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Covid cases jump to 194,795 and Vietnam is now ranked 22nd in the world. Why???

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The Health Ministry recorded 194,795 new domestic Covid-19 cases Tuesday, including 32,380 cases that northern Bac Ninh Province had detected on previous days but yet to add to a national database.


For Tuesday alone, Hanoi accounted for most infections, at 32,650, followed by Nghe An Province with 15,292 and Phu Tho with 4,882 cases.


The ministry also announced another 86 Covid-19 deaths, raising the nation's Covid death toll so far to 40,977, or 0.9 percent of all infections.


Of more than 1.87 million patients under treatment in the country, 4,258 are severe cases.


Around 75.8 million people of Vietnam's 96-million population have been vaccinated with two doses, including 67.6 million adults and more than 8.2 million children aged 12-17.


Apparently, Vietnam has administered 197,910,353 doses of Covid vaccines to date so assuming every person needs two doses that is enough to have vaccinated 102.6% of the country’s population.


Asia figures




Asia, which was the centre of the initial outbreak that spread from Wuhan in China in early 2020, shows a mixed picture with case numbers rising rapidly in some countries while falling sharply in others.


South Korea, Vietnam, Japan, and Singapore are all experiencing their highest wave of infections since the start of the pandemic.


In contrast, India has seen its daily cases fall sharply, registering 6,000 cases per day on average.


The country has now recorded nearly forty-three million cases in total - second only to the US. The official death toll in India is more than 515,000.


China has maintained a zero-Covid policy since the first outbreak in 2019, with harsh restrictions and widespread testing. However, it is facing a new surge in cases driven primarily by a fresh outbreak in Hong Kong.


The country has reported more than 608,000 cases and almost 7,000 coronavirus deaths - still much lower than the figures reported by other major nations.


The US, India and Brazil have seen the highest number of confirmed cases, followed by France, the UK and Russia.


Very few places have been left untouched.




Globally 449,371,033 cases have been recorded with 6,033,073 deaths and 383,485,513 recoveries.


If Vietnam has vaccinated 102.6% of the country’s population, why are their weekly figures of new cases so high at an average of 163k, compared with say Thailand that reported just 25k average cases per week.?



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