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Has anyone seen or heard of this TV member?

Answers to numerous names: Tatoo 2, Tatootoo, Ta22.

Missing his words of wisdom and advice.

I'll second that. Come on Maxxie, come out of the cave your hiding in.. We all miss ya..HD.gif

Didn't he start a little bar/restaurant in that field behind The Maze, off the west roat road? Maybe that's taking up his time.

Yes he did



I was thinking the exact same thing BB, I don't know Tartootu offline but I do very much enjoy his input on the forum which is much needed at the moment with this place fast turning into an Aussie Boys Clique . . . . :o

Tahtuutwo where are you? (To the theme of Scooby Doo.)


I was thinking the exact same thing BB, I don't know Tartootu offline but I do very much enjoy his input on the forum which is much needed at the moment with this place fast turning into an Aussie Boys Clique . . . . :o

Tahtuutwo where are you? (To the theme of Scooby Doo.)


Now what would make you think that JXP ??

I have Ta22's phone number and will give him a buzz soon.

Now what would make you think that JXP ??

I have Ta22's phone number and will give him a buzz soon.

Not sure, can't put my finger on it . . . .


BTW - why is that Union Jack so small, something not quite right there.


I agree. The flag should look something like this.. http://www.ausflag.com.au/new/pfdc/judges.html

Yes indeed, some of those more modern, brightly coloured, cartoon-like images are much more fitting and far more appropriate for a young nation still looking forward to maturity and acceptance on the world stage.

JxP :o


In a pathetic attempt to stay vaguely on thread and avoid any upcoming flame-throwing - was/is Ta22's Haven in the running for the BBQ?

I agree. The flag should look something like this.. http://www.ausflag.com.au/new/pfdc/judges.html

Yes indeed, some of those more modern, brightly coloured, cartoon-like images are much more fitting and far more appropriate for a young nation still looking forward to maturity and acceptance on the world stage.

JxP :o


In a pathetic attempt to stay vaguely on thread and avoid any upcoming flame-throwing - was/is Ta22's Haven in the running for the BBQ?

You will have to ask the members of P.I.S.S (Partying Is Serious Stuff), ie Crowboy and mcgriffith. They know who is in the running and who's not.

Update: I have just spoken with Ta22 and he is fine. he says he has been busy with the new pub (Haven) and will try and post when he gets the chance. He also asked if his place was still in the running for the TV BBQ. I said i didn't know. he is having major renovations done at the moment and may well be another good choice for the venue..


maybe he's busy with his audio business ! .. or met some new "thai women" at his joint. should pay him a visit though. where are you maxxieee, still waiting for my subwoofer !!! :o ..



In a pathetic attempt to stay vaguely on thread and avoid any upcoming flame-throwing - was/is Ta22's Haven in the running for the BBQ?

You will have to ask the members of P.I.S.S (Partying Is Serious Stuff), ie Crowboy and mcgriffith. They know who is in the running and who's not.

Update: I have just spoken with Ta22 and he is fine. he says he has been busy with the new pub (Haven) and will try and post when he gets the chance. He also asked if his place was still in the running for the TV BBQ. I said i didn't know. he is having major renovations done at the moment and may well be another good choice for the venue..

Hi Guys - I checked out Ta22's place and it has a number of good points but for a party this size it could not cope. We need a venue that has kitchen facilties and seating area for between 40 and 100 people, undercover or have cover available, sufficient car and bike parking for 20 cars and 40 bikes. Much as I like Ta and want to help him with his new venture I haven't carried him forward into the last three contenders group. One of the things I would like us as TV members in CNX is to support him and others who run businesses by supporting them with our money ie 1) go there and spend some dosh at the place and 2) take friends there for a drink. Anyone who runs a business in Thailand knows how hard it is to get ahead and we need to support eachother.




In a pathetic attempt to stay vaguely on thread and avoid any upcoming flame-throwing - was/is Ta22's Haven in the running for the BBQ?

You will have to ask the members of P.I.S.S (Partying Is Serious Stuff), ie Crowboy and mcgriffith. They know who is in the running and who's not.

