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I fot we had a member here named:" Lazyboy"

Apart from the organic waste, can I also add to the heap my morning dump?

And perhaps some morning urine to keep it moist?

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Alex, just use ya hands to mix ya norning dump with food scraps and soil etc, dig into the ground to prepare for plants.

Did you not know, pzzzzn under a citrus tree, lemon etc, makes for tastier fruit.

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Compost takes awhile to form, check Google for good advice.

.......or intially buy a bag, very cheap, but home made is best as earhtworms get involved.

Lemon tree, required in any household, manadarin and 2 fejoas

Fejoas are fab, have you tried them.?

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Fejoas, I never ever heard of it untill you mentioned.

Have not seen them here in the LOS.

Is it a Kiwi (NZ) type of fruit?

By the way I started to mix my morning dumps with all the organic leftovers but the smell of it is just :o

Other residents here in my condo have been complaining about the bad smell that comes from my balcony.

When opening the bin I dump all the waste in I wear a P3 respirator but still I can smell a very bad odour.

Is that normal?

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Feijoas are very good for you, vitamin C, dunno if I would eat yours if you fed them with your dumpost

They are a guava, native of Sth Americas.

I cut them in half, like in pic, and scoop the inside out with teaspoon and eat.

A very versatile fruit, should grow well in Thailand, if not there already.

Should be no problem smuggling them into Thailand.

Want me to bring some cuttings one trip?

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That would be great Zpete!

I have not seen them here in the big stores, perhaps local market would have, will check out.

Update: I just asked a local and have not seen them here.

Might be a good bussines growing and selling them.

What is the average yield per tree?

I am smelling big Dollars to be made here......

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Alex, once grown, the yield per tree/shrub, they do not grow more tham 3 metres, is prolific.

To big and fruit get damaged when they fall.

You just wait till the fall from tree, pick 'em up and eat.

There is a chemical in the stem, that makes them fall when ripe.

Mite take a few years for the tree to mature.

Blossoms form early spring, and depending on the variety, harvest March to may.

I reckon they would run mangosteen, rambutan and longans a good competition.

Do you ever get to NZ?

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Thanks Zpete for the information on this very interesting looking and sounding fruit.

I am at this very moment writing a bizz plan to make growing and selling this fruit a commercial succes.

Mind you, I am also in the process to find out about the possibility to launch a skincare productline based on the Feijoas health properties like vitamine C content as you mentioned.

Slogans could be somthing like: Feijoas, the secret healer from within, Feijoas, healthy skin and stool, Feijoas, do you know?

Other options are for example to launch it as a herbal medicine for men, (Feijoas, makes you hard again)

Anyway, still brainstorming but I can see it all in front of me.

Logo's I am working on and will show some examples soon.

The production will be limited and seasonal as to keep it exclusive and expensive.

As it might take some time for the trees to grow and fruit, I say we have plenty of time to work out the concept in detail.

And for the fruits that fall off and get damaged I already found a solution. I will have at every tree a worker that closely looks the growth of the fruits and is trained in catching falling fruit. That would mean a three shift team in place.

And uhhhh, have I been to NZ?

That's the place near Madagascar, right?

Anyway I gotta go work on the logo's and the bizz plan so please excuse me.

See ya tommorow.


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if feijoas are guavas, then they dont grow from cuttings. just from seeds..... duh!

great for jelly too. has this fragrant smell too. especially if you are a peanut butter/jelly person...

alex lah, are you some kind of a sleuth/detective?

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if feijoas are guavas, then they dont grow from cuttings. just from seeds..... duh!

great for jelly too. has this fragrant smell too. especially if you are a peanut butter/jelly person...

alex lah, are you some kind of a sleuth/detective?

Cultivation180px-Feijoa_flower02.jpg magnify-clip.pngFeijoa flowers

<H1 class=firstHeading>Feijoa</H1><H3 id=siteSub>From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia</H3>The Feijoa (Feijoa sellowiana, synonym Acca sellowiana), also known as Pineapple Guava or Guavasteen, is an evergreen shrub or small tree, 1-7 m in height, originating from the highlands of southern Brazil, parts of Colombia, Uruguay and northern Argentina. It has been spotted in Georgia and both flowering and fruiting in Lafayette, Louisiana and in Charleston, South Carolina. It is widely cultivated as a garden plant and fruiting tree in New Zealand.


