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Vietnam for someone who's only lived in Thailand


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As title suggests. I lived in Thailand 2009-2017. Loved it but eventually returned to North America to try some other things. I'm a teacher with degree and have been completing my masters in teaching. 


I'm trying to get jobs in Thailand but I started looking too late into the hiring season. I've had more interest from Vietnam schools and recently had a good interview with on in HCM city.


I'm just looking for any thoughts on similarities or differences. Is it that different from Bangkok? 


Thanks for your help,


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Saigon today is like Bangkok 25 years ago. If you like mega cities like Bangkok, you will probably also like Saigon. But with your qualifications you can probably get a job anywhere in Vietnam. While salaries in Saigon and Hanoi tend to be the highest in Vietnam, some much more livable cities - especially Danang, which is just awesome, but also Vung Tau and Can tho, are not far behind. If you like traffic gridlock and pollution, and are willing to put up with it to earn a few bucks more, than go to Saigon. Otherwise pick one of the mid-sized cities. Plenty of well-paid jobs there too. 

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1 hour ago, thecyclist said:

Saigon today is like Bangkok 25 years ago. 

That sounds amazing! I would like to try other places but I got into hiring cycle way late. Saigon opportunity is the only one that is possibly still on table, though I've applied to about 100 others around SEASIA. Still open to staying in US for one year and getting another year experience an hitting the hiring season hard this November for next year. Thanks for your thoughts.

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Noise. For me that's a huge difference. Scooters all klaxon (horn ?) all-the-time ! (and nobody will stop to let pedestrians pass, btw).

And generally much more noisy, not as polite, not so good quality.

Nothing too bad though... if you can deal with the noise (i cannot).

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On 4/28/2022 at 1:17 AM, jimihendrix said:

That sounds amazing! I would like to try other places but I got into hiring cycle way late. Saigon opportunity is the only one that is possibly still on table, though I've applied to about 100 others around SEASIA. Still open to staying in US for one year and getting another year experience an hitting the hiring season hard this November for next year. Thanks for your thoughts.


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