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Covid symptoms gone, test is negative - still contagious?

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If someone had Covid with mild symptoms and then no symptoms anymore and an antigen rapid test is negative for a day or two, does that mean the person is not contagious anymore?

Are there any established rules in Thailand when people can mix with other people again after they had Covid? I.e. if an employee tested for 7 days positive and today negative can he go back to the office?


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The only way to know for sure is with a PCR test.

A person may still have the virus with a negative test, it depends on the detection limit of each ATK kit.

Having said that, their viral load is probably so low they won't be contagious, unless they are coughing and sneezing.

Having experienced COVID and quarantine here, we were let go after 14 days and a negative ATK. My understanding is one is good to go now as soon as they test negative.

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I recently had a mild Covid (Omicron almost certainly) and tested positive - I did ISO for 9 days. After 7 days the positive line was hard to see but still there. Day 9 - totally clear on the ATK.


I have read that after 5 or 6 days you should no longer be infectious but that sometimes 'expired' virus remains in the blood and can trigger a positive.


OMF when you test negative it's OK to go back to work IMO but if you are concerned, test on the next day again to be sure.


Lace I did 14 days in BKK Hospital last year when Covid was much more dangerous but if they keep you for 14 days these days it seems excessive.

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Generally,  10 or 11 days after onset of symptoms one is not infectious anymore if there are no symptoms anymore


ATKs are a reasonably good indicator of infectiousness, so some countries modify the above rule: if no more symptoms after 7 days and negative ATK the patient is considered not infectious


PCR ( positive or negative) doesn't say much about infectiousness


The Thai employers I know follow the 10 days rule



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When I had it... I tested ATK positive on Sunday night..  by Friday I was ATK negative (twice) - Multiple positive ATK tests between. 


A month earlier Wife and son tested ATK negative after 6 days when they had it. 


Both occasions the first tests were carried out with the onset of symptoms - runny nose, slightly sore throat. 

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