I have grown feijoas from cuttings, very succesfully.

Put vegemite on the cutting when you plant it, keep moist.

The vegemite thing works well with any plant cuttings, must be something to do with the yeast.

Woteva, feijoas will grow from cuttings, also they graft as well, but mine never took.

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Thanks Zpete for the information on this very interesting looking and sounding fruit.

I am at this very moment writing a bizz plan to make growing and selling this fruit a commercial succes.

Mind you, I am also in the process to find out about the possibility to launch a skincare productline based on the Feijoas health properties like vitamine C content as you mentioned.

Slogans could be somthing like: Feijoas, the secret healer from within, Feijoas, healthy skin and stool, Feijoas, do you know?

Other options are for example to launch it as a herbal medicine for men, (Feijoas, makes you hard again)

Anyway, still brainstorming but I can see it all in front of me.

Logo's I am working on and will show some examples soon.

The production will be limited and seasonal as to keep it exclusive and expensive.

As it might take some time for the trees to grow and fruit, I say we have plenty of time to work out the concept in detail.

And for the fruits that fall off and get damaged I already found a solution. I will have at every tree a worker that closely looks the growth of the fruits and is trained in catching falling fruit. That would mean a three shift team in place.

And uhhhh, have I been to NZ?

That's the place near Madagascar, right?

Anyway I gotta go work on the logo's and the bizz plan so please excuse me.

See ya tommorow.



Yeah, Alex, swim south east from Madagascar a few 1000 kms, watch out for some big island that captain Cook found, stay south of that place.

Once past, veer nor'east and hopefully if you navigates rite, you will find Aotearoa.

The Land of the Long White Cloud, aka: New Zealand.

If ya get lost I will send a lifeguard to find you.

There are heaps of sharks in those waters, but if you are nice to them, give them a friedly pat and cuddle, they will be good friends.

Can you swim?

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Just had a look at the info and this could really become a very serious source of income.


A feijoa can also be used as an interesting addition to a fruit smoothie, and can be used to make feijoa wine and feijoa infused vodka. It is also possible to buy Feijoa yogurt, fruit drinks, ice-cream, etc. in New Zealand. The Feijoa can also be cooked and used in dishes where one would use stewed fruit. It is a popular ingredient in chutney.

I can imagine it could even be used as a source for biofuel.

Oh and for the swimming, I do not think that would be a good option as I have this floating around.


For directions I will use this:


Map of NZ and the rest of world:


One question though:

I NZ free of the Al Kweyda freedom fighters?

And Aries, is there anything specific you need to know or you want me to find out?

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Yeah, feijoas are great addintion to lots of cooking and sauces.

Brilliant for chutneys.

Best eaten fresh, cut in half, scoop out with t/spoon.

I see you have a sextant.

Are your maps extant James Cook, or Able Tasman?

That pressure cooker......... thingie...... :o

...... or is it a bathysphere, no, they are as name implies, should be a sphere.

How is it propelled, steam?

Maybe hot air from TV forums, wot ya say?

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As you know Zpete, I know a bit more.

I strongly urge you to learn more about survival techniques.

Do you know how to make a fire without a lighter or matches?


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if feijoas are guavas, then they dont grow from cuttings. just from seeds..... duh!

great for jelly too. has this fragrant smell too. especially if you are a peanut butter/jelly person...

alex lah, are you some kind of a sleuth/detective?

If you have to ask, you'd better not. :D Perhaps you already know too much. What ya think Alex?? :o

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Zpete, Yeah, feijoas are great but it is not what it is all about.

It soon will be all about surviving, check the song from Beyonce, Survivor, there is a message in there.

Feijoas, will be a great source for those of us.

And you are part of the solution Zpete.

Have you ever thought about that?

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Feijoas, will be a great source for those of us.

Yeah, feijoas are great but it is not what it is all about.


Yes, thought a lot, especially spaghetti source.

Don't gnochi me either, I have seen the bolognaise source.

Goes well with me grappa, and gamma too.

I love Italiano, I Roma da plazas, and Pisa in da canals.

I Turin around with my Bambina, she show me the best sourcerer, that is a grate Fiat too.

We sing, "Milan is your land", and I fondle her Naples.

Is da Pope da source?

Maybe he can tell where Vatican find the best sourcs.

Have you met him?

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Great post Zpete!

Yes actually I really did meet him,Zpete.

