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Thailand (los)


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I wonder if I'm a misfit in LOS after reading all the opinionated pigeonholing here.

As an expat in Europe, I have no overwhelming urge to become one in LOS.

I don't go there for the girls, they're not my faves anyway, and when I'm there I only indulge as much as I would over here.

I'm not gay, alcoholic or mentally deranged.

I'm not young.

I'm not especially interested in Thai culture or spiritualism.

I don't fit your mould, all you profilers out there.

Because I go for a good, long, cheap chillout.

And this forum keeps me updated on the current goings on there, while I save for my next trip.

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Just recently and I mean just a few weeks ago I have begun to change. I have been totally enraptured by LOS for several years now. I have always seen it's flaws but have been able to suspend my disbelief and dislike and allow the things I like to shine through. Now the things I don't like are gaining precedence in my mind as I focus on what I think is important. I don't like the pollution, corruption, low wages and being hustled. I like the food, language, Buddhism, architecture, geography and women (more on that in a bit) I have gone back and forth before but I have a feeling a more lasting impression is forming. I'm not going to sit here go into more detail about my dislikes and bash LOS. My country USA has it's share of illogic and problems. It's just I'm starting to think the best thing for me is to continue living here for the indefinite future.

I can definitely say I like LOS for more than the woman, but I can just as easily say if it weren't for them I wouldn't bother going there. I like their beauty and their easy going and considerate nature. I know you can't paint an entire nation with the same brush but what I've mentioned are common traits. The curse for many is if you want to have a relationship with a Thai woman it's got a higher degree of success in Thailand due to Thai's being close to their family and most of us being attracted to a Thai ladies cultural upbringing which may be lost if she leaves her familiar milieu, but you have lower odds of success career wise in Thailand and also must deal with the other elements of Thailand you may see as detractions in spite of your darling teerak's undying love helping you to ignore many of them. Since having a relationship with a Thai woman is my main attraction to Thailand and I believe higher odds of success for that exist by staying in Thailand I have previously wanted to live there in spite of it's flaws. However I have come to realize without a solid career my odds of a successful relationship also diminish. It's been a tug of war but I've decided if I ever do pursue a relationship with a Thai woman she'll probably have to come here for it to work. If I was independently wealthy or ready to retire I'd think differently but I think if I don't stay here I may never get to retire and in the long run will be unhappy.

Edited by wasabi
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i think your drawing a long bow there mate, but i do agree that the woman are stunning.

I think you miss the point. Most men come to Thailand for women because they can't find women in their own country, women in general don't find them attractive or some other similar reason.

Thai women are attractive but that isn't the reason the Johns come, that's just a bonus. I'd say the cheapness and availability of easy sex contributes to a greater number of male visitors.

Most of the Thai women that I see foreigners with in Thailand are hardly the most attractive ones anyway!

thailand also has a lot more to offer than the women, as the country is beautiful, people generally pleasant to be around , the food awesome and the cheap price of everything.

In reality, there are far more negatives to Thailand than positives for people staying in Thailand long-term.I have to agree that without the women 90% of the expats I know (and I know a lot!) wouldn't even consider staying here!

i for one do not come for the women as perth is full of stunners as well, but i must say i dont mind looking. :D

Aussie burds are the second fattest women on the planet after USofAnians.

Pickings in the dustbowl these days are slim unless you like heffers.

FAR more negatives? :o Then why don't they simply move back to wherever they came from; or try another country? Why would anyone live long-term in an area (any area, not just Thailand) that they thought had too many negatives?

I'm here full time and the positives still outweigh the negs for me. I can do everything here I did in the states, except vote and pay high prices.

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People come here for lots of things. The beautiful women is probably the most popular reason. A cheap lifestyle is another. The feeling of being important or liked might be another. The exotic culture and religion is another.

I'd say that a lot of the people who do come here are looking for something different no matter what it is. There are a lot of similarities between all expats here.

My coworker once said to me that working in Thailand is like a death sentence. It made sense to me but to some that statement might not. The rest of the world stereotypes foreigners who live here long term and those who keep coming back. I know not all of the world but it is a stereotype. People who know you know what you do and who you are. But its easy for the world to stereotype the negative with wanted criminals being pulled out of Thailand every two weeks there is obviously something going on over here.

At the same time, I've met many people who have said to me they wish the had the freedom to live in Thailand. No matter what people say around others a lot of people do have an attraction to living in what they believe are murky lawless wild places. There's a thrill to it. It's the same thrill that boys feel when they sign up to join the army. Later on they may change their minds about the whole thing but there is something in most of us that draws us to excitement, perceived danger, and the unknown.

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Just recently and I mean just a few weeks ago I have begun to change. I have been totally enraptured by LOS for several years now. I have always seen it's flaws but have been able to suspend my disbelief and dislike and allow the things I like to shine through. Now the things I don't like are gaining precedence in my mind as I focus on what I think is important. I don't like the pollution, corruption, low wages and being hustled. I like the food, language, Buddhism, architecture, geography and women (more on that in a bit) I have gone back and forth before but I have a feeling a more lasting impression is forming. I'm not going to sit here go into more detail about my dislikes and bash LOS. My country USA has it's share of illogic and problems. It's just I'm starting to think the best thing for me is to continue living here for the indefinite future.

I can definitely say I like LOS for more than the woman, but I can just as easily say if it weren't for them I wouldn't bother going there. I like their beauty and their easy going and considerate nature. I know you can't paint an entire nation with the same brush but what I've mentioned are common traits. The curse for many is if you want to have a relationship with a Thai woman it's got a higher degree of success in Thailand due to Thai's being close to their family and most of us being attracted to a Thai ladies cultural upbringing which may be lost if she leaves her familiar milieu, but you have lower odds of success career wise in Thailand and also must deal with the other elements of Thailand you may see as detractions in spite of your darling teerak's undying love helping you to ignore many of them. Since having a relationship with a Thai woman is my main attraction to Thailand and I believe higher odds of success for that exist by staying in Thailand I have previously wanted to live there in spite of it's flaws. However I have come to realize without a solid career my odds of a successful relationship also diminish. It's been a tug of war but I've decided if I ever do pursue a relationship with a Thai woman she'll probably have to come here for it to work. If I was independently wealthy or ready to retire I'd think differently but I think if I don't stay here I may never get to retire and in the long run will be unhappy.

There is a HUGE difference living in LOS retired as opposed to working. I would not be here if I had to work. Also, if I was under 50 and monied I still might not want to live here full-time. It seems Immigration wants the 50+ crowd with a few bucks, that's the reality.

I've got most things sorted out here pretty well. New car and motorbike, both DL's, few problems with Immigration these days. Coming as a tourist for a couple of weeks is a piece of cake, living here full-time requires more work; but nothing so unbearable as to make me want to leave.

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