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Full custody.... How?


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- Have a 8 year old son with my Thai wife

- We were not married, when he was born

- My name is on the birth certificate and our son has 2 passports.

- My wife has liver cancer


As I understand it, I currently have no legal rights to my son, as he was born before we married. Due to the situation with my wife illness, we both want to ensure I get full custody of our son ASAP. How is the best and most simple way to do this? Anyone know? 


What happens if my wife dies before I get full custody?


Would really appreciate any help/advice.... Thanks!


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a simple will should suffice, together with a division of parenting rights to make it water tight. online templates available at wonder.legal website, forms in Thai, but translate to english. edit the form to suit, download pdf version for a couple hundred baht. find a couple of witnesses to sign and you're all good.

you could get it done by a solicitor, but sounds as if there's likely to be no contention if you and mrs are in mutual agreement. start it tonight, get it signed in the morning, job done.

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The simple answer is marry your wife on paper at the district office. If you inform the district office that you have a child together and you wish to legitimise him then they will take care of it at the same time.


Once this is done you and your wife will have joint custody of the child, and should your wife pass then you would automatically continue with full parental control.

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