Funny guy as he is involved in many many things that you would not believe if I told ya.

The whole Celestial Bible thingy as an example, you know.

I have warned you all aboutt learning survival stuff and it was a hint to what was about to happen (look at Burma and China).

As you know I cannot tell details of things that will happen but can give hint's, as I did.

Imagine you live in Burma and are without food and electricity and telephone or any other communication.

You need to know how to make fire without matches or lighter, you need to know what plants you can eat, need to know how to make traps to catch food.

Do not think it will never happen to you.

Prepare yourself!

Are you prepared?


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I gotta say, noway am I able to imagine living in Burma.

Alex, if you orgasmise a secret group to infiltrate the junta, lemme know.

I am as subversive as, as the source trained me.

Luck, nuffin, planning is wot is needed.

Alex, can you plan?

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Hi Zpete and all readers of this very informative Fred.

Yep the video shows that there are indeed a few elements within society that start to have some clues as to what is going to happen

and recognise certain patterns on what is happening at this very moment.

No worry, they are just a minority and already identified and labeled as "The Disposables"

Terms as "New World Order" and such but that will still take a long time before "We" reach that goal.

I mean we are just starting with Europe, now finaly sort of border free and recently a change in the European constitution

that was dissapproved by the people of some country's but still pushed through their throat (Lisbon treaty).

Go here and have a laugh at the minority: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qOcG2G_6uC0...feature=related

Basically we are taking a two prone strategy and see what works best.

In the US first surpress the rights of people and develop a police state and in Europe we dissolve the borders first and then take away the rights.

Let's see what works better, ha ha.

The other day I was doing some field work and part of that is to probe people on what they are aware of and it was so funny.

I mentioned active birth control programs put in place by governements all around the world and this guy called me a lunatic

even after I gave some examples, ha ha ha. He then asked me if I was one of those people that believed 9/11 was an inside job.

Haaaa haaaa haaaa! I was rolling on the floor, laughing my balls off and told him, I do not believe......I know!

The MSM has done a good job labeling people that question world events by calling them "Truthers" This is now a dirty word

and you can see from presidential campaigns in the US or anywhere else those people are labeled as loonies and laughed at.

For example, Senator Paul was very effectively left out, and together with manipulation of the voting machines he did not have a change.

Why, because the majority rules!

The majority of people are just too busy with thinking of how to pay back their debts as they chose to live a luxury lifestyle

which they really could not afford in the first place.

Debt slaves they are called.

This whole picture of getting married have children a house and car and good job was planted by the Vatican and MSM, and it worked.

Creating fear is another thing to do with a population.

Fear to loose your job, a terrorist attack, food poisining, pandemic (Bird Flu) you name it, it all works.

I can go on and on how the sheeple are being conditioned but it would take another 5 pages.

Just another hint, did you know that it was only about 90 years ago that you did not needed a passport to travel to another country

and that you could setlle down wherever you wanted?

The majority of people will be ruled by a minority in the future.

What do you think of that?

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Hi Zpete and all readers of this very informative Fred.

Yep the video shows that there are indeed a few elements within society that start to have some clues as to what is going to happen

and recognise certain patterns on what is happening at this very moment.

No worry, they are just a minority and already identified and labeled as "The Disposables"

Terms as "New World Order" and such but that will still take a long time before "We" reach that goal.

I mean we are just starting with Europe, now finaly sort of border free and recently a change in the European constitution

that was not even approved by the people of some country's but still pushed through their throat (Lisbon treaty).

Go here and have a laugh at the minority: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qOcG2G_6uC0...feature=related

Basically we are taking a two prone strategy and see what works best.

In the US first surpress the rights of people and develop a police state and in Europe we dissolve the borders first and then take away the rights.

Let's see what works better, ha ha.

The other day I was doing some field work and part of that is to probe people on what they are aware of and it was so funny.

I mentioned active birth control programs put in place by governements all around the world and this guy called me a lunatic

even after I gave some examples, ha ha ha. He then asked me if I was one of those people that believed 9/11 was an inside job.

Haaaa haaaa haaaa! I was rolling on the floor, laughing my balls off and told him, I do not believe......I know!

The MSM has done a good job labeling people that question world events by calling them "Truthers" This is now a dirty word

and you can see from presidential campaigns in the US or anywhere else those people are labeled as loonies and laughed at.

For example, Senator Paul was very effectively left out, and together with manipulation of the voting machines he did not have a change.

