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ISP technical support contacts needed


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Do you know anyone working at ISPs as a network engineer/sysadmin? I'm currently experiencing big problems with AIS but would love to get contacts for other providers too, just in case.

I need real technical support who knows what "traceroute" or "BGP" is, not the usual telephone girls "please try to reboot your router ka"

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28 minutes ago, RedBackman said:



Back at home I had the luxury of having the direct mobile phone number of one of the ISP's sysadmins, after I succeeded in convincing the phone girl that I know my sh.t and that the problem is on their side not with my router.

I wonder how Thai technicians would resolve the connectivity problem somewhere between Bangkok and Paris, by rebooting my router.


Edited by fdsa
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This is really frustrating. 


I was going to move to AIS until I found out I couldn't contact ISP support.


Sorry, its not much help to you, but 3BB do have a proper support who will check routes and connectivity on their end and can use anydesk to view any issue from your end. The one guy speakes English really well, when I have had issues in the past, he's offered solutions to issues that weren't necessarily 3BBs fault. I dont have his personal number, but you can always get a callback within a working day. So this kind of support does exist in Thailand, just difficult with AIS.

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  • 2 months later...

AIS is dead again, 85% packet loss between AIS Bangkok and Hurricane Electric Singapore ????


I've grepped RIPE database for @ais.co.th and found a few email addresses, will try to contact them.

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  • 1 month later...
  • 4 weeks later...
  • 2 months later...

The problem still persists after 9 months I've first reported it.

I've contacted the next hop in the traceroute (Hurricane Electric) but they replied something like "we are aware of the issue, waiting for the other party to fix it", so this problem is never going to be fixed because TiT.

So if you need a stable Internet access to European servers I suggest to use another internet provider, for example DTAC.

Edited by fdsa
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  • 1 month later...
2 hours ago, fdsa said:

AIS blocks all connections to github.com ????‍♂️ what a bs isp

I'm sure you can find some sr network engineers in the usual places. If you're don't work for an ISP or other org with a large network and are unsure where to look, PM me and I'll point you in the right direction. Just keep in mind these aren't places to air your grievances with an ISP, these are where ISPs and the like communicate to resolve and discuss issues and other matters.

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38 minutes ago, spongeworthy said:

I'm sure you can find some sr network engineers in the usual places. If you're don't work for an ISP or other org with a large network and are unsure where to look, PM me and I'll point you in the right direction. Just keep in mind these aren't places to air your grievances with an ISP, these are where ISPs and the like communicate to resolve and discuss issues and other matters.

If you mean a mailing list like NANOG then there is a zero chance I'll find help there, because AIS ignores all emails even from their upstream:

On 2/12/2023 at 12:56 PM, fdsa said:

I've contacted the next hop in the traceroute (Hurricane Electric) but they replied something like "we are aware of the issue, waiting for the other party to fix it", so this problem is never going to be fixed because TiT.

but if not a mailing list then I'm all ears.

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1 hour ago, NextG said:

Are you sure?


Probably we have different AISes ????‍♂️

sh-4.4$ curl ifconfig.me/ip; echo
sh-4.4$ whob|grep -i org
AS-Org-Name: Advance Wireless Network
Org-Name: Assign for AIS_Internet Customers
sh-4.4$ host -t a github.com
Using domain server:

github.com has address

sh-4.4$ ping -c 4
PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.

--- ping statistics ---
4 packets transmitted, 0 received, 100% packet loss, time 3078ms

sh-4.4$ curl -v --header 'Host: github.com'
*   Trying
sh-4.4$ curl --connect-timeout 5  -v --header 'Host: github.com'
*   Trying
* After 5000ms connect time, move on!
* connect to port 443 failed: Connection timed out
* Connection timeout after 5000 ms
* Closing connection 0
curl: (28) Connection timeout after 5000 ms


Everything else except Github works well (except 90% packet loss to my servers in France and Netherlands of course).



Edit: rebooting the modem (i.e. getting a new IP) fixed the issue, so - thanks for the idea.

Github works well with IP from


Edited by fdsa
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