This is Samui. Live with it.

Or die with it as the case may be.

Nice to hear that Samui has not changed :o:D ...........used to spend a lot of time their, but stopped going at least 7 or 8 years ago. far too dangerous both on Motorbike............or off. But I will admit that I was often my own worst enemy.......as I also went through my "I know what I am doing in Thailand" learning curve on Samuii :D:D

The Missus (who knows way too much about this sort of thing - gawd bless her!) has always been too scared to visit Samuii. "Mafia no good", roughly equates to her thinking that in Samuii she needs a safety net of having quick back up available and recognising that in Samuii she cannot have this.........and the locals know that this their advantage over everyone............I did suggest that if she was ever worried she could call simply call 911...........

And that is just for a holiday! - although IMO she is being a bit OTT, but from personal experiance it is not nice being stuck on an island and not just being able to get in a taxi and be 200 miles away.........quickly.

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I spoke to my girlfriend tonight and told the full story.

Her reply was, why was he he not take care?


Sooo... I asked her if I am sober and ride 30 km/h and get get hit by a drunk, is it my fault?

yes, you not take care.

OK I'm falang paa saat

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It seems to me (from what this forum has taught me) that if this happened to a Thai, they would send someone by to "obtain satisfaction" from the person responsible. I guess the locals know they have nothing to worry about if a farang gets hurt/killed?

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It seems to me (from what this forum has taught me) that if this happened to a Thai, they would send someone by to "obtain satisfaction" from the person responsible. I guess the locals know they have nothing to worry about if a farang gets hurt/killed?

Good assumption.Spot on 99.

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It seems to me (from what this forum has taught me) that if this happened to a Thai, they would send someone by to "obtain satisfaction" from the person responsible. I guess the locals know they have nothing to worry about if a farang gets hurt/killed?

Good assumption.Spot on 99.

As a matter of fact, I remember a jet ski accident where a teenager (Danish?) was held responsible in the death of a Chinese tourist and couldn't leave the country for a year. And the family had to finally pay a hefty settlement to the victims family. Are these laws just for tourists with locals being exempt to some unofficial extent?

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It seems to me (from what this forum has taught me) that if this happened to a Thai, they would send someone by to "obtain satisfaction" from the person responsible. I guess the locals know they have nothing to worry about if a farang gets hurt/killed?

Good assumption.Spot on 99.

As a matter of fact, I remember a jet ski accident where a teenager (Danish?) was held responsible in the death of a Chinese tourist and couldn't leave the country for a year. And the family had to finally pay a hefty settlement to the victims family. Are these laws just for tourists with locals being exempt to some unofficial extent?

Ya, that happened in and around Pattaya, not long ago, and really milked the family of the teenager.

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Last update:

After Achims wife has contacted the local police and had a shrill argument with them some members of Nathon police called her in the evening and nighttime to make her frightened, like: "You want to have a new report? We can pick you up now for a talking". Thats what I have been told.

Maybe it was a bad idea to complain about police but I am sure it was a bad idea to have a loud argument with them...

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Last update:

After Achims wife has contacted the local police and had a shrill argument with them some members of Nathon police called her in the evening and nighttime to make her frightened, like: "You want to have a new report? We can pick you up now for a talking". Thats what I have been told.

Maybe it was a bad idea to complain about police but I am sure it was a bad idea to have a loud argument with them...

Claude, with all the police reforms supposedly taking place at the moment, maybe a word towards the right sources in Bangkok,outlining grievances & the treatment they received might be worthwhile.

You mentioned before that the German Embassy is involved.What did they do for their national?Did they pursue the issue with the powers to be in Bangkok? If no why not?

It seems to me that the family, has been left to fend for themselves.

Being intimidated by the local police,why does she not take a few family members with her & attend the interview? I think you mentioned in an earlier post, she was a Samui local.

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Last update:

After Achims wife has contacted the local police and had a shrill argument with them some members of Nathon police called her in the evening and nighttime to make her frightened, like: "You want to have a new report? We can pick you up now for a talking". Thats what I have been told.

Maybe it was a bad idea to complain about police but I am sure it was a bad idea to have a loud argument with them...

Claude, with all the police reforms supposedly taking place at the moment, maybe a word towards the right sources in Bangkok,outlining grievances & the treatment they received might be worthwhile.

You mentioned before that the German Embassy is involved.What did they do for their national?Did they pursue the issue with the powers to be in Bangkok? If no why not?

It seems to me that the family, has been left to fend for themselves.

Being intimidated by the local police,why does she not take a few family members with her & attend the interview? I think you mentioned in an earlier post, she was a Samui local.

The German embassy has little funds to help german nationals when they are in big trouble. I have no idea if they tried to get involved in this case.

About police: I have no idea how to deal with the local police - if you want to make clear that they did a mistake. Maybe all this "loosing face" stuff is more important than justice. Furthermore her family is not wealthy.

What I can see is an immense lack of security on Samui.

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Last update:

After Achims wife has contacted the local police and had a shrill argument with them some members of Nathon police called her in the evening and nighttime to make her frightened, like: "You want to have a new report? We can pick you up now for a talking". Thats what I have been told.

Maybe it was a bad idea to complain about police but I am sure it was a bad idea to have a loud argument with them...

Claude, with all the police reforms supposedly taking place at the moment, maybe a word towards the right sources in Bangkok,outlining grievances & the treatment they received might be worthwhile.

You mentioned before that the German Embassy is involved.What did they do for their national?Did they pursue the issue with the powers to be in Bangkok? If no why not?

It seems to me that the family, has been left to fend for themselves.

Being intimidated by the local police,why does she not take a few family members with her & attend the interview? I think you mentioned in an earlier post, she was a Samui local.

The German embassy has little funds to help german nationals when they are in big trouble. I have no idea if they tried to get involved in this case.

About police: I have no idea how to deal with the local police - if you want to make clear that they did a mistake. Maybe all this "loosing face" stuff is more important than justice. Furthermore her family is not wealthy.

What I can see is an immense lack of security on Samui.



Then just a thought here,why does he not approach a consular official for some help with legal representation.Most consulates , will do that for their nationals.

Sure it was bad to have a loud argument with the police,but as I said,why doesn't she organise an intrerview with help from her family members? I am sure they can support her & point out that she is distressed about her husband's situation.

All I am trying to do is give you some ideas on how to tackle the situation.

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The German embassy has little funds to help german nationals when they are in big trouble. I have no idea if they tried to get involved in this case.

About police: I have no idea how to deal with the local police - if you want to make clear that they did a mistake. Maybe all this "loosing face" stuff is more important than justice. Furthermore her family is not wealthy.

What I can see is an immense lack of security on Samui.

I sympathise with your friend’s frustration but he must understand he is an expat, living and owning a business in Thailand for 10 years or more (correct me if it's more or less than 10).

His Government will have expected him to make plans with regard to accident insurance and health care.

He is not a tourist and is married to a local lady. The German or any other nation’s embassy will not get involved in a situation like this unless he wishes to borrow money to be repatriated and even then they will want security on the loan.

With regard to the Police, His wife has probably ended all hope of getting any help.

He is alive ,and after such a horrible incident should be thanking his god and recouperating.

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