Update: I have just spoken with Ta22 and he is fine. he says he has been busy with the new pub (Haven) and will try and post when he gets the chance. He also asked if his place was still in the running for the TV BBQ. I said i didn't know. he is having major renovations done at the moment and may well be another good choice for the venue..

Hi Guys - I checked out Ta22's place and it has a number of good points but for a party this size it could not cope. We need a venue that has kitchen facilties and seating area for between 40 and 100 people, undercover or have cover available, sufficient car and bike parking for 20 cars and 40 bikes. Much as I like Ta and want to help him with his new venture I haven't carried him forward into the last three contenders group. One of the things I would like us as TV members in CNX is to support him and others who run businesses by supporting them with our money ie 1) go there and spend some dosh at the place and 2) take friends there for a drink. Anyone who runs a business in Thailand knows how hard it is to get ahead and we need to support eachother.


Maybe I missed it, BUT where is Taaaaaaaas Place ?? I mean his drinking etc., establishment



In a pathetic attempt to stay vaguely on thread and avoid any upcoming flame-throwing - was/is Ta22's Haven in the running for the BBQ?

You will have to ask the members of P.I.S.S (Partying Is Serious Stuff), ie Crowboy and mcgriffith. They know who is in the running and who's not.

Update: I have just spoken with Ta22 and he is fine. he says he has been busy with the new pub (Haven) and will try and post when he gets the chance. He also asked if his place was still in the running for the TV BBQ. I said i didn't know. he is having major renovations done at the moment and may well be another good choice for the venue..

Hi Guys - I checked out Ta22's place and it has a number of good points but for a party this size it could not cope. We need a venue that has kitchen facilties and seating area for between 40 and 100 people, undercover or have cover available, sufficient car and bike parking for 20 cars and 40 bikes. Much as I like Ta and want to help him with his new venture I haven't carried him forward into the last three contenders group. One of the things I would like us as TV members in CNX is to support him and others who run businesses by supporting them with our money ie 1) go there and spend some dosh at the place and 2) take friends there for a drink. Anyone who runs a business in Thailand knows how hard it is to get ahead and we need to support eachother.


Maybe I missed it, BUT where is Taaaaaaaas Place ?? I mean his drinking etc., establishment

It is a bit tricky to find which was one of the problems with having his venue for the party - if they can't find it, they can't come. Ok on the outside moat road heading in a clockwise direction towards teh Rama Hospital corner. About a block before the hospital is a new bar/cafe/restaurant called the Maze. Just before that is a little road entrance and that is the place. Inside is a whole set of little bamboo bars of various qualities. Ta22's is over on the RH side with a string of Christmas lights over a Beer Singha sign.

If you can't find him stand in the middle of the car park area and shout out TATATATATATA HAHAHA 22 where are you? You might also like to send him a PM and ask him his phone number to call if/when you get lost.



You guys are just so sweet :o .. i can felt warm from my heart

and i am happy to know . you guys are kicking as well as me ,

been really busy not just at the Pub but also with many other personal .. and business related stuff .

notthing of love is creeping into my life yet .. if your mrs have a nice sister maybe you can let me know .


i miss you guys too .

notthing serious about the T.V meeting in Aug .. whahah a was thinking more if i am able to help out .. then to really have it choosen as a spot for gathering :D

of cos .. everyone is welcome - as and when you are free. i hope i can get thing ready in a week time ..i am still ironing out glitch that i have at the place . but then again .. is the problem that is making this process interesting and fun .


Hi there tigerbeer- the 8" sub is with me already if you need too you can have it and try out first - i am fine with it :D

10 " coming in on 19th or 22th something like that .

life had been great but a little pack . at the moment which is eating into my limited 5 hour of sleep . which make me got to pass on many pass time i enjoy .

i did drop by at the forum now and then but seriously just for a glance . really miss a good finger workout .

Anyone need my mobile do just OM me - be it we meet at my place or some place for some nice thai food . o am, fine

i know a place which give a buffet for 59 bath afternoon and 89 baht at night , maybe we can go check it out . steak buffet ..

