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They Say You Should Never


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ZaZa, she is a real doll!!!!

She supose to be a real rolemodel, but see what she is doing in her free time, na?

Barbie I mean.....

And Dave, Dude.... Have you really been to the hedonism?

Anyway we can discuss that when whe meet.

Zpete, where to meet?

(Hey that rhymes).

Could I be a potential rap superstar?

Hey Zpete, where to meet, down on the street where to find some meat.

And have a drink, so what ya think.

Ore have some bla bla, with da ZaZa

Go to a place that is called NaNaaaa

So what's it gonna b boy, yes ore no?


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The only drug I take is tea!!!!

If you don't believe me come on my knee.

And get a good spank which is sure no prank.

But please dress up, in PVC which is nice to see between you and me

But no worry na, I do not wank

It's all up to you, and to say thank

Where we go to meet na????


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I came to sit and wonder.

Others, to <deleted> and phart like thunder.

Over there I espied, Alex

Eating a packet of pluto- a - bix.

I guess his natural diet, food,

Would be space crepes containing, cyber dogs

Doused in flambed Venusian blood wine.

To keep his ego up fine.

Alex is a virile guy, right?

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  • 2 weeks later...

There is no top for any thread;there is only a start and a "Sudden Close" by a mod stamp only :D:o

meanwhile we are talking about starts;why don't you start to use the brain that lies on your upper head? :D

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Za Za have you ever tried using ur brain in Thailand?

Anyway, I actually get paid for not using my brain. :o

How about talking about stat's instead of start's?

Do you know that 24000 people (on average) die of starvation each day?

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Yes it would ZaZa.

If you are a female then that would give us the right to opress you (Sorry for spelling mistakes).

According Christian's and Islamist, and many other religions, women have to obey.

So please do if you are female, otherwise you will be stoned or nailed to a piece of wood and burned.


So what gender are ya? :o

Take care all, and have a good time!



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Dear aaaaal,

Reportiing from some cuntry and maybee I zdrinkz zoo mut

Is all same same and I dunno aboutz zet zhet shet zat.

Have ya evr try pozt when nots zee what ya do ?


Yeaaaaah yeaaaah I am know is all anz zzz haaaaa haaaaaaaa !

Have to azk kuestionz, I know it!

Have you evr do it huuuuuuh ?

Hav you


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Dukes of Hazard at your service.

Just supply half a dozen 1969 Dodge Chargers, fully equiped with anti gravity capabilty.

Armour plated.

Super boosted ejection seats.

What remuneration is being offered?

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Dukes of Hazard at your service.

Just supply half a dozen 1969 Dodge Chargers, fully equiped with anti gravity capabilty.

Armour plated.

Super boosted ejection seats.

What remuneration is being offered?

Is the position filled?

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Sorry Pete, due to cutbacks initiated by environazis, all we can offer are 3 Toyota hybrids. But they are pimped. All have awesome 60 C.I. engines, capable of up to 50 mph!!! And after you save Alex, you can mow your lawn with 'em. :o

Or set 'em out for the trash pick-up which is probably your best bet.

In keeping with the "green" ideaology, you will have to pay for your "carbon footprint" .....PMPL..Sorry, I can't even write that without laughing. But rest assured, you wll be doing your miniscule part in making absolutely NO difference in the climate of this planet. If you can keep the enemy laughing, you will have a slight chance in rescuing our fearless leader, Alex. If not, you will surely be tied to said Toyota and dragged around by your feet until you are severly scratched. Then set free due to AlGore's intervention into the waste of gas it took to punish you. He will surely scold the Pakis into changing their ways and seeing the light of OwlGore.

No worries, I'm sure you can do it without all the messy consequences.

Are you up to the mission?

Edited by gampaan
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