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Detective In Chiang Mai


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Here we go again, posting on behalf of a 'friend.'

My buddy lives with his wife and her daughter. Along with the package he also had to let the wife's sister and her daughter live with them too. Now they're suspicious about the sister stealing money and not taking proper care of the house when they are away. eg having uninvited guests over, partying, bringing over unsavory characters. He just wants somebody to check up on her or to be able to document her activities so that he can confront her so that he and the wife can then take appropriate action. He feels it's the best way to have to handle a sticky family situation. The wife freely admits her sister can be trouble.... anyway maybe a good topic. Good detectives Chiang Mai, who? where? how much?

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Here we go again, posting on behalf of a 'friend.'

My buddy lives with his wife and her daughter. Along with the package he also had to let the wife's sister and her daughter live with them too. Now they're suspicious about the sister stealing money and not taking proper care of the house when they are away. eg having uninvited guests over, partying, bringing over unsavory characters. He just wants somebody to check up on her or to be able to document her activities so that he can confront her so that he and the wife can then take appropriate action. He feels it's the best way to have to handle a sticky family situation. The wife freely admits her sister can be trouble.... anyway maybe a good topic. Good detectives Chiang Mai, who? where? how much?

perhaps install some hidden cameras in your buddys room (assuming your buddy keeps money in their room) and the lounge areas in combo with a detective to take still shots from a distance, that way inside the house is covered with the outside.

good luck

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If the money end is about stealing money from them, how about just not leaving it around, lock it in a drawer or cabinet?

Getting sis straightened out would probably be best for all. Are there any approaches that have not yet been tried? She may not respond well if she learns that she has been watched by a detective. Confronting Thai family members can cause other problems.

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If the money end is about stealing money from them, how about just not leaving it around, lock it in a drawer or cabinet?

Getting sis straightened out would probably be best for all. Are there any approaches that have not yet been tried? She may not respond well if she learns that she has been watched by a detective. Confronting Thai family members can cause other problems.

but it would confirm their suspicions if they saw it first hand(via photos and footage), but I agree about confronting the sister as well might not go down well.....

on the other hand, why keep all your posessions and loose change etc locked away in your own house just to keep the temptation away. Biting the hand that feeds is not a good trait. :o

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Actually, I don't think a detective will help much here. Chances are he won't catch her stealing money. Partying? Well, she's a grown woman. Uninvited guests? Well, she probably invited them. Unsavory characters? It's in the eye of the beholder. Basically the only way to deal with this is for the sisters to have it out. Sis 1 admits that Sis 2 is trouble, so she should just confront her--there's not really any taboo about confrontation between siblings in a situation like this. Skip the detective and get right down to business. Expected outcome? Your "friend" will probably end up renting a place for the sis and her daughter for a year or so. :o

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No need for a detective. Leave some money somewhere and see if it disappears. Check with neighbors about any activity while you are gone. Avoid the confrontation route in any case. Find some face-saving excuse for them having to live elsewhere, e.g. he needs to remodel their room into an office, someone else visiting for an extended period, his insurance policy only allows 3 in the house, etc. If he at all creative he should be able to come up with lots more.

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Thanks for everybody responding. I will point him to the replies. Alot of these thoughts echo my own feelings that this is just an awkward situation and that a detective is not the necessary step to take. I also know that alot of Thai Farang marriages include extra family members: In-laws, drunk uncles, screaming neices n nephews n so on. It's alot to take on for many who never even imagined getting married, let alone having relatives live with them too. It sure is easier living alone at times, isn't it ??

On topic though, there are many agencies that claim to investigate missing persons, or suspicious activities. Does anyone have any experience with any of them ?

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It sure is easier living alone at times, isn't it ??

I guess that it must not be.

All of my freinds always insist that they would never marry again if they lost their current partner, but I am one of the few men who I know that have remained single in the LOS where it is easy and makes a lot more sense to be so.

I don't get it. :o

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There is something called the Great Guardian Investigation Service marked on my map. Where Mahidol Road meets Charoen Rat, about 1 km south of (what was) the Sheraton.

Sounds like a rent-a-kojak sort of place :o

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There are a number of quality "detectives" around, however those guys are on contract or retainer with companies like Kroll or Securitas. For a serious investigation, you have to go to an established firm that vets and supervises its agents.

Note that there is a big gap between the kind of guy (woman are a rarity in the business) that you may want and need and what is available. Most of the qualified people are ex army or forest service. they have experience watching, tracking and infiltrating narcotic trafficers and poachers. They charge alot. The kind of people available for domestic surveillance aren't that reliable or good. I think you'd be better off saving your money and as the wise poster said, paying for an alternative room for the inlaws. Confronting the lady will only cause a bigger problem. Lie if you have to, even if it means saying you have a very contagious illness, but get her out of there.

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There are a number of quality "detectives" around, however those guys are on contract or retainer with companies like Kroll or Securitas. For a serious investigation, you have to go to an established firm that vets and supervises its agents.

Note that there is a big gap between the kind of guy (woman are a rarity in the business) that you may want and need and what is available. Most of the qualified people are ex army or forest service. they have experience watching, tracking and infiltrating narcotic trafficers and poachers. They charge alot. The kind of people available for domestic surveillance aren't that reliable or good. I think you'd be better off saving your money and as the wise poster said, paying for an alternative room for the inlaws. Confronting the lady will only cause a bigger problem. Lie if you have to, even if it means saying you have a very contagious illness, but get her out of there.

There are more than one or two "ex" police who are in the business of "private detectives"

One problem is that whilst they can be very good they can also be very be very expensive.

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