Why, because the majority rules!

The majority of people are just too busy with thinking of how to pay back their debts as they chose to live a luxury lifestyle

which they really could not afford in the first place.

Debt slaves they are called.

This whole picture of getting married have children a house and car and good job was planted by the Vatican and MSM, and it worked.

Creating fear is another thing to do with a population.

Fear to loose your job, a terrorist attack, food poisining, pandemic (Bird Flu) you name it, it all works.

I can go on and on how the sheeple are being conditioned but it would take another 5 pages.

Just another hint, did you know that it was only about 90 years ago that you did not needed a passport to travel to another country

and that you could setlle down wherever you wanted?

The majority of people will be ruled by a minority in the future.

What do you think of that?

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Hi Zpete and all readers of this very informative Fred.

Yep the video shows that there are indeed a few elements within society that start to have some clues as to what is going to happen

and recognise certain patterns on what is happening at this very moment.

No worry, they are just a minority and already identified and labeled as "The Disposables"

Terms as "New World Order" and such but that will still take a long time before "We" reach that goal.

I mean we are just starting with Europe, now finaly sort of border free and recently a change in the European constitution

that was not even approved by the people of some country's but still pushed through their throat (Lisbon treaty).

Go here and have a laugh at the minority: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qOcG2G_6uC0...feature=related

Basically we are taking a two prone strategy and see what works best.

In the US first surpress the rights of people and develop a police state and in Europe we dissolve the borders first and then take away the rights.

Let's see what works better, ha ha.

The other day I was doing some field work and part of that is to probe people on what they are aware of and it was so funny.

I mentioned active birth control programs put in place by governements all around the world and this guy called me a lunatic

even after I gave some examples, ha ha ha. He then asked me if I was one of those people that believed 9/11 was an inside job.

Haaaa haaaa haaaa! I was rolling on the floor, laughing my balls off and told him, I do not believe......I know!

The MSM has done a good job labeling people that question world events by calling them "Truthers" This is now a dirty word

and you can see from presidential campaigns in the US or anywhere else those people are labeled as loonies and laughed at.

For example, Senator Paul was very effectively left out, and together with manipulation of the voting machines he did not have a change.

Why, because the majority rules!

The majority of people are just too busy with thinking of how to pay back their debts as they chose to live a luxury lifestyle

which they really could not afford in the first place.

Debt slaves they are called.

This whole picture of getting married have children a house and car and good job was planted by the Vatican and MSM, and it worked.

Creating fear is another thing to do with a population.

Fear to loose your job, a terrorist attack, food poisining, pandemic (Bird Flu) you name it, it all works.

I can go on and on how the sheeple are being conditioned but it would take another 5 pages.

Just another hint, did you know that it was only about 90 years ago that you did not needed a passport to travel to another country

and that you could setlle down wherever you wanted?

The majority of people will be ruled by a minority in the future.

What do you think of that?

I can only agree wif ya this time, Alex.

Relgious teachings, are the world's biggest curse, fear mongering, selfish, power hungry religious leaders have the world in their grasp.

Tom Cruise is a very dangerous person.

Politicians are but tools of religious power makers.

Then there are the psychiatrists and mind medicines.

These people are conning the populous.

Freedom Around the World!!!!

Yeah, rite, do you believe that, or like me you see the threat to freedom?

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Dear Zpete,

There are plenty of religous people that finally find peace once they feel they have been touched by God.

It are the fanatics that are causing these problems as you mentioned.

Together with greed and indeed the need for power and to have a feeling of being in control.

You mention freedom.

Well to understand the concept of freedom, we should first define what freedom really means.

My freedom now is limited by the boundaries set by society and government.

For example, let's say I decide to go and have a walk outside not wearing anything, I am sure I will be picked up by police very quickly.

Would you accept it if I was your neighbour and mow my grass being naked?

What would you do if I asked your partner (If have) if she/he would be willing to have some bedroom olympics with me?

Do you agree there should be no speed limits in city centers?

Do you agree when having an important bizz meeting you should wear a suit?

What is freedom?

It is funny, I was talking with some of the people that work for the Euro parlement and they told me very soon there will be a law in place that prevents citizens

to do a Freedom Of Information Request in Europe.

And you see, a minority is protesting but the majority just do not want to know.

I repeat my question to you Zpete and all others that are reading this:

What is freedom?


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