:D i am also planing a soft launch for the pub as soon as i iron out my problem and get it working .

seriously at this moment i am kinda drunk .. - usually i stick to water , but today i drink a litttle too much .

even as a pub owner i find myself drinking more water then beer or whiskey . so i would advice the same to all :D

too much of anything is not that good .:bah:

my best wishes to everyone and my biggest hugs to everyone and yes guys i miss you all :bah:

be it with or without . is the gap between time that we find what we need and miss the most :o

You guys are just so sweet :o .. i can felt warm from my heart................of love is creeping into my life yet .. if your mrs have a nice sister maybe you can let me know .

i miss you guys too................

Hi there tigerbeer- the 8" is with me already if you need too you can have it and try out first - i am fine with it :D

10 " coming on something like that . really miss a good finger workout .

seriously at this moment i am kinda drunk ......too much of anything is not that good .:D

my biggest hugs to everyone and yes guys i miss you all :D

Hi Tatoo too, bigarmhug.gif

Miss you too but I am really getting concerned mate. I sorted out your posting a little and have come to the conclusion that there is more to this than meets the eye.

Blink E. Bill


like beauty is in the eyes of the beholder , words is as meaningful to as those who read it .

whahah blinky now i am worry for you whahah i am ok and will love you for who you are :o

:D whahah

8" - 10 " = subwoofer size

whahahaha finger workout = typing :D

love your sence of imagination .. only one with good knowledge can think so :D

but no worry - it brave of you to step out - i would not see you differently :D


rest well my bro


Glad you are busy TA22

This forum would not be the same without you




that took some effort considering my current sitauation

wahaa wahaaaa whahaaa whahaha

Maybee I got a few "W"s "H"s and "A"s mixed up...blame Chuchock

wahhaaaaa wahhhaaa wahaaaa


The art of whahahaha is not as simple as typing the " W " or " h " or " a"

you got to . have thst feeling rushing from your guts , and when the right moment come

you will be able to expell that force from within

is like the flow of the river and the air around you as if the wind blow passes you hair .

you just need to relax and you will be fine




The art of whahahaha is not as simple as typing the " W " or " h " or " a"

you got to . have thst feeling rushing from your guts , and when the right moment come

you will be able to expell that force from within

is like the flow of the river and the air around you as if the wind blow passes you hair .

you just need to relax and you will be fine




A young Ta22 in contemplation.

if your mrs have a nice sister maybe you can let me know .

I LOL'd :D

i did drop by at the forum now and then but seriously just for a glance . really miss a good finger workout .

Didn't you say you ain't got a woman? I'm sure your fingers are getting pleeeeeenty of workouts :D

Anyone need my mobile do just OM me - be it we meet at my place or some place for some nice thai food . o am, fine

i know a place which give a buffet for 59 bath afternoon and 89 baht at night , maybe we can go check it out . steak buffet ..

That sounds cool Lemme know if you decide to head

seriously at this moment i am kinda drunk .. -

Ya, whats new? :o

The art of whahahaha is not as simple as typing the " W " or " h " or " a"

you got to . have thst feeling rushing from your guts

Did you say Guts? Or N... ?

The art of whahahaha is not as simple as typing the " W " or " h " or " a"

you got to . have thst feeling rushing from your guts , and when the right moment come

you will be able to expell that force from within

a Ta22 version of a Japanese Kia which is the sound used in martial arts to focus the mind and body for the killing stroke

is like the flow of the river and the air around you as if the wind blow passes you hair .

you just need to relax and you will be fine

I tried that and all I got was BRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAT - sorry too much beer and baked beans


It felt good but I don't think anyone around me enjoyed it :D:o:D:D:D



See what I mean - any thread involving Tahrtewtuu always raises several genuine smiles and usual a series of chuckles (unless you're Crow-JohnnyFartPants-Boy :o and then the sounds are somewhat more earthy!).

Gonna make it to Haven soon to meet the real deal.


See what I mean - any thread involving Tahrtewtuu always raises several genuine smiles and usual a series of chuckles (unless you're Crow-JohnnyFartPants-Boy :o and then the sounds are somewhat more earthy!).

Gonna make it to Haven soon to meet the real deal.


Drove past Ta22's bar yesterday and my wife said there was a sign in Thai that read Max Cafe.. Could be the same as Haven..Max ??

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