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Considering Foreign Affairs These Days: Will Gallows Humor Soon Overtake Lowbrow Humor on the Farang Pub?

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My Dear Friends,


Increasingly, I have noticed a distinct influx of feelings of fatalism running through recent posts on the Farang Pub.


Do you think these negative and fatalistic submissions will continue much longer?


Or, do you think that we will, somehow, regain our composure, after Covid and Ukraine, etc., and soon bounce back to posting our usual expressions of complete bonhomie, living in this beautiful and relatively sheltered place we call Thailand?


My guess is that we will never recover.

My guess is that we are now entering a new age.

My guess is that, very soon, we will see a dramatic uptick in starvation around the world; The Ukraine is a major breadbasket, afterall.


So, I am just wondering.


What are your favorite Gallows Humor jokes?


Here is a joke for you, anyway:


A group of partisans are plotting to assassinate Adolf Hitler.

They draw straws to choose who will go to Germany to do the deed.

Two older Jewish women get the short straws.

They take a train to Munich and position themselves in an alley around the corner from where their spies have identified Hitler's route to lunch every day. 

“This should be easy,” says one to the other.

“Der Fuehrer comes this way every day at the noon...

All we have to do is wait here.”

Noon passes; but no Hitler.

12:30 passes; but no Hitler.

Another half hour and no sign of him.
Finally, one of the women turns to the other and says,

“He was supposed to be here an hour ago. I hope nothing happened to him!”



A man collapses and is lying in the street barely conscious.

Paramedics come and put a pillow under his head.

One of them asks, “Are you comfortable?”

He replies, “I make a decent living!”


An 80-year-old widow goes on a blind date to a drive-in movie with an 80-year-old widower. When she comes home, her daughter asks how it went.

''Terrible,'' says the mother. ''I had to slap his face three times.''

''You mean he got fresh?'' says the daughter.

''No,'' says the mother. ''I thought he was dead.''



Humor is the only thing that will keep us alive, during these coming years.


The Farang Pub, for me, is a good and necessary evil.


I like it.







Miss Foreign Affairs


Humor is what we need, these days, maybe.

Gallows or otherwise.

Edited by GammaGlobulin
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