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3.1 million Filipino families experienced hunger in Q1 — SWS


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This photo taken on March 18, 2020 shows a mother washing her laundry outside her home along the river in Manila.

AFP / Maria Tan


MANILA, Philippines — Some 12.2% of Filipino families, or an estimated 3.1 million, experienced involuntary hunger, defined as being hungry and not having anything to eat, at least once in the past three months, new survey results suggest.


The April 2022 hunger rate in the latest Social Weather Stations survey is 0.4 points above the 11.8% or an estimated 3 million families in December 2021, and 2.2 points above the 10% (2.5 million families) in September 2021, though the 12.2% is still 0.9 points below the 13.1% annual average for 2021.


Hunger rising in Balance Luzon and Mindanao: According to the survey results published late Monday night, the experience of hunger is highest in Metro Manila at 18.6% of families, followed by Mindanao at 13.1%, Balance Luzon at 11.7%, and the Visayas at 7.8%.


Full Story: https://www.philstar.com/headlines/2022/06/07/2186677/31-million-filipino-families-experienced-hunger-q1-sws


-- © Copyright Philstar 2022-06-07
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